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经典文学《简·爱》(MP3+中英字幕) 第509期

来源:可可英语 编辑:max   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


"Is there ony country where they talk i' that way?" asked the old woman, looking up from her knitting.

"Yes, Hannah -- a far larger country than England, where they talk in no other way."
"Well, for sure case, I knawn't how they can understand t' one t'other:
and if either o' ye went there, ye could tell what they said, I guess?"
"We could probably tell something of what they said, but not all -- for we are not as clever as you think us, Hannah.
We don't speak German, and we cannot read it without a dictionary to help us."
"And what good does it do you?"


"We mean to teach it some time -- or at least the elements, as they say; and then we shall get more money than we do now."

"Varry like: but give ower studying; ye've done enough for to-night."
"I think we have: at least I'm tired. Mary, are you?"
"Mortally: after all, it's tough work fagging away at a language with no master but a lexicon."
"It is, especially such a language as this crabbed but glorious Deutsch. I wonder when St. John will come home."
"Surely he will not be long now: it is just ten (looking at a little gold watch she drew from her girdle).
It rains fast, Hannah: will you have the goodness to look at the fire in the parlour?"




