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Listen to this 2 英语初级听力(MP3+字幕) 第6课(3)

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Section 2 Consolidation, a very beautiful story.
Morning, Sergeant. What have you got for me today?
We've got that tape from Gentleman Jim, sir. It was sent to us yesterday. They want to know if it's all right to send it to his wife.
And is it? I don't know, sir. I'm sure there's a message hidden in the tape, but I don't know what it is. It's been examined by half the police force in London, and nothing was found.
But there is something very peculiar about that tape. Well, what is it?
Well, sir, he talks about happy memories and things. And really, Inspector, I don't think Gentleman Jim really feels like that about anything. Mm, I don't think he means any of it. I'm sure there is something else on the tape, and it's hidden in what he says. But I can't find it.
The tape is all right, is it? It wasn't tampered with when Gentleman Jim recorded the message? The tape was carefully examined by three different experts, and they didn't find anything. Whatever it is, it's in the words.
Well, I think I'd better listen to this tape, and see if I can find this mystery message. Right you are, sir, it's waiting for you.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
sergeant ['sɑ:dʒənt]


n. 中士,巡佐,军士 (法庭或议会等地的)警卫官

mystery ['mistəri]


n. 神秘,秘密,奥秘,神秘的人或事物

consolidation [kən.sɔli'deiʃən]


n. 巩固,加强,联合,统一,合并





