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来源:可可英语 编辑:Daisy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

Do they call you Kylie "Billionaire" Jenner? I mean, does family?


I mean, they must be.


They've all been working for years, and suddenly you come along and you're the youngest and you're a billionaire.

他们都工作了好多年 突然你降临了 你是最小的 还是个亿万富翁

First of all, she must be your favorite child, I would assume.

首先 我猜她肯定是你最钟爱的孩子

Well, duh. Yeah. But I mean, do they really make fun of you? Do they give you a hard time?

咄 不过 他们会拿你寻开心吗?会不会为难你?

Umm It's only when we--I don't know like when we're in a group chat talking about,

嗯 只有我们 比如我们在群组里聊天的时候 如果说

let's all go-- oh my god, we should go on a trip.

我们去 哦天 我们应该去旅行


And then everyone's like, "Kylie? Are you going to pay for it?" Or just stuff like that.

然后大家就会说 “凯莉 你会承担经费吗?”之类的

But they just joke with me. Just sister-sister love.

不过都是开玩笑的 好姐妹之间的爱

They tease her a lot. But they're all really proud of me for sure.

她们经常逗她 不过也都为我感到骄傲

Do they really they expect you to pay for all this stuff?


No. They don't really. No. Just my stuff. She pays for my stuff.

不是 并没有 不是 只有我的东西 她只给我的东西买单

Right. I'm the oldest. Right.

嗯 我是年龄最大的 对

They told me all the time though how proud they are of me. I'm sure they are.

不过她们经常跟我说非常为我骄傲 那是肯定的

Let's talk about the birthday thing because there were pictures, and they're beautiful pictures.

我们来聊聊生日吧 有很多很漂亮的照片

So you went to Portofino. Where else did you go?

你们去了波托菲诺 还去了哪里?

Positano and Saint Tropez, Capri, in Italy.

波西塔诺 圣托佩斯 卡普里岛 在意大利

So that was your birthday gift that you were on a boat? Yes.

所以你们在船上 这其实是你的生日礼物?对

And you just spent the whole time on the boat with the whole family, or who went?

你们就和家人一起待在穿上 还有谁去了?

I had like-- Corey. --five of my friends. Me.

还有我的 Corey 五个朋友 我

And then Travis was there, Stormi was there. Yeah. That's fantastic.

Travis也去了 Stormi去了 嗯 太棒了

So Travis took time off to hang out with you?


I just watched that documentary this weekend, by the way.

哦 我这周末才看了那个纪录片

If you haven't seen, it's Look Mom, I Can Fly. What is it?

如果大家还没看过 它叫“看啊妈妈 我会飞” 叫什么来着?

Yeah, Look Mom, I Can Fly. It's amazing. Everyone has to watch it.

对 “看啊妈妈 我会飞” 特别棒 大家都要去看

He's incredible. I had no idea what a giant, giant crazy rock star he is.

他特别棒 我之前还没发现他是个多么优秀的摇滚明星

He's amazing. People diving into the crowds.

他超级好 人们消失在人群中

I'm going to start doing that, by the way.

跟你们说 我要那么做

I'm going to start surf-diving, and I'm going to run out and run as fast as I can and just dive an you all pass me around.

我要开始冲潜了 我要出去跑的飞快 然后潜入人群中

Would that be OK? That is such a good idea.


Let's talk about the birthday collection. Yes.

我们再来聊聊生日募捐吧 好

So tell everybody what it is, first of all.


So every year-- well, every year on my birthday I really like to give back.

每年 我每年过生日的时候 都很喜欢回馈社会

It's like the greatest gift of all time.


And I also do a birthday collection for Kylie Cosmetics every year.


And this year I did a collection and the theme was money.


But really, it's about raising as much money to just give back.

但说真的 我筹钱只是为了回赠社会

And I also really appreciate you teaming up with me and finding some amazing people to change their lives.

我也很感激你跟我一起合作 帮我找到一些很了不起的人 改变了他们的生活

Yeah, we're going to do something really amazing later in the show.

一会儿在节目中 我们会做一些很棒的事

But Kylie reached out to us and we're going to do that later.

不过凯莉联系了我们 要晚点再做

But right now, Kylie wants to give the entire audience her cosmetics. So--

不过现在 凯莉想把她的美妆产品送给所有观众

So cute. And we'll be back.

真可爱 马上回来

重点单词   查看全部解释    
fantastic [fæn'tæstik]


adj. 极好的,难以置信的,奇异的,幻想的

theme [θi:m]


n. 题目,主题

documentary [.dɔkju'mentəri]


adj. 文献的
n. 纪录片

collection [kə'lekʃən]


n. 收集,收取,聚集,收藏品,募捐

assume [ə'sju:m]


vt. 假定,设想,承担; (想当然的)认为

saint [seint]


n. 圣人,圣徒
vt. 把 ... 封为圣人

haven ['heivn]


n. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,

incredible [in'kredəbl]


adj. 难以置信的,惊人的

tease [ti:z]


n. 揶揄者,戏弄
v. 欺负,嘲弄

appreciate [ə'pri:ʃieit]


vt. 欣赏,感激,赏识
vt. 领会,充分意





