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The boxes were the only places where men and women could sit together.

And even then, they had to prove they were members of the same family.
不过此外 他们还须证明自己是一家子
And even then, the women still usually wore masks.
不过再此外 女人还要戴上面具
Audiences were lively and noisy and if they liked a performance they would shout "Victoire".
观众们都很嗨 如果他们喜欢一场表演 他们会喊“维克托瓦尔”
They brought whistles and rattles with them.
Plays were scheduled every day, except Saturday, beginning in the afternoon.
演出每天都会进行 除了周六 从下午开始
They usually featured a bunch of singing and dancing before the action.
There were eight to twelve professional companies licensed by the court.
Most of them had about 20 actors and a few young apprentices.
Women acted, though sometimes there were laws against it.
女人可以表演 尽管有时法律不允许
And the church remained worried about immorality and cross-dressing.
Spain had a lot of playwrights.
And you're gonna need a lot of playwrights if you're gonna write 30,000 plays in a hundred years.
如果要在一百年内创作出三万部戏剧 那么肯定需要很多剧作家
Yeah. You heard right. That's one estimate of the Spanish Golden Age or "Siglio De Oro".
是的 你没听错 这是对西班牙黄金时代戏剧作品量的估算值
And guess what? we have most of them.
猜猜怎么着 所有那些戏剧作品大都被留存了下来
There are so many that scholars haven't even studied them all, like "Frank Zappa records" or "RL Stein novels".
太多了 学者们都还没研究完呢 比如《弗兰克·扎帕记录集》和《RL斯坦小说集》
Fans of the Spanish Golden Age are spoiled for choice.
Cervantes, when he wasn't writing both parts of Don Quixote, wrote some great plays.
塞万提斯 他在没有写两部《唐·吉诃德》的时候 却写了一些伟大的戏剧
So did Tearsa De Molina who gave us our version of the "Don Juan Legend".
忒瑞丝·德·莫利纳也是 她创作了《唐璜传奇》这个版本
But today we're gonna take a brief look at two dramatists, for leaks Lopa De Vega and Pedro Calderon De La Barca.
不过今天我们要简要介绍的两位剧作家是 洛帕·德·维加和佩德罗·卡尔德隆·德拉巴尔卡
Lopa a was born in Madrid in 1562.


Cervantes called him "the Phoenix of wits" for his unparalleled output.

塞万提斯称他为“智慧的凤凰” 因为他的作品无与伦比
He's one of the most prolific literary figures in all of history having written nearly a thousand plays, of which we have four hundred and fifty.
他是历史上最多产的文学人物之一 创作了近一千部戏剧 留存下来的有450部
He also wrote 3,000 sonnets. Shakespeare only wrote 154. what a slacker!
他还写了3000首十四行诗 莎士比亚只写了154篇 太懒了!
Remember how I said that most Spanish plays were about love and honor?
Yeah. That was because of Lopa. That's his bag.
是的 因为它们都是洛帕的作品 (写爱和荣誉)是洛帕的专长所在
He was into juicy female roles, funny lowlife characters and suspenseful plots that magically and happily.
他喜欢有趣的女性角色、有趣的低阶层人物和充满悬疑的情节 这些情节充满了魔力和欢乐
A few of his plays are still performed, including "Fuenteovejuna" or "the Sheep Well", where some abused villagers come together to kill a rapey ruler.
洛帕有几部戏剧至今都仍在上演 比如《羊泉村》 讲述的是一些受虐待的村民聚在一起杀死一个暴虐统治者的故事
Calderon born in 1600, eventually became even more popular than Lopa.
卡尔德隆出生于1600年 他最终的受欢迎度超越了洛帕
We have a hundred of his plays and 80 of those were out of Sacramento lace.
他有上百本戏剧作品被留存下来 其中有80部来自萨克拉门托莱斯
For more than 30 years his outhouse were the only ones performed in Madrid and they are beautiful.
30多年来 卡尔德隆的外屋是马德里唯一的戏剧表演场地 而且很漂亮
In terms of secular plays, he specialized in cape and sword comedies and philosophical dramas.
在世俗戏剧方面 他擅长创作披风、剑喜剧 以及哲学戏剧
His plays aren't as light or eventful as Lopa's, but they are more thoughtful and often more elegant.
他的戏剧不像洛帕的那样轻松或者情节迂回 但是更精湛 也更优美
They have really beautiful poetry.
So we're gonna look more closely at one of Calderon's plays—1635 "Life Is A Dream" or "La Vida Es Sueno".
Let's dream together thought-bubble.
A woman, disguised as a man, is wandering through the hills of Poland, as you do.
有一个乔装成男人的女人在波兰的群山中漫步 同你
When she finds a man chained to a tower, that beardy guy is Saygusmundo.
之后他遇到了一个被链条锁在塔边的男人 也就是那位留着胡子的小伙儿—塞格斯蒙多
It turns out that he is the heir to the Polish Throne. Congrats.
原来他是波兰王位的继承人 恭喜!
Meanwhile, back at the palace, King Basilio is conveniently explaining why he had to chain a dude up.
与此同时 在王宫里 巴西利奥国王正巧在解释自己为什么要把这个家伙锁起来
When Saygusmundo was born, the King received a prophecy that Saygusmundo would kill him and destroy the country. So he tried to prevent it.
在塞格斯蒙多出生时 国王听到了一个预言 说塞格斯蒙多会杀了国王并毁灭这个国家 所以他试图阻止
Haven't we seen this in Greek tragedy somewhere?
King Basilio has decided to give a Saygusmundo a chance.
He has a tutor drugged Saygusmundo and carry him to the palace.
When Saygusmundo wakes up, he's told that he's a prince and should go and do some princely things.
当塞格斯蒙多醒来 他被告知自己是一名王子 要做一些王子该做的事情
And it doesn't go so well. He gets lustful. He gets angry. He throws a servant off of a balcony. He challenges a nobleman to a duel.
但进展并不顺利 塞格斯蒙多变得好色、暴虐 他把一个仆人从阳台上扔下来 他向一位贵族提出决斗
So the King has him sedated again and returned to his tower.
于是国王就又给他服了镇静剂 让他回到了自己的塔楼
Saygusmundo wakes up, believing that his time at the palace was just a dream.
塞格斯蒙多醒来后 认为自己在宫殿里度过的时光只是一场梦
He tells his tutor about the dream and the tutor tells him that even in dreams we have to try to act nobly and not throw people off balconies.
他把这个梦告诉了他的导师 导师告诉他:即使是在梦里 我们也要举止高尚些 把人从阳台上扔下来是不对的
The people find out about the King's experiment and that they have a prince.
They rebel, because succession is super-important to them. I guess.
然后他们就开始反抗 因为继承这个问题对他们来说超级重要的 我猜是吧
And Saygusmundo gets a chance for revenge and his royal right. But Saygusmundo spares the king.
于是塞格斯蒙多得到了一个复仇和拥有王权的机会 但是塞格斯蒙多却放过了国王
So the king realizing that Saygusmundo has changed, acknowledges him as a son and heir.
国王意识到塞格斯蒙多已经改过自新了 所以承认他是自己的儿子和继承人
And Saygusmundo promises to behave with goodness and virtue asleep or awake.
Thanks thought bubble.
At the end Saygusmundo says: What is life? A frenzy. What is life? An illusion, a shadow, a fiction,
and the greatest good is small; For all of life is a dream, and dreams, are only dreams.
It's nice, right?
很美的句子 对吧?
This is a religious allegory, based on the idea that life is a dream until death wakens us to a greater life with God.
这是一部宗教寓言 它基于这样一种观念:生命是一场梦,直到死亡唤醒了我们,让我们跟随上帝一起过上更加美好的生活。
It's also an invitation to us—the audience, to think about our own lives and how we should conduct them,
它也是在提醒读者 不管我们所为的目的是为进入天堂 还是努力让地球上的生活更美好
whether we're directing our actions towards an eventual heaven or working towards making life better here on earth.
Calderon died in 1681 and the Golden Age of Spanish theater kind of died with him.
卡尔德隆死于1681年 此后西班牙戏剧的黄金时代也随之而去
But don't start crying into your Montillo just yet, because next time we're gonna drop in on France
不过现在还不是彻夜哭泣的时候 因为下集我们会顺道去拜访法国
where neoclassicism, based on some pretty weird readings of Aristotle, is going strong.
But until then, curtain.
下集见 闭幕!

重点单词   查看全部解释    
revenge [ri'vendʒ]


n. 报仇,报复,复仇愿望,获得满足的机会

ruler ['ru:lə]


n. 尺子,划线板
n. 统治者,支配者

performance [pə'fɔ:məns]


n. 表演,表现; 履行,实行
n. 性能,本

lace [leis]


n. 饰带,花边,缎带
v. 结带子,饰以花边

invitation [.invi'teiʃən]


n. 邀请,招待,邀请函,引诱,招致

conduct [kən'dʌkt]


n. 行为,举动,品行
v. 引导,指挥,管理

eventually [i'ventjuəli]


adv. 终于,最后

haven ['heivn]


n. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,

illusion [i'lu:ʒən]


n. 幻觉,错觉,错误的信仰(或观念)

professional [prə'feʃənl]


adj. 职业的,专业的,专门的
n. 专业人





