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圣诞欢歌(MP3+中英字幕) 第8期:马利的鬼魂(8)

来源:可可英语 编辑:ivy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


‘The spirit of every man who does not help other people in life has to travel endlessly through the world after his death.We have to carry the chains that we made for ourselves in our lifetime.Do you,Ebenezer Scrooge,recognize my chain?It is very like the one that you wear!’

Scrooge looked around him,but could see no chain.‘Jacob,’he said,‘please tell me more!’
‘I cannot help you much,Ebenezer!I cannot rest,I cannot stay anywhere for long.I have been dead for seven years and all that time I have been travelling on the wings of the wind! No peace,no rest for me in death,because I was never good or kind in life!’
‘But you were always a good man of business,Jacob,’said Scrooge,who was now beginning to worry about his own life.
‘Business!’cried the ghost miserably.‘Why didn't I think of people as my business?I thought only about making money,not about being kind and helpful to other people.Listen to me,Ebenezer!I am here tonight to warn you.You still have a chance to save yourself from what has happened to me.




