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来源:可可英语 编辑:Daisy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

All right, here's another serious subject I wanted to talk about.

好 我想聊聊另一个很重要的话题

Sirius XM radio, there's a show called The Morning Mash Up, it airs on Hits 1.

Sirius XM收音机 有个节目叫“The Morning Mash Up” 在Hits 1频道播出

And earlier this week, I heard the host talking about my show coming back for three more years.

这周早点的时候 我听到主持人谈论我节目续约三年的事儿

Here's what I heard. It looks like, Ellen DeGeneres, we are going to see more from Ellen,

这就是我听到的内容 看来 艾伦·德杰尼勒斯 我们能看到她更多作品了

because she's continuing her show for another three years.


So that's exciting, there was a lot of rumors going around that this was it.

太激动了 之前很多传言说她的节目就到此为止了

That she was kind of like, she was done, she had done this for long enough.

大家觉得她 可能做够了 时间已经够久了


And listen, you can never get enough of Ellen. She's the best.

听着 艾伦的节目看再多都不烦 她是最棒的

By the way, I have to bring it up, my mom still is upset.

顺便提一嘴 我必须得说一下 我妈妈还是不高兴

Ellen's never been on The Morning Mash Up.

艾伦从来没上过“The Morning Mash Up”

Ellen, if you're listening, Penny is dying for you come on The Mash up, as are we.

艾伦 如果你在听 Penny极其期待你来“The Mash up”做客 也就是我们的节目

All right, well I don't want to disappoint his mother, so I'm going to call them up and surprise them right now.

好 我不想让他妈妈失望 所以我要现在打给他们 给他们一个惊喜

Hey, it's The Mash Up, who's this? Hey, good morning.

嘿 这里是“The Mash up” 您是哪位?嘿 早上好呀

Hi am I caller 39? Caller 39? Did I get the Ozzy Osborne tickets?

嗨 我是第39位呼叫者吗?我获得了Ozzy Osborne(演唱会)的门票吗?

The Osborne tickets? Ozzy Osbourne? Who is this?

Osborne门票?Ozzy Osbourne?您是哪位?

It's Ellen Degeneres. First time listener, first time caller. Oh my god!

我是艾伦·德杰尼勒斯 首次当听众 首次打电话 哦我的天!

What? Hi. Get out of here.

什么?嗨 不是吧

Ellen you are not on the phone with The Morning Mash Up right now.

艾伦 你现在不是在跟“The Morning Mash Up”打电话

Ellen, do you know how many years we've been complaining on our show that you've never come on?

艾伦 你知道我们在节目上抱怨了多少年你从来不上我们节目吗?

What? No, I'm doing my show right now and then I just got word that your mother was mad.

什么?不是 我现在在录我的节目呢 然后听说你妈很生气

So I don't want-- what's her name? Penny? Penny!

我不想 她叫什么?Penny吗?Penny

Ellen, my mom, Penny, every time she calls me she's like, Ryan is Ellen coming this week?

艾伦 我妈 Penny 每次给我打电话 她都问 Ryan 艾伦这周会来吗?

And I think even knowing that I'm on the phone with you, I might be in trouble. Oh my gosh.

我觉得 即便只知道我跟你通了电话 我都有麻烦了 哦天

Oh wow. Well hopefully she's listening.

哦哇哦 希望她在听

Question: XM, what does that stand for? Oh dear.

有个问题:XM 代表什么含义?哦天

Oh that was the former name of the satellite company.

哦 那是卫星公司以前的旧名字

I think X is just-- Don't just make it up. I don't think there's a real name for it.

我觉得X是指 别瞎掰 它应该没有真正的名字吧

I think it was the name of a satellite, I believe, originally.


Do you know, Ellen? No, I thought it was a sex thing.

你知道吗 艾伦?不知道 我还以为是跟性有关的东西

I didn't know what y'all were doing. I thought it meant something.

我不晓得你们是干嘛的 我还以为它有啥特殊含义呢

Nothing inappropriate. No, nothing inappropriate. No. Good.

没有任何不恰当的含义 没有 没有不恰当的意思 没有 很好

So I wanted to fulfill your wish, because I'm on the show.

我想实现你们的愿望 因为我正在录节目

First of all, thank you for being happy for me for fulfilling another three years of my contract.

首先 谢谢你们为我续约三年感到开心

Congratulations on that, yes. Thank you. And then you're in New York right?

恭喜你 嗯 谢谢 你们现在是在纽约?

So you can't be-- We're in New York. Yeah.

那你们不能 我们在纽约 对

OK, but can you send Penny to the season premiere of season 17?

好 那你们能不能让Penny来参加第17季的首播?

Absolutely. Wow. Honestly, this is bucket list.

没问题 哇哦 说实话 这就在我们的愿望清单上

Yeah, well you can't come, you're there. Wow.

嗯 你们来不了 你们在纽约呢 哇哦

We're legit live right now. That is amazing!

我们现在是现场直播呢 太棒了

Hi everybody! Hey guys! Yeah, everybody's happy to--

嗨 大家好啊 嘿 各位 大家都很开心

We love you too! Wow! That's awesome. Isn't this exciting?

我们也爱你们 哇哦 太棒了 超激动啊

So I just wanted to call. Is there any other wishes I can fulfill while I'm on the phone with you?

我就是想给你们打个电话 现在还有没有其他愿望我能帮你们实现的?

Yes, there's one for me. What's that?

有 我有一个 什么?

Ellen, please come to the studio live. Come to our place live.

艾伦 请您到我们的演播室吧 亲自到这儿来

Can you do that? You're in New York, right? Yeah.

可以吗?你们在纽约 对吧?对

Yeah, I don't know when I'm going to get there next.

嗯 我不知道下次去纽约是啥时候呢

If I'm in New York, I will do it. OK.

如果我去纽约了 就去你们节目 好

I have a wish, how about we come to your show.

我有个心愿 我们去上你的节目怎么样

And we'll even split that chair.


The three of us will all sit on each other's laps if we could just sit on that chair next to you.

只要能坐在你旁边 我们三个宁愿叠罗汉坐在那一把椅子上

We have a budget here. We have a love seat.

我们经济很宽裕 有双人座椅的

We actually have more than one chair.


We have a couch and love seat. Wow, fancy. Wow.

我们有长沙发 还有双人座椅 哇哦 豪华啊 哇哦

All right, well listen, Jen Aniston is here, so I can't take up too much time with you.

好 听着 Jen Aniston来了 我不能跟你们聊太久

But Nicole, Ryan, Stanley, great talking to you and I will see Penny next season.

不过Nicole Ryan Stanley 跟你们聊天很高兴 Penny 我们相约下一季哦

Thank you Ellen, we love you. Thank you. All right. Love you all, bye. Bye.

谢谢你艾伦 我们爱你 谢谢 好 爱你们 拜 拜

重点单词   查看全部解释    
inappropriate [.inə'prəupriit]


adj. 不适当的,不相称的

bucket ['bʌkit]


n. 水桶
vt. 装在桶里

budget ['bʌdʒit]


n. 预算
vt. 编预算,为 ... 做预算

absolutely ['æbsəlu:tli]


adv. 绝对地,完全地;独立地

disappoint [.disə'pɔint]


v. 使 ... 失望

upset [ʌp'set]


adj. 心烦的,苦恼的,不安的
v. 推翻,

contract ['kɔntrækt,kən'trækt]


n. 合同,契约,婚约,合约
v. 订合同,缩

listener ['lisənə]


n. 听者,听众

mash [mæʃ]


n. 麦芽浆,糊状物,土豆泥 v. 把 ... 捣成糊状

split [split]


n. 劈开,裂片,裂口
adj. 分散的





