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洪恩环境英语第二册课文Lesson 7:How do I get to Lan

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Lesson 7 How do I get to Lang's Drugstore?我怎样去朗氏杂货店Text Scene one: The makeup room第一幕: 化妆室Do you have a date?你有约会吗?No,I have a sailing lesson.没有,我要上航帆课。Where can I buy some medicine? I get seasick.我到哪儿能买到药?我晕船。Go to Lang's Drugstore.去朗氏杂货店。How do I get to Lang's Drugstore?我怎么才能到朗氏杂货店?Do you have map? No.你有地图吗? 没有。OK. I can draw it.Go two blocks and turn left.好吧,我画一张.走两个街区然后左转。Pardon? Do I turn left at the bank?什么? 在银行左转吗?No,don't turn left at the bank. Turn left at the post office.不,不要在银行那儿左转.在邮局那儿左转.At the post office? Yes.There.Turn left there.在邮局那儿左转?是的.在那儿.在那儿左转.Then what? Go through the park and around the circle.然后呢? 穿过公园,绕过这个圆形广场。Then go straight on Main Street to the coffee shop.沿着主街一直向前走到咖啡店。How far is that?这得走多远?About two miles.Don't go more than two miles.大概两英里,别走过两英里。And then am I there?然后就到了吗?No,there's a big sign: Lang's Drugstore.没有,那儿有个大标志牌:朗氏杂货店.Turn right at the sign. Then you're there.在标志牌那儿右转.然后你就到那儿了.Park your car and go up the steps.把车停好然后上台阶。OK. Thanks for the directions,Rita.好的,谢谢你给我指路,丽塔。Scene two: The stamford Marina第二幕:斯坦福德海湾Chris,I don't like this.克丽丝,我不喜欢航帆。You're doing fine.Don't be afraid.你做得不错,别害怕。I'm not afraid. I'm dizzy.Help me get out.我不怕,我头晕恶心,扶我出去。You're doing fine.You're sailing!你做得不错,你在驾驶帆船呢!How do I get out? OK,OK.First,put your feet here.Here.我怎样出去?好吧,好吧.首先,把你的脚放在这儿.这儿.Then,sit on the side of the boat.然后坐在船边上。Now,sit on the dock. Don't stand up!现在坐在船坞上。别站起来!I can't get out.Can you repeat that?我出不去,你能再说一遍吗?Yes.First,put your feet here.好的.首先,把你的脚放在这儿。Second,sit on the side of the boat,and third,sit on the dock.然后,坐在船边上,最后再坐到船坞上。Oh,I seee.啊,我明白了。And,Jake,don't stand up in the boat.Never stand up in a small boat.还有,杰克,别站在船上.在小船中可造成不要站起来.Why not? You can fall in the water. Oh.为什么? 你会落水的。 噢。Are you OK?你还好吗?Is the lesson over? Yes. Then I'm OK.课上完了吗? 上完了. 那我还好.This is the end of lesson 7

重点单词   查看全部解释    
circle ['sə:kl]


n. 圈子,圆周,循环
v. 环绕,盘旋,包围

scene [si:n]


n. 场,景,情景

pardon ['pɑ:dn]


n. 原谅,赦免
vt. 宽恕,原谅


关键字: 洪恩 环境




