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CRI实用英语课堂 Unit 33:Happy Easter II 快乐复活节(下)

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Dialogue Script 4 对话原文 4

Megan: (out of breath) Hide me, Jim! The kids all think I'm the real Easter bunny!
Jim: Aw, that's sweet! I knew your costume would be a success.
Megan: It's a success all right. The kids keep trying to catch me.
Jim: Yeah, I saw that. I thought you were playing a game with them.
Megan: Some game! You try being tackled by ten kids at once!
Jim: Um, Megan? Look behind you! They're coming this way.


1. 对话中,Megan成了孩子们攻击的目标,因为她穿着复活节兔子的服装,所以小孩子们都把她当成了真正的复活节兔子,都追着她要彩蛋,Jim不但不帮她,还在一旁幸灾乐祸,that's sweet! I knew your costume would be a success. 啊呦,真可爱啊!我就知道你的兔子服会大受欢迎的。

2. Megan手忙脚乱,It's a success all right. 是大受欢迎没有错,这句话当中的all right,我们以前也提到过,表示“绝对肯定,错不了”。Megan的服装很受欢迎,孩子们一直追着她跑,想抓住她。这时Jim还在说风凉话,他说,I saw that. I thought you were playing a game with them. 我看见他们一直追着你了,我还以为你和他们在玩游戏呢。play a game with someone,跟某人做游戏。

3. Megan气急败坏,说Some game! You try being tackled by ten kids at once! 什么游戏啊?你试试看被10个小孩子追是什么滋味! 这里的some表示“….还真是不怎么样”,非常口语化。大家注意,some这么用的时候通常是放在句首的。我们来举个例子,---Tom copied my homework and then told Ms Smith it was his work! ---Some friend! ---汤姆抄我的作业,还跟史密斯小姐说那是他写的。---真个朋友真烂,也就是这个朋友真的不怎么样。

4. tackle这里的意思是“攻击”,是指在美式足球比赛里面的一种动作,就是把对方抱起来并且把他摔倒在地。真的挺恐怖的。Jim提醒Megan注意后面,又有敌人进攻了。

Dialogue Script 5 对话原文 5

Megan: It seems like Easter is a lot like Chinese New Year.

Dialogue Script 6 对话原文 6

(Time for the egg rolling races)

Jim: OK, Megan. See that finish line way over there? This is a race. We roll our eggs there with our wooden spoons.
Megan: Don't we take turns? There are over twenty people!
Jim: Nope. It's more fun together. Ready, everybody? On your mark...get set...roll!
Megan: This is so fun! Hey,'re too close. Watch out for my egg!
Jim: Ahhh! (Jim slips and falls on Megan's egg)
Megan: Jim! Jim? Are you OK?

Megan: I'm glad you're OK. That was a hard fall earlier.
Jim: It wasn't that bad. I'll live. So, this time we're using a raw egg.
Megan: Is that why we're throwing underhanded?
Jim: Yep, if you throw too hard, the other person will get covered in egg.
Megan: So, I shouldn't throw it like this! (Throws egg over-handed to Jim)
Jim: (The egg splats on Jim's head) Uh, yeah...Thanks, Megan.
Megan: Oops, I didn't mean to make you have egg on your face.


1. 对话中,对话中Megan和Jim一家在进行滚复活节彩蛋的游戏,这也是复活节一个传统的游戏项目,每年白宫也会举行一场滚复活节彩蛋的比赛,总统和总统夫人会亲自主持,还会进行电视直播。比赛的规则就是看谁能用木勺子把蛋推的最远,又没有破,谁就是赢家。

2. Megan问我们不轮流上场吗?这里差不多有20个人进行比赛。Jim说,不用,大家一起玩会比较有趣。take turns to do something,表示“轮流做某事”。好,比赛开始了,Ready, everybody? On your mark...get set...roll! 准备好了吗?各就各位,预备,开始滚!这在田径比赛中会经常用到。

3. Megan玩的很高兴,Jim靠的太近了,结果一跤摔在Megan的复活节彩蛋上面,这可把大家吓了一跳,因为他看起来摔的不清啊。不过并不严重,Jim说,It wasn't that bad. I'll live. 没那么可怕,我没事的,死不了。

4. 但是糟糕的是这次用来滚的彩蛋是生鸡蛋,这就是为什么要把鸡蛋从下往上抛,因为如果太用力,负责接的另一个人就会被鸡蛋砸到。underhanded 是“由下往上抛”,那么over-handed就是指“由上向下抛”。

5.Megan就照着Jim的话做了一下,结果鸡蛋正好打在了Jim的头上,真是惨不忍睹啊。I didn't mean to make you have egg on your face. 这句话是一语双关,表面上看是“让某人脸上有蛋”,但是have egg on one's face 最常见的意义是“让某人感到尴尬,丢脸或者难堪”。因为Megan把蛋砸在了Jim的脸上,那么这里正好用这个说法的双关意义开玩笑。比如说,---You want me to wear that old dress to the ball? I'll have egg on my face for years!---But vintage is stylish now. ---你让我穿那件旧礼服参加舞会?我会难堪好几年的。---但是现在正流行复古啊。

Jim: I can see that, what with the family get-togethers and the fancy outfits.
Megan: And because both are celebrations of spring.
Jim: True, but with Easter, we dye eggs and we do Easter baskets instead of firecrackers and hongbaos.
Megan: Hey, to each his own. So, how does this look?
Jim: It's no Easter egg contest winner, but I bet it's a good roller.


1. 对话中Megan和Jim一家在画复活节彩蛋。Megan觉得复活节的气氛跟中国的春节差不多,Jim说“我可以了解”,I can see that. 这句话在口语中也很好用。

2. 的确,复活节和春节在家人团聚和盛装打扮方面很相像。而且两个都是春天的节庆日,不过在复活节这天,没有鞭炮和红包,而是彩绘鸡蛋和准备复活节篮子,庆祝的方式是不一样的。firecrackers and hongbaos 就是指“鞭炮和红包”。

3. Megan说,to each his own. 这句话的意思是“大家各有所好”。不同的文化或者个体之间,一定会有差异,有些在你看来很怪的东西,别人却感到很正常。所以当听到对方的喜好或者习惯跟自己不同时,你就可以说To each his own.表示“大家各有所好,也就是俗话说的“萝卜白菜,各有所爱”。来给大家举个例子吧,---I like stinky tofu and pig's blood. ---Gross! Well, I like caviar and blue cheese. To each his own. ---我喜欢吃臭豆腐和猪血。---好恶心,呃,我喜欢吃鱼子酱和篮纹奶酪。大家各有所好了。

4. Megan画了一个彩蛋,问Jim觉得怎么样,Jim评价说,这个彩蛋肯定赢不了复活节彩蛋比赛的冠军,可是滚起来应该很快,适合参加复活节滚彩蛋比赛,就是egg rolling races。

关键字: 日语 流行 口语 短句




