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洪恩环境英语第二册课文Lesson 8:Say,Would you like to...

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Lesson 8 Say,Would you like to have dinner with me tonight? 哎,你今晚能和我一起吃饭吗 Text Scene one: The Stamford Marina 第一幕:斯坦福德海湾 How are you? 感觉怎么样? My body aches.I'd like to take a long,hot bath. 我的身体好疼,我想好好洗个热水澡。 That always happens the first time. 第一次总是这样的。 Don't worry about it. 别担心。 You're very nice. 你真好。 Say,would you like to have dinner with me tonight? 哎,你今晚能和我一起去吃饭吗? I'm sorry.I'd like to,but I can't.I have another lesson. 对不起,我想去,但不行,我还有课。 Would you like to have dinner with me tomorrow night? 你明晚能与我一起去吃饭吗? That would be nice. 那挺好的, You can come back here for another lesson,and then we can have dinner. 你可以再来这儿上一节课,然后我们一起去吃饭. Another lesson? 还要上一节? Yes. Would you like to take another lesson? 是的,你想上一节课吗? Another lesson? Tomorrow? Yes. 再一节课? 明天? 对。 Um. I can't tomorrow. I have an appointment. 嗯,明天不行,我有个约会。 But I'd like to have dinner. Would you like to meet me after work? 但我想和你一起吃饭,下班后见面好吗? I really think you need another lesson. 我真的觉得你需要再上一节课。 Talk to me about it at dinner. 吃饭时再对我说这些。 OK.See you tomorrow night,Jake. Great.See you then. 好的,明晚见,杰克.太好了.到时见. Scene two: The "Hello America" set 第二幕:"你好,美国"直播台 You're late. Hurry up. Give me a minute. 你迟到了,快点儿. 再等我一分钟。 Are you ready? Yeah. Uh-huh. Go ahead. 你们准备好了吗? 是的.好了,好了. Stand by.Fade to black.Up from black. Three,two,one... 开始吧.准备,淡出,淡入,三,二,一... What would you like to do on the weekend? 你周末想做什么? Would you like to go kayaking? Would you like to go skiing? 想划皮筏艇吗?想滑雪吗? Would you like to go sailing? 想驾驶帆船吗? Would you like to have more fun on weekends? 想在周末有更多的乐趣吗? Who wouldn't? WEFL can tell you about all these sports. 谁不想呢?WEFL将告诉你有关所有这些运动的消息. Just in time for your weekend. 请届时收看我们的周末报道. This Friday,our first report is on sailing. 这个星期五,我们的第一个报道是有关帆船运动的. Join us every Friday for "The Weekend Report" with the WEFL newsteam. 每周五请加入WEFL新闻组为你准备的"周末报道". Fade to black.OK.Try it again.... 淡出,好.再来一次. Up from black. Stand by. Three,two,one... 淡入准备,三,二,一.... What would you like to do on the weekend? 你周末想做什么? Would you like to go kayaking? Would you like to go skiing? 你想划皮筏艇吗?你想滑雪吗? Would you like to go sailing? 去驾驶帆船怎么样? Would you like to have more fun on weekends? 你想在周末有更多的乐趣吗? Who wouldn't? 谁不想呢? WEFL can tell you about all these sports. Just in time for your weekend. WEFL将告诉你有关所有这些运动的消息,请届时收看周末报道. This Friday,our first report is on sailing. 这个星期五,我们的第一个报道是有关帆船运动的. Join us every Friday for "The Weekend Report" with the WEFL newsteam. 每周五请加入WEFL新闻组为你准备的"周末报道". Fade to black. 淡出. This is the end of lesson 8





