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We always love featuring military families

on this show, and here's a story that we wanted to share.
在我这个节目上 今天想跟大家分享一个这样的故事
Take a look. We're mark and Alicia Little.
看一下 我们是马克和艾丽西亚·丽特尔
I live in fairfax, Virginia. We're absolutely Ellen fans.
我们住在费尔法克斯郡 弗吉尼亚州 我们是艾伦的忠实粉丝
She is an intelligent, witty, amazing human being
她是一个高智商 充满智慧 很棒的人
doing fantastic for the world.
为这个世界做出了 杰出的贡献
It's everything that i personally want to aspire to be.
这也是我想做的一切 我渴望能够做到的一切
I'm a fulltime student and spend all of my free time
我是一个全职学生 我所有的空余时间都用在


running a nonprofit for veterans and wounded service members.

经营一个非盈利的组织 为了退伍老兵和受伤的士兵
I joined the military originally back in 2002.
It had been my dream ever since i was eight years old
dressing up like gi joe for halloween.
I was only deployed one time in my military career, and that was to Iraq in 2007.
在我的军旅生涯中 我只出兵过一次 那是在2007年去伊拉克的时候
The area in southern baghdad that my unit was in was really heavy fighting and conflict.
在巴格达南部地区 我所在的小分队 身陷激烈的斗争和冲突之中
On september 7, 2007, rolled out the gate.
那是2007年的9月7日 车轮刚驶出大门
Instantly the hairs on the back of our necks went up.
There was something out of place, a truck that hadn't been before.
有些与平常不一样的地方 一辆卡车 之前从未有过
And just as I hit my radio switch, boom, explosion. Everything went black.
就在我 搁换电台频道的时候 砰 炸了 天昏地暗
And I kind of realized I was sliding down in my seat, and I didn't know why.
我能意识到 自己从座椅上滑了下去 我也不知道为什么
And then i realized my legs were gone.
然后我才意识到 自己的腿不见了
The doctors informed me that an injury of my nature
would take 12 to 18 months to really get back on my feet, pun intended.
估计需要12到18个月我才能下床 这不是故意的
A month after i got my legs,
一个月之后 我又有了自己的大腿
I was out in breckenridge, colorado, snowboarding.
我在breckenridge, colorado,滑雪
Two months later, i was given the thumbs up
两个月后 我被人夸了
from the physical therapy department.
Mark is just an amazing guy.
He inspires so many people every day.
He just has this great heart.
I decided to start up a nonprofit called warrior 360.
We dedicate everything that we are
我们尽心尽力 付出一切
to helping veterans and wounded service members
来帮助那些退伍老兵 还有受伤的士兵
in any capacity that they need.
只要他们需要 任何情况
It's nice to be able to tell people we've been there,
很高兴能告诉大家 我们在那儿
but there is another side.
We experience a little bit of financial strain.
My main source of income is retirement right now.
我现在的主要收入 就是退伍薪资
If it comes down to dollars and cents that need to go help somebody,
如果算成美元或者美分的话 能够帮助到某些人的话
I'm gonna do whatever it takes to get that person help.
We could live in a cardboard box together.
As long as we're together, we'll be happy. So we'll figure it out.
只要我们在一起 就能幸福 所以 总是有办法的
Come on down, Mark and Alicia. So happy to meet you both.
快下来吧 马克和艾丽西亚 见到你们俩真是太高兴了
What a story. What an amazing-- when did you meet, how did you meet?
这个故事 太精彩了 你们何时相遇的 你们是如何相遇的
We met back in 2009.
My best friend in the whole world said,
"hey, we're traveling through atlanta on a road trip.
“嘿 我们在去奥特兰大的旅途中
I want you to meet someone."
And I went, "no way, absolutely not. "I'm single, I'm happy.
我说“不会吧 绝对不会吧” “我是单身 我很高兴”
I'm making the career first." And he said, "okay, I'll respect that."
我要以事业为先 然后他说“好吧 我尊敬你”
About six hours later, I met Alicia, and...
大概六个小时之后 我见到了艾丽西亚
About four hours after that, I told her,
大约四个小时之后 我对她说
"I'm gonna marry you no matter what."
无论如何 我都要娶你
And... he did. Like, four hours?
然后 他真的是这么做的 就 四个小时?
Oh, yeah. And what did you think?
哦 对呀 那你是怎么想的呢
Did you feel the same way?
I was like, "you're cute."
我说 “你太可爱了”
I lived in georgia and he lived in Virginia,
我住在佐治亚州 他住在弗吉尼亚
and our common friend was moving to St. Louis,
我们共同的伙伴 搬去了圣路易斯
and i was like, "i'm never gonna see you again."
我说 我再也见不到你啦
But he was very persistent, and--persistence paid off. It does.
但他非常的有耐心 坚持不懈终有回报 的确
He text and called and emailed constantly.
他一直给我发消息 发邮件
And I went and visit him in Virginia.
然后 我也去弗吉尼亚看望他
And before the weekend was over, I knew he was the man for me.
在周末要结束之前 我就知道 他是我的男人
So it was definitely love at first sight. Good for you two.
所以 我们其实是一见钟情 真为你们高兴
That's great when that happens like that and you both know that.
这样发生的故事 真的很棒 你们俩 也是
That's amazing. so you're in school.
太令人惊奇了 所以 你还是在读书
You're getting your--tell me what you're studying.
你将要获得 快告诉我你在学什么呢
A graduate degree in forensic psychology
from george washington. all right.
在乔治 华盛顿 好的
And when you're not in school, you're helping veterans.
你不在学校的时候 你就帮助那些退伍老兵们
Absolutely. Doing what? Every moment I can.
绝对是的 做什么呢?只要我有时间
Two main things: emergency financial assistance,
because downsizing jobs get lost.
因为 工作岗位正在缩减 他们丢了饭碗
Cars get repossessed, houses get taken back.
车子被拿去再处理了 房子也被收走了
We don't want to see that ever happen
to a veteran no matter what.
对于一个退伍老兵来说 无论是什么事情
And secondly, combat wounded and amputees,
然后 第二件事情是 战斗中受伤和截肢的人们
making sure that they get out of the hospital bed,
确保他们 能够从病床上走下来
get out of the house, off the couch,
走出房子 走下长沙发
and go do crazy things like 26mile ruck marches
去做一些疯狂的事情 比如 26英里的ruck游行
and the army 10 miles and just show them that life is worth living
还有部队10英里 就是给他们展示生命的意义
and we got to get active again. Good for you.
我们必须再次振作起来 真为你高兴
All right, there's one part of the story that we didn't share,
好吧 有一部分的故事 我们还没有分享
so we're gonna show a little bit more right now.
所以 现在让我们再多看一眼视频
Hey, Mark and Alicia.
嘿 马克和艾丽西亚
Anthony and John here from hgtv's "cousins undercover."
这里是安东尼和约翰 来自hgtv电视台的”卧底亲戚”
How are you? We hear that you have a house that might need a little work.
你过得怎么样 我听说你有一间房 可能需要再加工一下
Now, we've heard you've been trying
现在 我们听说你正在
to save some money for those repairs,
and we know things constantly come up.
我们懂 很多事情 会接踵而至
Do not worry about it.
Anthony and I, we're taking care of it for you,
and we're gonna see you guys soon.
Take care, guys. Bye, guys.
你们保重 再见
All right, john and anthony, come on out. unbelievable. Thank you.
好的 约翰和安东尼 快出来吧 不敢相信 谢谢
What's up, dude? Hi, man. Oh, yeah!
最近怎么样 嗨 兄弟 哦 嗨
It's so nice to meet you. How are you?
见到你真是太高兴了 你怎么样
I'm great. You guys all right? No, y'all can sit there.
我很棒 你们都还好吧 不 你们坐这儿吧
Yep, sorry. All right.
好 抱歉 好的
So john and anthony are always here,
and they bring good news all the time.
Tell them what's going on.
So, I mean, your story is incredible, man.
所以 我想说 你们的故事太精彩了
And the drive that you have, the passion for life that you have,
你的动力 你对生活的热情
that's exactly the way my cousin and i are.
这绝对和我兄弟还有我自己 是完全一样的
The only difference is, the adversity that you face
唯一不同的是 你曾经面对的困境
is justi could never possibly fathom.
So we're doing a major home renovation for you guys, major.
我们正在做一个重要的房屋翻修工作 主要是 为了你们
Whatever we can cram into five days, it will get done.
只要能够有五天的时间 我们就能搞定
Yeah, I mean, you said before that you know, that the inspiration
恩 我想 你之前说过 那个 你说的 那个鼓励
that ellen gives, you give that to us.
艾伦给你的鼓励 你把那份动力给予给了我们身上
And I'm telling you right now...
Thank you. oh, dude. When we heard your story,
谢谢 哦 兄弟 当我们听说了你们的故事
when people say that you can't do it,
当人们说 你做不到的时候
this is the example you can do anything in life
你就是个榜样 你能在生活做任何事情
in life after seeing your story. and i am so proud.
在我看了你的故事之后 我们感到很荣幸
Anthony and I, we are so proud to do this for you.
安东尼和我 能为你这些 我们觉得很荣幸
Cannot wait. We're thanking you, really. Yes. Thank you.
迫不及待 我们该谢谢你们 真的 恩 谢谢
It really is. It's so inspiring.
这真的是 很激励人心
I lovei love showcasing and highlighting people like you,
我喜欢 我喜欢展示并且重点讲述 和你们类似的故事
'cause hopefully someone at home who's struggling
因为 有人可能正在家里挣扎着
who just all of a sudden had something happen
that changed their world, yes, your world might change,
他的世界崩塌了 恩 你的世界可能会变化
but it could change for the better. it's just a different world.
但也可能会变得更好 可能是完全不一样的另一个世界
And so Friday... yes. So everything is gonna be revealed on Friday.
所以 周五 恩 周五就能揭晓一切啦
So you're getting on a plane right now,
you're doing everything you can,
and we'll reveal everything on Friday.
周五 我们会揭晓一切
All right, it's gonna be great.
好的 这会是件很棒的事情
Sound good or what? you guys ready?
听上去不错 还是?你们准备好了吗?
It's gonna be amazing. it's gonna be amazing.
肯定会超赞的 很会棒的
Anthony and John, thank you so much.
安东尼和约翰 太谢谢你们啦
We'll be back with Ludacris.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
reveal [ri'vi:l]


vt. 显示,透露
n. (外墙与门或窗之间的

dedicate ['dedikeit]


vt. 献出,提献辞,致力于

absolutely ['æbsəlu:tli]


adv. 绝对地,完全地;独立地

cardboard ['kɑ:dbɔ:d]


n. 厚纸板

assistance [ə'sistəns]


n. 帮助,援助

capacity [kə'pæsiti]


n. 能力,容量,容积; 资格,职位

inspiring [in'spaiəriŋ]


adj. 令人振奋的,激励人的,鼓舞人心的

intended [in'tendid]


adj. 故意的,有意的;打算中的 n. 已订婚者 v.

intelligent [in'telidʒənt]


adj. 聪明的,智能的

incredible [in'kredəbl]


adj. 难以置信的,惊人的





