Hello, this is BBC World News, the headlines.
大家好 这里是BBC世界新闻头条
Sunday church services in Sri Lanka have been canceled amid fears of more attacks one week after the Easter Sunday bombings.
复活节炸弹袭击一周后 斯里兰卡取消了周日的教堂服务 恐有更多袭击
The president has used emergency laws to outlaw two Islamist groups suspected of carrying out the attacks.
A woman has been killed and three people injured in California after a man opened fire at a synagogue north of San Diego.
一男子在加州北部圣地亚哥的一座犹太教堂中开火 导致一名女子被杀 三人受伤
Police said a 19-year old local man had been arrested.
The UN says some villages hit by cyclone Kenneth in northern Mozambique have been entirely wiped out.
A senior official said the destruction was heartbreaking and many people need assistance.
一名高官表示 飓风的破坏力令人心痛 很多人都亟需帮助
Voters in Spain are set to head to the polls for one of the country's most divisive elections in decades.
西班牙的选民将前往投票点 进行该国几十年来最分裂的选举投票
The result could lead to a fragmented Parliament with the far-right making sizable gains.
投票结果可能导致议会分裂 极右翼收获颇丰