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时间:2006-06-20 23:07:20 来源:本站原创 编辑:alex  每天三分钟英语轻松学

Strike the first blow: it’s as good as two.
That’s blow of your own seeking.
Blow your own soup ,not mine.


义 Everyday Expressions
Please give me two copies of the reference book.
an account book/ a telephone book(帐簿/电话号码簿)
All the seats in the restaurant are booked.
  生活用语 Street Talks
A: Time’s up, Rose. We’ve got to book. (走/离开) (to go fast)
B: Now? Oh, no!
A: Is Tom okay for this job?
B: No, not in my book. (我看不行)
A: What do you mean we have no place to stay?
B: All the hotels in town are booked up.
The accountant comes in once a month and goes over the books. (查帐)
I’m really scared, ‘cos I think the judge’s gonna throw the book at me this time.
We don’t have to go by the book here.
Sgt, why don’t you book him and I’ll sign the paper.
(put his name in books or computer; take the record, generally in the police station)
Books, like friends, should be few and well chosen.
We can’t learn men from books.

义 Everyday Expressions
I only cared for your safety.
I failed but I don’t care.
Would you care to go to the movies with me?
Give more care to the work.
Mama left the baby in the care of the nurse.
I have a lot of cares.
  生活用语 Street Talks
This poetry is realistic. I don’t care for it very much.
I don’t care for fishing.
Who cares for the sick and the old?
I don’t care much for a car.
Take care! You may get lost.
Take care of yourself. Ciao!
Please handle this package with care.
I couldn’t care less what David thinks. (我才不在乎David怎么想呢)
They had a hit man take care of the informer. (杀手; 报信者)
I care about you a lot. (我很在乎你)
I miss those carefree days when we were hanging out on campus.
   Want of care does more harm than want of knowledge.
Many cares make the head white.


  义 Everyday Expressions
Heat changes water into steam.
Angela always changed her clothes.
Let’s change seats.
Peter has changed since then.
Mellisa changed for the party.
Do you have change for a 20 dollar bill?
  生活用语Street Talks
I want to persuade you to change your mind.
We were going to offer him a scholarship, but we changed our minds.
Let’s take a taxi for a change. I’m sick of bus.
You have to change buses twice and then walk a long way.
The meeting has been changed from two to half past two.
It’s always good to have some spare change with you.
Change your clothes---we’re going out tonight.
I’m a changed man. (我是个改过自新的人)

   Sit tight; you may do worse by changing your position.
Wise man change their minds,fools never.
We don’t always gain by changing.

  义 Everyday Expressions
We danced in a circle. (大家围成圆圈跳舞。)
Successful people can easily win a brilliant circle of friends.
This article touches on a wide circle of subjects.
The happy news soon circled around.
  生活用语Street Talks
If you bet on the race, bet on Bill——he can run circles around
the others. (肯定赢)
I swam circles around Mark, even though he thought he was a
good swimmer. (游得快)
In political circles there is talk of war.
Circle around, everyone! I have something important to
tell you! (快过来,围成圈)
There was a chopper circling above us in the sky.
We should really quit talking in circles.
A: It’s really cold outside.
B: Come over here, boy! Let’s sit in a circle around the fire.

Circles, though small, are yet complete.
Every man is the center of a circle whose circumference
he cannot pass.


  义 Everyday Expressions
He is first in English in his class.
ruling class/the upper class/the middle class/the lower class(统治阶级/上层阶级/中层阶级/下层阶级)
He is a top-class actor.
Do you enjoy the computer class in New Oriental school?
It may be conveniently classed under A, B, and C.
生活用语Street Talks
A: Your helping out that old woman was a class act.
B: No, it’s nothing special. Age before Beauty.
A: Hey, man. Look over there!
B: At what?
A: There! Victoria is coming to her car.
B: Wow, such a classis-classis I’ve never seen.
A: Please! John.
A: Is it time to begin class?
B: Yes sir.
Her answer to that angry guest was a classy way to handle the
situation. (高雅的方式)


相关热词搜索: 听力口语MP3





时间:2007-12-22 编辑:alex


时间:2007-12-21 编辑:alex


时间:2007-12-22 编辑:alex


时间:2007-12-21 编辑:alex

