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英语PK台(MP3+文本) 第855期:马克·吐温《着魔的洗脑旋律 请小心躲避》

来源:可可英语 编辑:hepburn   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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1. Will the reader please cast his eye over the following lines, and see if he can discover anything harmful in them? “Conductor, when you receive a fare, Punch in the presence of the passenjare! A blue trip slip for an eight-cent fare, A buff trip slip for a six-cent fare, A pink trip slip for a three-cent fare, Punch in the presence of the passenjare! CHORUS: Punch, brothers! punch with care! Punch in the presence of the passenjare!”
2. I came across these jingling rhymes in a newspaper, a little while ago, and read them a couple of times. They took instant and entire possession of me. All through breakfast they went waltzing through my brain; and when, at last, I rolled up my napkin, I could not tell whether I had eaten anything or not.
3. I fought hard for an hour, but it was useless. My head kept humming, "A blue trip slip for an eight-cent fare, a buff trip slip for a six-cent fare," and so on and so on, without peace or respite. The planned day's work was ruined--I could see that plainly enough. I suffered all morning and afternoon; suffered all through an unconscious and unrefreshing dinner; suffered, and cried, and jingled all through the evening; went to bed and rolled, tossed, and jingled right along; I got up at midnight frantic, and tried to read; but there was nothing visible upon the whirling page except "Punch! punch in the presence of the passenjare." By sunrise I was out of my mind, and everybody marveled and was distressed at the idiotic burden of my ravings--"Punch! oh, punch! punch in the presence of the passenjare!"
我花了一个小时打算把这段话忘掉,但失败了。我的脑袋一直在嗡嗡作响地单曲回放——“蓝色车票票面8美分;浅黄色车票票面 6美分……”,完全不给我平静下来喘息一下的机会。毫无疑问,我一整天的工作计划就这样泡汤了。它让我整个上午和下午都备受煎熬;晚餐同样在煎熬中度过,吃下的每一口食物都变得索然无味;整个晚上,我的头脑里除了煎熬、呐喊,剩下的就只有那段节奏明快、合辙押韵的话语;我躺在床上准备入睡,于是我开始辗转反侧,那段话依旧萦绕在我耳边;午夜时分,我被惊醒了,然后,我起来试图读读书;但在翻动的书页间,除了那段““检票了,伙计们!检票了,当面检!””以外,我什么也看不见。直到日出时,我依然心不在焉。见到我的每个人,都被我嘴里不停念叨的那段愚蠢的话——“检票了,伙计们!检票了,当面检!”,弄得莫名其妙,痛苦不已。
4. Two days later, on Saturday morning, I arose, a tottering wreck, and went forth to see a valued friend, the Rev. Mr.------, to walk to the Talcott Tower, ten miles distant. When he saw me he said: "Mark, are you sick? I never saw a man look so haggard and worn and absent-minded. Say something, do!" Drearily, without enthusiasm, I said: "Punch brothers, punch with care! Punch in the presence of the passenjare!"
5. My friend eyed me blankly, looked perplexed, they said: "I do not think I get your drift, Mark. Then does not seem to be any relevancy in what you have said. What is--" But I heard no more. I was already far away with my pitiless, heartbreaking "blue trip slip for an eight-cent fare, buff trip slip for a six-cent fare, pink trip slip for a three-cent fare; punch in the presence of the passenjare." I do not know what occurred during the other nine miles.
我的朋友茫然地看着我,看上去很困惑。他对我说:“我搞不懂你在说什么,马克。你说的话似乎毫无关联。那个——是什么意思? ”但我根本没听到他在说什么,我的思绪早已被那段冷漠且令人心碎的“蓝色票,八分钱,黄色票,六分钱,粉色票,三分钱, 检票时,当面检!检票时!当面检!”;请当着乘客的面给车票打孔”带到了九霄云外。我完全不知道接下来的9英里路程都发生了什么。
6. However, all of a sudden Mr.------ stood there, very grave, full of concern, apparently, and looked long at me; then he said: "Mark, there is something about this that I cannot understand. Those are about the same words you said before; there does not seem to be anything in them, and yet they nearly break my heart when you say them. Punch in the--how is it they go?" I began at the beginning and repeated all the lines.
突然,某先生站在那里,看了我好长时间,显然,他的目光里充满了严肃和关切。 然后,他对我说:“马克,有些事我无法理解。就是你之前翻来覆去说的那些话。那些话似乎毫无内容,而且,每次你说那些话,都会令我非常不舒服。什么给车票打孔什么的,怎么说来着?”于是,我从头开始,又给他说了好几遍那段话。

7. My friend's face lighted with interest. He said: "Why, what a captivating jingle it is! It is almost music. It flows along so nicely. I have nearly caught the rhymes myself. Say them over just once more, and then I'll have them, sure." I said them over. Then Mr. ------ said them. He made one little mistake, which I corrected. The next time and the next he got them right. Now a great burden seemed to tumble from my shoulders. That torturing jingle departed out of my brain, and a grateful sense of rest and peace descended upon me. I was light-hearted enough to sing; so I did sing and even talked for two hours, straight along, as we went jogging homeward.
8. As I wrung my friend's hand at parting, I said: "Haven't we had a royal good time! But now I remember, you haven't said a word for two hours. Come, come, out with something!" The Rev. Mr.------ turned a lack-luster eye upon me, drew a deep sigh, and said, without animation, without apparent consciousness: "Punch, brothers, punch with care! Punch in the presence of the passenjare!" A pang shot through me as I said to myself, "Poor fellow, poor fellow! he has got it, now." I did not see Mr.------ for two or three days after that. Then, on Tuesday evening, he staggered into my presence and sank dejectedly into a seat. He was pale, worn; he was a wreck.
当与我的朋友挥手告别时,我对他说:“今天可真开心啊!但,我记得你已经两个小时没说一句话了。快,快来说点儿什么吧!”牧师某先生向我投来了暗淡的目光,深深地叹了一口气,死气沉沉地说: 检票时,当面检!检票时!当面检!” 我心中感到一阵刺痛,自言自语道: “可怜的家伙,可怜的家伙!现在轮到他了!”之后的两三天,我没见到某先生。直到星期二的晚上,他步履蹒跚地出现在我面前,垂头丧气地瘫坐在椅子上。他脸色苍白,看上去十分疲倦且病病殃殃的。
9. He lifted his faded eyes to my face and said: "Ah, Mark, it was a ruinous investment that I made in those heartless rhymes. They have ridden me like a nightmare, day and night, hour after hour, to this very moment. Since I saw you I have suffered the torments of the lost. Saturday evening I had a sudden call, by telegraph, and took the night train for Boston. The occasion was the death of a valued old friend who had requested that I should preach his funeral sermon.
10. Of course it would be my luck right before the funeral to find a sorrowing and aged maiden aunt of the deceased there. She began to sob, and said: "'Oh, oh, he is gone, he is gone, and I didn't see him before he died!' "'Yes!' I said, 'he is gone, he is gone, he is gone--oh, will this suffering never cease!' "'You loved him, then! Oh, you too loved him!' "'Loved him! Loved who?' "'Why, my poor George! my poor nephew!' "'Oh--him! Yes--oh, yes, yes. Certainly--certainly. Punch--punch--oh, this misery will kill me!' "'Bless you! bless you, sir, for these sweet words! I, too, suffer in this dear loss. Were you present during his last moments?” “'Yes. I--whose last moments?” “His. The dear departed's.” “Yes! Oh, yes--yes--yes! I suppose so, I think so, I don't know! Oh, certainly--I was there I was there!” "'Oh, what a privilege! what a precious privilege! And his last words- -oh, tell me, tell me his last words! What did he say?'
就在葬礼即将开始之前,我幸运地遇到了死者的一个姑姑。她虽然已经年纪很大,但一直未婚。她悲伤地哭泣着说道:‘哦,哦,他走了,他走了,我都没能在他死前见他一面!’‘是的!’我说,‘他走了,他走了,他走了——哦,这种痛苦永远不会停歇!’‘那么,你是爱他的!哦,你也是爱他的!’‘爱他!爱谁?’‘为什么上天要带走我可怜的乔治!我可怜的侄子!’‘哦——是他!对的——哦,对的,对的。当然——当然。 检票时,当面检!检票时!当面检!”——哦,我已无法承受这痛苦!’‘祝福您!祝福您,先生,为您暖心的话语!我同样承受着这份失去亲人的痛苦。他最后的时间,您是否陪伴他身边?’‘是的。我——谁的最后时间?’‘他的。我亲爱的侄子离开人世时。’‘是的!哦,是的——是的——是的!我认为是的,我想是的,我其实不知道!哦,当然——我在他身边,我在他身边!’‘哦,您怎么会享受到这种特权!多么宝贵的特权!他的遗言——哦,告诉我,告诉我他的遗言!他最后说了什么?’
11. "'He said--he said--oh, my head, my head, my head! He said--he said--he never said anything but Punch, punch, punch in the presence of the passenjare! Oh, leave me, madam! In the name of all that is generous, leave me to my madness, my misery, my despair!--a buff trip slip for a six-cent fare, a pink trip slip for a three-cent fare--endu--rance can no fur--ther go!--PUNCH in the presence of the passenjare!"
‘他说——他说——哦,我的头,我的头,我的头!他说——他说——除了‘ 检票时,当面检!检票时!当面检!”他什么也没说!哦,夫人,请让我一个人待会儿!我请求您的宽宏大量,让我单独和我的疯狂、我的痛苦、我的绝望待一会儿!——浅黄色车票票面 6美分;粉色车票票面3美分——我再也——无法——忍耐了!’”
12. My friend's hopeless eyes rested upon mine a pregnant minute, and then he said impressively: "Mark, you do not say anything. You do not offer me any hope. But, ah me, it is just as well--it is just as well. You could not do me any good. The time has long gone by when words could comfort me.”
13. To end his misery, I took him to a neighboring university and made him discharge the burden of his persecuting rhymes into the eager ears of the poor, unthinking students. How is it with them, now? The result is too sad to tell. Why did I write this article? It was for a worthy, even a noble, purpose. It was to warn you, reader, if you should came across those merciless rhymes, to avoid them--avoid them as you would a pestilence.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
avoid [ə'vɔid]


vt. 避免,逃避

sermon ['sə:mən]


n. 布道,说教

except [ik'sept]


vt. 除,除外
prep. & conj.

presence ['prezns]


n. 出席,到场,存在
n. 仪态,风度

preach [pri:tʃ]


vi. 传道,宣扬
vt. 讲道,说教

generous ['dʒenərəs]


adj. 慷慨的,宽宏大量的,丰盛的,味浓的

discharge [dis'tʃɑ:dʒ]


v. 放出,解雇,放电,解除,清偿债务

respite ['respit]


n. 暂缓,缓刑 vt. 延迟,推延

merciless ['mə:silis]


adj. 无慈悲心的,残忍的

apparent [ə'pærənt]


adj. 明显的,表面上的





