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来源:可可英语 编辑:Daisy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

Keep in mind that you haven't been here in four-- no. How long has it been?

要知道 你有四年没来过我的节目了 不对 多长时间了?

Yeah, four years. I was recovering from the fall. No, no, no.

对 四年 我在从那次惊吓中缓神儿呢 不 才不是

But look at all the content we had and you haven't been here in four years.

看看我们以前做的那些事 你都有四年没来过了

You'd think you'd want to come back because you had so much fun.


I know, and now I have. OK, and now you've come back.

对 我回来了 好 现在你已经回来了

Yeah, I have come back.

嗯 我回来了

I had an album out called Reputation. I know. And I really--

我之前出过一张专辑叫Reputation 我知道 我真的


You guys. You guys are friendly.

大家 真是太善良了

Yeah, with the album, I just basically wanted to just make music and not explain it.

这张专辑 我基本就是只想做音乐 不愿意解释

But I missed you so much. It worked out. It was really--

不过我很想你 卖的很好 真的

You sold a bunch of albums without even talking.


I mean, usually people go to promote their music because it helps sell albums.

一般人们都会去宣传自己的音乐 因为这样能卖更多专辑

You don't have to do that. Well, that's nice of you to say.

你都不需要这么做 谢谢你能这么说

It's true. I am having fun being back here.

是真的 能回归我很开心

It's been really great to be back here. I definitely do--

感觉特别好 我肯定

I think as a songwriter, I enjoy communicating about what I've made.

作为词曲作家 我很喜欢跟大家交流我做的东西

I really do like that part of the process.


But I also just feel like with my career, I want to do what feels right at the time.

但我也感觉 想做当时认为正确的事

So it just-- at that time I coined this phrase, "There will be no explanation. There will just be reputation."

所以那时候我写出了“不再有更多解释 剩下的只有名声”

Cause I am dramatic. Yes. That's a very dramatic thing.

因为我就是个很戏剧性的人 对 那很戏剧化

But it rhymed, it was kind of catchy, and so I stuck with it.

但它很押韵 也朗朗上口 所以我就那么做了

Right. Is that in one of your songs? Because if it isn't, it should be.

对 那句话被写进你的歌里了吗?如果没有的话 你应该加进去

Thank you, no.

谢谢 没有

And I think it's a little late for that because now we're onto like another different album.

现在可能为时已晚了 因为我已经在做另一张不同的专辑了

I know, but you still could have that.

我知道 但你还是可以加进去的

For an album that's not Reputation? Yeah.


It's a little off brand, but I will think about.

有点格格不入 不过我会考虑一下的

No, just like clothing comes back in style, you can come right back around to that topic again if you'd like.

不会 就像衣服会重新流行起来一样 只要你愿意 就可以再次提起这个话题

It could be like a vintage.


You can do anything you want Taylor Swift. Thank you for saying that.

你可以为所欲为啊泰勒·斯威夫特 谢谢你

Really, people thought, oh, God. She's been away for so long.

人们会想 哦天 她沉寂了好久

How is this album going to do? And they put so much--


I don't think pressure on you. Because I don't think you felt pressure.

我不觉得是压力 你从来不会感觉到压力

Yeah, there's pressure. Really? Yeah, for sure. Oh, OK.

嗯 有压力的 是吗?对 肯定的 哦 好吧

Because it seemed like people were like expecting this not to be as good or that album not to be as--

因为 感觉人们可能会觉得这个不够好 那张专辑不够——

and you just came back and proved them all wrong.

然后你回归了 证明他们全想错了

Aww. It's true. Because you didn't worry about how certain people do things.

嗷 真的 因为你从来不会想别人是怎么做事的

You do things your own way, and it all works out for you.

你有自己的方式 效果还很不错

Thank you so much. You're welcome. Now let's talk about me.

谢谢 不客气 现在我们来聊聊我吧

No, not talk about me.

不 不聊我

Let's talk about you're on the cover of Entertainment Weekly, and you have all these Easter eggs on here.

我们来聊聊你上了《娱乐周刊》的封面 身上还有好多复活节彩蛋

Right? Yeah, and I feel like--

对吧?对 我感觉

Explain what the eggs are to people who don't understand.


Yeah, because I think it's-- I think that is necessary.

好 我觉得 这很有必要

So it's like when we say Easter eggs,


we're not only talking about Easter eggs that you would go on an Easter egg hunt for on Easter.


It's kind of like a clue-- like a foreshadowing kind of thing.

它就像是线索 预言之类的

I like to plant Easter eggs in a video that will be like a lyric from unreleased music,

我喜欢在视频中加入复活节彩蛋 比如一首还没发布的歌曲里的歌词

or like a little hint, or a little wink to what's coming in the future. Right.

或者一个小小的提示 暗示大家未来会有什么 对

So yeah, that was kind of the theme of what we did the Entertainment Weekly thing on.

嗯 那差不多就是我们在《娱乐周刊》上讨论的主题

And it's just been really fun to kind of expand the musical experience past just listening to a song.

通过听一首歌 来拓宽音乐体验真的挺有趣的

I also want people to be like watching the music video, and what's that thing in the background?

我想让大家在看MV的时候 去研究那个背景是什么?

And what's that song playing underneath there?


And is there a reason she said that in French?


Right. And usually your fans are pretty good at figuring it out. Right?

嗯 通常你的粉丝都很擅长猜这些 对吧?

They're excellent at figuring it out.


What is the worst-- how far off have they been?

最坏的 他们最离谱的猜测是什么?

What's the worst they've been. Oh, man.

最差的是什么 哦 天

Well, there were some fans that thought I had something to do with Avengers Endgame.


Oh, really? Which I would have loved to have been asked, but I wasn't asked to be in it at all. No, you weren't.

是吗?我倒是很想他们来找我去演 但根本就没有 嗯 是没有

Because we had the single coming out the same day, and I have a song that was called "End Game."

因为我们在电影上映的同一天发了首单曲 我还有首歌叫做"End Game"

And so they were like, oh, my God. She's going to defeat Thanos.

所以他们以为 哦我的天 她要打败灭霸

I let everyone down again.


Well, that was confusing. On your jacket, you have a lot of things on here.

那很有迷惑性啊 你的外套上有很多东西

But you don't have something that-- next time you wear a jacket, that's--

但你没有 下次穿外套的时候——

Thank you. You're welcome.

谢谢 不客气

It's you as a kitty cat. And that's two things you love.

这是小猫版的你 两者都是你的最爱

Those are the two things I love the most in the world. Together-- put together.

这两者都是我的挚爱 一起 合二为一

Yeah. All right, we have to take a break. Thank you.

对 好 我们要休息一下 谢谢

I'll let you cry about that. We'll be back.

给你点时间感动一会儿 马上回来

重点单词   查看全部解释    
reputation [.repju'teiʃən]


n. 声誉,好名声

defeat [di'fi:t]


n. 败北,挫败
vt. 战胜,击败

brand [brænd]


n. 商标,牌子,烙印,标记
vt. 打烙印,

confusing [kən'fju:ziŋ]


adj. 使人困惑的,令人费解的 动词confuse的现

certain ['sə:tn]


adj. 确定的,必然的,特定的

phrase [freiz]


n. 短语,习语,个人风格,乐句
vt. 措词

understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<

expand [iks'pænd]


v. 增加,详述,扩展,使 ... 膨胀,

explanation [.eksplə'neiʃən]


n. 解释,说明

pressure ['preʃə]


n. 压力,压强,压迫
v. 施压





