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洪恩环境英语第一册课文 第12课:谁是主播

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Lesson 12 Who's the host? 谁是主播 So,Steven,Who's the host? 那么,史蒂文,谁是主播? Is it Susan? Is it John?or am I the host? 是苏珊吗?是约翰吗?或者是我? Who's the host? It's very hot in here. 谁是主播? 这儿很热啊。 Steven,we don't have a lot of time. 史蒂文,我们时间不多了。 There are four shows today. 我们今天有四个节目。 There's an interview with a police officer, 首先是对一个警察的采访, a cooking show,a lawyer from Tokyo,and we have a TV actor. 然后是一个关于烹调节目,接着是对一个从东京来的律师的采访。还有就是对一个电视剧演员的采访。 Who's that? 哪个演员? The star of the television show "Square Off". 电视剧《清算》中的明星。 What's his name? 他的名字是什么? Robert Z.Johnson. Robert Z.Johnson?That's great. 罗伯特.Z.约翰逊。 罗伯特.Z.约翰逊,太好了。 He's very handsome. 他很英俊。 This is very interesting.But please,who's the host? 这很有意思。但是,请问谁 是主播? Don't you think it's very hot in here? 难道你们不觉得这儿有点热吗? The name of the host,Steven. 主播的名字,史蒂文。 OK.OK.Jake,you're the host. 好吧,好吧。杰克,你是主播。 Jake? Jake? 杰克? 杰克? I'm the host.That's great. 我是主播,太好了。 John,do you have the information on the police officer? 约翰,你有关于那个警察的资料吗? No,I don't. It's in my office. 没有,我没有。 在我的办公室里。 Where? 哪里? On my desk.No,it's in my desk.It's in th drawer. 在我的桌上。不,在我桌子里。在抽屉里。 Thank you. 谢谢你。 Jake? The show is in thirty minutes. 杰克? 节目在三十分钟后开始。 Susan,do you have a date tonight? 苏珊,你今晚有约会吗? No with you,Jake. 不是和你,杰克。 Hi,John. Hi,A lollipop? Thanks Why Jake? John,you're wonderful. 嗨,约翰。 嗨。来个棒棒糖? 谢谢.为什么主播是杰克?约翰,你很不错。 Good morning.My name is Jake Seltzer.I'm your host. 早上好,我叫杰克.萨尔茨。我是你们的主播。 I'm Susan Webster. And I'm John P.Banks.Welcome ti "Hello America." 我是苏珊.韦伯斯特。 我是约翰.P.班克斯,欢迎收看“你好,美国”。 It's eight o'clock in Stamford.The weather today is sunny and warm. 现在是斯坦福德当地时间八点钟。今天天气温暖,阳光明媚。 There's a fire at the Chinese restaurant on Main Street. 主街的中国餐馆今天发生了一场火炎灾。 In sports news,the Stamford Blue Jays are ahead. 体育新闻方面:斯坦福德“蓝雀”队领先, The score is 32 to 16.And TV actor Robert Z.Johnson is in our studio today. 比分是32比16。另处,电视剧演员罗伯特.Z.约翰逊今天也来到我们的演播室。

重点单词   查看全部解释    
drawer ['drɔ:ə]


n. 抽屉,拖曳者,制图员,开票人

interview ['intəvju:]


n. 接见,会见,面试,面谈
vt. 接见,采

score [skɔ:]


n. 得分,刻痕,二十,乐谱
vt. 记分,刻

minutes ['minits]


n. 会议记录,(复数)分钟






