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影视听力 第40期:Rounds十二回合12

时间:2009-10-22 11:26:32 来源:可可英语 编辑:sunny  每天三分钟英语轻松学

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影片《12回合》由曾拍摄《虎胆龙威》、《深海狂鲨》等经典影片的著名导演雷尼-哈林(Renny Harlin)执导,讲述了一位谦逊的新奥尔良州侦探丹尼-费舍尔(约翰-塞纳饰),与一名高智商犯罪分子迈尔斯-杰克逊(艾丹-吉伦饰,该演员在热门美剧The Wires中出演重要角色)之间的斗智斗勇。在一次受挫的军火交易中,迈尔斯-杰克逊的女友撒手人寰,对此忿火难消的他从监狱中逃脱,并绑架了丹尼-费舍尔的女友---莫莉(艾什丽-斯科特,Ashley Scott饰)。由于莫莉被迈尔斯-杰克逊挟持,费舍尔最终卷入了一场危机四伏的“死亡游戏”……



They give you two things when you're a cop: a gun and a badge.

Can't find my badge?

It's on the thingy.

Be safe, OK?

Possible target heading northeast…

All team, we have a positive ID

That's affirmative! Male suspect!

OK, keep going.

Freeze! Hands in the air, now!

Run! What's your name? I'll remember you.

Is this Officer Fisher in New Orleans Police Department?


How have you been?

Why the hell are you calling me?

It's our anniversary. One year ago, you took what can never ever be replaced.

That was an accident.

For that, I am going to take from you.

Molly, get out of the house!

She's not dead.

It's a game. The only way to keep her alive, you do

exactly what I say when I say it.

If you're still standing after all 12 rounds, you have won her back.

I'm gonna hunt you down and I am gonna kill you.

I look forward to that.

The guy breaks out of the prison and FBI knows about it. Nobody tells me?

In 15 minutes, I'll be calling a cell phone located on the 18th floor of the hotel.

Arrive any later, the bomb goes off.

I have someone to show you.

If you are viewing this, you have 60 seconds before the elevator falls to the ground. There is only time for one of you to survive.

Watch the clock.

Just stay right there. I'll get you up. Come on, let's go. Gotta get up! Buddy, come on!

Oh, my god.

Don't forget the bomb, Danny.

You now have seven minutes to cross the 23 city blocks.

Danny, look out!

Who lives and who dies, that is your decision.

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