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Listen to this 2 英语初级听力(MP3+字幕) 第25课(2)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Daisy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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We had everything out of the car, all over the floor on the grass, erm, and each one of use was sure we, er, had seen it somewhere since the garage. And we finally had to say to these people, We are very sorry, We have no money, no card, no nothing. And... How much money was involved? Well, all our holiday money, you know.

Some hundreds of pounds, in travellers' cheques and some in currency, you see, a few pounds. And passports? And passports, and tickets for the boat. (God) Erm, so we said we'd go to the police station. So back we went to the town.

We all went into the police station, erm, and a very friendly policeman said, well, I can do nothing about, you best bet is to see the British Consul, er, in the city. Erm, well this was on the a Saturday afternoon and it was 5 o'clock and he told us that we would be able to get into the, er, Consul on Monday morning when they opened, which didn't encourage us too much.

(Quite) Then it suddenly struck us that somebody must have taken this money at the garage (Ah, of course), so back we went the garage (Mm) and we thought that as we stood talking to the man asking "Where do you go to the camp-site", someone else had obviously stolen our folder. That was the last time you'd had it? Yes, indeed (Mm), you see, erm, that was the last time we could all agree (Mm) that we must have had it (Mm).

So, er, John distracted the man's attention, and I went into the man's office and went all through his papers on his desk looking for it. It was a sort of green-coloured folder (Yeah) which one should have found easily (yeah) and it wasn't there.

And then we saw an old woman across the road, sitting on a window-ledge, and I was sure she was sitting on our folder because something green was sticking out underneath her. And we had to try and work out some way of moving her to see, and eventually we persuaded her by asking her to give us directions and she stood up to speak to us. But it wasn't our folder at all, she was just sitting on a little green mat obviously to keep herself clean.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
consul ['kɔnsəl]


n. 领事,(古罗马)执行官员,(1799年至1804年

encourage [in'kʌridʒ]


vt. 鼓励,促进,支持

eventually [i'ventjuəli]


adv. 终于,最后





