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[04:58.45]But I wonder if you can think of any disadvantages there might be to putting so much energy into achieving success in the Olympic bid .
[05:08.66]Are there any down sides?
[05:11.54]Xie Xue chao:Thank you .Uh, I believe that with everything there are always advantages and disadvantages.
[05:18.77]So,in this bid there will also be disadvantages.But,I think generally speaking ,uh ,since we are contributing a lot to support Beijing's bid.
[05:30.42]We are making great efforts to ensure that Beijing can win the bid.So ,this means that ,uh the people throughout China now that the advantages of this bid outweight the disadvantages of this bid.
[05:45.18]So ,that's why we are paying so much attention to this bid .And that's why we are having such high expectations about this bid .
[05:53.38]And ,I ,I believe that if Beijing can win this bid,um ,it will be a gret opportunity for people throughout the world to have a better understanding of our Chinese culture ,
[06:03.55]of our Chinese people ,and also it will be a good opportunity to call the people throughout the world to pay much attention to what friendship and unity .
[06:15.77]Um,concerning the disadvantage ,if you really want to say that there is a disadvantage,
[06:21.31]I believe the disadvantages is that Beijing is too enthusiastic about this Olympic bid and is going all out for this Olympic bid.
[06:29.83]But you have to understand that this is the way that our Chinese people used to do things.
[06:36.17]We're very diligent .We're fully devoted to everything we do .And that is our ,uh ,inborn characteristics.
[06:44.98]So I believe that in this sense that advantages,uh ,can outweight disadvantages.And I believe that,uh,by making full use of this advantages to,uh,make up for all the disadvantages,
[07:00.13]we will ensure that Beijing can win this bid and I hope so .Thank you.
[07:04.62]Judge:Thank you very much .Thank you contestant number twenty-one.Um,I'm going to give you back your power .You're now
[07:13.48]again the Secretary General.
[07:15.64]Xie Xuechao:Thank you .
[07:16.32]Judge:Power is fleeting as we know ,and ,um,I want to focus a little bit more on your idea of having representatives from various coutries get together ,not VIPs,but ordinary folks.
[07:29.04]Cause you had mentioned that it's important ,uh ,for such ,uh ,a meeting to take place in order to have an exchange of ideas and ask questions and hopefully deal with some misunderstandings that may ,um,be out there.
[07:43.36]So ,my question ,uh ,deals with what you consider to be,um,uh ,a misunderstanding that a lot of ,um ,people outside of China have about Chinese poeple .
[07:56.68]What would you consider to be perhaps the most misunderstood thing about Chinese culture,Chinese people ,either one?
[08:04.81]Xie Xuechao:Thank you .This is a very good question .Uh,I believe that,uh, a lot of people from the outside world used to think that China is quite a backward country.
[08:16.01]Uh, in China all people walk very straight ,uh, on the street.They seldom smile .Uh,and they always wear very ,uh ,they wear clothes of very dark color.
[08:28.24]And they seldom laugh at each other .They seldom,um,show their dynamic are energetic set.
[08:36.34]But ,actually Chinese people ,I believe that, uh, um ,after our foreign guests have come to China ,
[08:43.52]you have seen that China is not like this.China is a very dynamic country and everyone in China is having high spirit in plunging into our economic,
[08:55.28]uh, development,uh, in carrying out social reforms ,etc.,and especially in supporting Beijing for this 2008 Olympic bid.
[09:05.02]And also ,people throughout China are very optimistic about the future ,uh ,about the further progress that we have ,
[09:13.93]we can make in the future.Uh, besides all the dramatic improv..uh progresses that we have made in past decades,
[09:22.18]I believe that,uh by this bid,by exerting our enthusiasm to communicate with people throughout the world,
[09:32.34]to give more people the chance to come to China ,and to give more Chinese people the chance to go outside world to communicate with each other .
[09:41.09]This kind of misunderstanding about the ,uh,pessimistic attitude of Chinese people will be eliminated very soon.Thank you .
[09:50.11]Judge:Thank you.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
harmony ['hɑ:məni]


n. 和弦,协调,和睦,调和

figure ['figə]


n. 图形,数字,形状; 人物,外形,体型

attractive [ə'træktiv]


adj. 有吸引力的,引起注意的

formidable ['fɔ:midəbl]


adj. 强大的,可怕的,难对付的

challenge ['tʃælindʒ]


n. 挑战
v. 向 ... 挑战

eventually [i'ventjuəli]


adv. 终于,最后

contest ['kɔntest,kən'test]


n. 竞赛,比赛
vt. 竞赛,争取

disadvantage [.disəd'væntidʒ]


n. 不利,不利条件,损害,损失

popularity [.pɔpju'læriti]


n. 普及,流行,名望,受欢迎

candidate ['kændidit]


n. 候选人,求职者






