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来源:可可英语 编辑:Daisy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

Cher, everybody, Cher!

雪儿 各位 雪儿啊

Cher, can I tell people how old you are?

雪儿 我能告诉大家你的年龄吗

Yeah. Can you-- she's 72 years old!

可以 你敢 她72岁了

Do you work out a lot? Yeah. You do? Yeah.

你经常锻炼吗 嗯 是吗 对

Every day? Not every day. But a lot of times.

每天都锻炼?不是每天 不过很频繁

OK, I need to ask, because we were talking about it--

好 我得问一下 因为我们在讨论


Did you see me doing a plank with Harry Smith? No.

你看到我跟Harry Smith做平板支撑了吗?没有

Well, it was good. He quit before I did.

我做的很好 比他坚持的时间长

How long can you do a plank for? Well, I-- ugh!

你平板支撑能坚持多久?我 额

Once, I did five minutes. But I'll never do that again. Wow!

有一次我做了五分钟 不过我再也不会那么干了 哇哦

But I could do it, like, for two minutes without a sweat.


Yeah, Michelle Obama wants to challenge me.

嗯 米歇尔·奥巴马想挑战我

Because we did push ups. And she's, now, she said plank is her thing.

因为我跟她比过俯卧撑 后来她说她比较擅长平板支撑

I think she could do it for five minutes. You should challenge Michelle. Yeah, right.

我觉得她可以坚持五分钟 你应该挑战米歇尔 嗯 好

Wait, I, uh-- no, I have to hear-- because we were watching you in rehearsal.

等下 我 额 不 我得听 因为排练的时候我们在看你

And we were talking about your ass. And I need to know what you do.

当时在议论你的臀部 我想知道你都做些什么

We want to know your butt exercises. Well, I have a number of them.

我们想知道你的臀部锻炼 我有好几种

Like-- Like-- OK-- OK, so this will sound so dumb.

比如 比如 好 额 这听起来太蠢了

Because when I say the first thing, I know you're going to do something really dumb.

等我说出第一个 你肯定会干傻事

No, I'm not. Yes, you are. Well-- OK, try it.

不 不会的 你肯定会的 好吧 说一个试试

So you get down on all-fours. Mm-hmm. OK? Is someone else in the room?

双手撑地 双膝跪地 嗯哼 好 屋里有人吗?

No. Well, sometimes. OK, so get down onto all fours.

没有 有时候有 好 先四肢着地

And you put your leg up. Like, you make a L with your leg.

然后把腿往上抬 腿部是L形

I know what you mean. Right. And then you just do it up like that, right.

我懂 对 然后就往起抬就行了

And then you do fire hydrants. These are not new things.

那就是消火栓式 这并不是什么新鲜动作

But then I've got a thing called-- How many times do you do that up in the air like that?

不过我有 腿需要抬多少次?

You do three sets of 25. 25, OK. Right. And then I have a power plate.

要做三组 每组25个 好 嗯 我还有震动器

And you do squats. You just do old fashioned things.

还可以深蹲 都是一些老掉牙的东西

And I have to confess, I do Zumba. Do you do Zumba?

我得承认 我还跳尊巴舞 你跳尊巴舞?

Yeah. Wow. You go to a Zumba class? No, I have a tape.

对 哇哦 你上尊巴课吗?不 我有录像带

You do it at home? Yeah. I would like to see that. No. OK.

你自己在家跳?对 我想看你跳的样子 不要 好吧

You should Instagram it out, or something, or tweet it out.

你应该在Instagram上晒一下 或者发个推特

We would like to see you do Zumba. I'm just saying. OK, yeah, I know.

我们想看你跳尊巴舞的样子 我就是建议一下 好 我知道了

重点单词   查看全部解释    
minutes ['minits]


n. 会议记录,(复数)分钟

rehearsal [ri'hə:sl]


n. 排练,彩排

sweat [swet]


n. 汗,汗水
v. (使)出汗

confess [kən'fes]


v. 承认,告白,忏悔

challenge ['tʃælindʒ]


n. 挑战
v. 向 ... 挑战





