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来源: 编辑:Mike   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

You will need 你需要准备:

8 large floury potatoes 8个制淀粉用马铃薯

100 ml vegetable or olive oil 100毫升蔬菜或橄榄油

salt and pepper 盐和胡椒粉

1 large saucepan 1口大锅

1 large roasting tin 1个大烤盘

1 peeler 1个削皮器

1 fork 1个叉子

Step 1: Prepare the potatoes 第一步:准备马铃薯

First, peel the potatoes. It's best to use a proper peeler as you will save a lot of the vegetable in comparison to using a knife. 首先,把马铃薯削皮。最好的办法是使用一个削皮器,比起用小刀,你会保留更多土豆。

Step 2: 第二步:

Once you have peeled all of the potatoes cut them into egg-sized pieces. 削完所有的土豆后,切成鸡蛋大小的块。

Step 3: Boil the potatoes 第三步:煮土豆

Gently, bring them to the boil and let them cook for about 8 minutes. Don't leave them to cook entirely. 轻轻地,煮约8分钟土豆。别完全煮熟。

Step 4: Drain the water 第四步:排水

Using the lid of the saucepan to stop the potatoes from falling out, drain the water away and let the potatoes cool completely. 用平底锅盖子挡住以免土豆掉落,排干水分,让土豆完全冷却。

Step 5: Prepare the roasting tin 第五步:准备烤盘

Meanwhile, pour enough oil into the roasting tin so that the bottom is covered and place it onto a high tray in the oven to heat thoroughly. 与此同时,在烤盘中倒入适量油,使烤盘底部均匀覆盖,之后放入烤箱中充分加热。

Step 6: Heat the oven 第六步:加热烤箱

Set the oven to 250oC or gas mark 7 and begin to heat the oil 把烤箱设置成250oC或者燃气7档,开始加热。

Step 7: Scratch the potatoes 第七步:抓取马铃薯

Once cooled, scratch the surface of the potatoes with a fork. 一旦冷却,用一把叉子戳马铃薯的表面。

Step 8: Add the potatoes 第八步:放入马铃薯

When you see that the oil is sizzling hot, place the potatoes into the roasting tin. Turn them over in the oil to make sure they are covered before cooking. 当你发现油热,把土豆放入烤盘,在它们上面放油,从而确保烹调前被淋上油。

Step 9: Leave the potatoes to cook 第九步:让土豆自己加热

Allow the potatoes to cook for 50-60 minutes. About halfway through the time, turn them over to make sure all sides get a crispy finish. 让土豆加热50 - 60分钟。大约到一半的时间时,给土豆翻个儿,这样土豆的每个面都会很脆。

Step 10: Check the potatoes 第十步:检查土豆

After the time is up, take a look to see what colour the potatoes are. They should end up a golden-brown, be crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. 到时间后,看看土豆的颜色。应该最终成为金黄,外脆里软。

Step 11: Drain well and serve up


Remove the roast potatoes from the tin making sure that they don't carry too much oil and you're ready to serve up. Add salt and pepper to taste, and enjoy! 把土豆从烤箱里拿出来,不用让它们身上带很多油。撒上盐及胡椒粉调味,尽情享受吧!

重点单词   查看全部解释    
remove [ri'mu:v]


v. 消除,除去,脱掉,搬迁
n. 去除

peel [pi:l]


n. 果皮
vt. 削皮,剥落

comparison [kəm'pærisn]


n. 比较

lid [lid]


n. 盖,眼睑
vt. 给 ... 装盖子

check [tʃek]


n. 检查,支票,账单,制止,阻止物,检验标准,方格图案

drain [drein]


n. 下水道,排水沟,消耗
v. 耗尽,排出,

minutes ['minits]


n. 会议记录,(复数)分钟

tin [tin]


n. 罐头,锡,听头
adj. 锡制的





