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洪恩环境英语第二册课文Lesson 10:You and Jake have to...

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Lesson 10 You and Jake have to work together. 你必须和杰克合作 Text Scene one:The makeup room 第一幕:化妆室 Hi,Linda. What are you doing? 嗨,琳达,你在干什么? I can't find my lipstick.I'm looking for some lipstick. 我找不到我的口红了,我正在找口红。 I have to find my purse.Where's Rita? 我得找到我的钱夹,丽塔在哪儿? Rita's sick.She has the flu. 丽塔病了,她得了流感。 I'm sorry to hear that. Yes,it's too bad,isn't it? 听到这个消息真难过。是的,太糟了,不是吗? Her doctor says she has to rest and take medicine twice a day. 医生说她必须休息,并且每天要吃两次药。 Does she have to stay in bed? 她必须卧床吗? Yes. And she has to drink a lot of water. 是的,还必须多喝水。 When can she come back to work? 她什么时候可以回来工作? She has to see her doctor first. 她得先去看病。 Linda,I have to talk to you. 琳达,我得和你谈谈。 Now? How much time do you need? Five minutes. 现在? 多长时间? 五分钟。 OK. But I have to hurry because I'm late. 好的,但我得抓紧点儿,因为我迟到了。 Mike and I have to be at a meeting at 8:00. 迈克和八点钟有个约会。 Jake and I are working together. 我和杰克正一起合作。 I want to do a good story on sailing,but Jake can't sail. 我想好好做一个有关帆船运动的节目,但杰克不会驾驶帆船。 He has to learn to sail. You and Jake have to work together. 他必须学习驾驶帆船,你一定要和杰克合作。 Why? Because you look good together. 为什么?因为你们俩做搭档看起来很好。 I can't work with Jake. Why not? 我不能和杰克一起工作。为什么不能? Because Jake always wants to be the star. 因为杰克总想做明星。 You and Jake have to work together. 你一定要和杰克合作。 Before you get mad,listen. I'm listening. 在你失去耐心之前,先听我说. 我在听啊. I'm working with Jake. It's hard. 我正在与杰克合作,但是很难。 He's always the star.He always has to be first. And he's always late. 他总是明星,他总是争第一,而且他总迟到。 I know,Susan. 我知道,苏珊。 I need to do stories alone. 我想自己做节目。 Susan,you're very good,but watch yourself on the videotape. 苏珊,你很优秀,但是,先看你自己在录像带中的表现。 After you watch,talk to me again. 看完后再和我谈。 Why? Tell me. 为什么? 告诉我。 Because jake has a lot of experience. 因为杰克很有经验。 You're young.You have a lot to learn from him. Oh. 你还年轻,你不有很多东西需要跟他学。 噢。 Before the show,Jake's terrible. 在节目开始前杰克很糟糕, But when the show is on,he's always perfect.Watch. 但只要节目一开始,他总是做得那么完美。看。 Maybe you're right. 或许你是对的。 Susan,you have to walk before you can run. 苏珊,在你能跑之前,先要学会走。 You have to excuse me. I have to go. 抱歉,我得走了。 Linda,here's the lipstick. 琳达,你的口红。 Do you think I have to put it on? 你觉得我得涂口红吗? You don't have to,but you look good with it. Thanks. 不是非得涂,但是你涂上口红挺好看的。谢谢。 Linda? Talk to me again after your reort on sailing. 琳达? 做完帆船运动的报道后再与我谈, Maybe we can do something. Linda. 或许我们能做点什么。 琳达。 This is the end of lesson 10

重点单词   查看全部解释    
scene [si:n]


n. 场,景,情景

minutes ['minits]


n. 会议记录,(复数)分钟





