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Hey there! I'm Mike Rugnetta. This is Crash cCourse Theater.

嘿 大家好 我是迈克·鲁格内塔 这里是“戏剧速成课堂”
And those of you of legal drinking age should get your pickles and bytes of brown bread ready,
那些到了合法饮酒年龄的 准备好你们的腌黄瓜和黑面包
because today we're exploring Anton Chekhov, The Moscow Art theater in the early years of Russian of modernism.
That means laughter and tears and vodka, lots of vodka.
Also, who is gonna pay the mortgage? Lights up!
另外 谁来偿还抵押贷款呢 打灯!
Early Russian drama looked a lot like the early years of theater in France, Germany or Italy.
There were mystery plays and full comedies that eventually gave way to neoclassical scholastic plays,
虽然在俄国 很多新古典主义戏剧都是反拿破仑的戏剧
although in Russia, a bunch of the neoclassical plays were specifically anti-Napoleon dramas.
So that's a new twist, I guess.
Empress catherine the great allowed the first professional theatre to open in saint petersburg in the mid 1700s.
18世纪中期 凯瑟琳女皇允许在圣彼得堡开设第一家专业剧院
She even wrote a bunch of not-so-great comedies and her own version of "The Merry Wives of Windsor", where all the characters got Russian names.
她甚至还写了一些不那么伟大的喜剧以及一部以她自己为原型的剧《温莎的风流娘儿们》 里面所有的角色都有俄罗斯名字
She described her own work as a free but feeble adaptation.
Russia's dramatic literary tradition didn't really start until romanticism took over,
led by Alexander Pushkin and Mikhail Lermontov, though their works went unproduced for years because of censorship.
领头人是亚历山大·普希金和米哈伊尔·莱蒙托夫 虽然由于审查制度的限制 他们的作品多年都未能演出
And then, Alexei Tolstoy, a distant relative of Lev, aka "Leo Tolstoy", wrote a trilogy of plays about "Ivan The Terrible".
后来 阿列克谢·托尔斯泰 即列夫(又名列夫·托尔斯泰)的远房亲戚 创作了戏剧《伊凡雷帝》三部曲
That pretty much closed the-not-very-thick book on Russian romantic theater.
It's the only not very thick Russian book that has ever existed.
But fun fact, for a country so state-controlled and censorship heavy, realism came to Russia pretty early.
不过有趣的是 对于政府控制如此之强、审查制度如此之严格的俄罗斯 现实主义竟然也来得如此之早
Examples include Ivan Turgenev's melancholy 1850s comedy "A Month In The Country" about affairs on a rural estate,
例如,伊凡·屠格涅夫19世纪50年代的忧郁喜剧《乡间一月》 讲述的是一个乡村庄园的故事、
and Alexander Ostrovsky's middle-class comedies and dramas, ~'s "A Bitter Fate" even followed zola's naturalistic precepts a decade before zola wrote them.
Nikolai Gogol and Leo Tolstoy wrote more controversial plays.
Gogol's was a farcical look at provincial corruption, the government inspector,


and Tolstoy's a baby murdering classic "The Power of Darkness", which we looked at in our episode on French naturalism.

托尔斯泰的那部谋杀婴儿的经典作品《黑暗的势力》 我们在法国自然主义那集里看过
But censorship meant that these plays sometimes waited decades before being produced.
不过 严格的审查制度说明这些戏剧要等几十年才能进行演出
Into this world arrived Anton Chekhov, Russia's greatest playwright and a man who really knew his way around the samovar.
后来俄国最伟大的剧作家契诃夫来到了这个世界 他是“俄国式茶饮”的大师
Chekhov was born in 1860. His paternal grandfather had been a serf.
契诃夫出生于1860年 祖父曾是农奴
Chekhov trained as a doctor and though he continued to practice medicine, he devoted himself to literature, mostly as a short story writer at first.
契诃夫起初学习行医 后来在行医的同时投身到了文学领域 最初主要作为一名短篇小说作家
Just as he finished medical school, he developed tuberculosis.
But he was financially responsible for his family, so he ignored it.
但是因其要挣钱养活家人 所以就放弃了写作
A few years later, he wrote his first produced play "Ivanov".
直到几年之后 他写了他的第一部戏剧《伊万诺夫》
But even though it was a hit, Chekhov considered it a disappointment.
虽说这部剧大获成功 但是契诃夫本人却并不看好
In 1895, he wrote his first major dramatic work "The seagull". It was produced the next year and it flopped hard.
1895年 他写了他的第一部伟大的戏剧作品《海鸥》 该剧第二年进行了演出 不过以惨败告终
The actors didn't know their lines. The audience booed like crazy.
演员们不知道自己的台词是什么 观众疯狂发出嘘声
Chekhov ran out of the theater in the middle of the second act and said that he would never write another play.
第二幕演到一半的时候契诃夫跑出剧院 说自己再也不写戏剧了
But a writer and theater director named Vladimir Namira Vich Tischenko loved the play and remounted it at the newly founded Moscow Art Theatre.
但是一位名叫弗拉基米尔·纳米拉·维奇·蒂申科的剧作家兼导演非常喜欢这部剧 并在新成立的莫斯科艺术剧院重新演出了这部剧
Chekhov then wrote three more major works: "Uncle vanya", "The three sisters", and "The Cherry Orchard".
So what makes these plays so indelible?
那么 是什么让这些戏剧如此令人难忘呢?
Well, even though Chekhov's plays are full of incidents like murders and attempted murders and suicides and attempted suicides, and who is gonna pay the mortgage?
嗯 虽然契诃夫的戏剧充满了谋杀。谋杀未遂、自杀、自杀未遂 以及 谁来偿还这个抵押贷款
There's some of the first place to feel like life. Because here's the thing.
很多东西给人的最初感觉很像生活 是这样的:
Chekhov knew that life doesn't include a lot of climaxes or cliffhangers or neat speeches that explain everything.
契诃夫知道 生活中没有那么多的高潮、扣人心弦的情节 也没有那么多能诠释一切的简洁的演讲
Most of the time it's just about playing cards or going for a walk or having a late-night vodka sesh.
He wrote: In life, people do not shoot themselves, or hang themselves, or fall in love, or deliver themselves of clever sayings every minute.
他写道:生活中 人们不会自杀 或者上吊 或者坠入爱河 或者总是讲一些大道理
They spend most of their time eating, drinking, running after women, or men, or talking nonsense.
It is therefore necessary that this should be shown on the stage...
所以 这些有必要展现在舞台上
Life on the stage should be as it really is, and the people, too, should be as they are.
舞台上的生活应该接近真实的生活 舞台上的人们也应该做真实的自己
This doesn't mean that nothing happens in Chekhov's plays or that what happens doesn't matter.
这并不是说 契诃夫的戏剧里毫无情节 或者都是一些平平淡淡的情节
Plenty happens and it does matter. But Chekhov was also comfortable writing scenes that are just less eventful.
他的戏剧里有很多情节 而且情节惊心动魄 不过契诃夫也喜欢写一些不那么惊心动魄的情节
And it's those scenes that have the texture of life.
He also meant many of these scenes to be funny and often fought with his serious-minded directors to make them funnier.
他还有意让这些情节变得有趣 而且经常和他那些严肃的导演们打打闹闹来让他们变得有趣
He was a master of subtext, a kind of misdirection in which characters can't or won't say what they really mean
他是潜台词大师 潜台词是一种误导 在这种误导下 人物不能或不愿说出他们真正的想法
but the meaning emerges anyway around and under and between the lines.
Let's take a closer look at Chekhovian realism through his last play "The Cherry Orchard".
That was outlawed bubble.
Luba Ranevskaya has returned home from some years in Paris with a lover.
She learns her home where her son drowned will be sold at auction.
她得知她的家 也是她的儿子溺死的地方将被拍卖
Her neighbor Lopakhin, a former serf, encourages her to chop down the orchard and divide the estate into parcels for middle-class people to build summer homes.
她的曾经是农奴的邻居劳帕金鼓励她砍掉果园 把庄园分成小块用来给中产阶级建造避暑别墅
Luba won't listen. She sees trofimov, her son's former tutor who is now a scruffy student she weeps.
柳博夫不听他的话 她看到特罗菲莫夫之后哭了 特罗菲莫夫曾是她儿子的家庭教师 现在是个邋遢的学生
Luba is out for a walk with her brother Gaia, her daughter Anya, and her adopted daughter Varia,
as well as Lopukhina and Trophymuff, a homeless man stumbles in and Luba gives him all her money,
还有洛波金和乔费麻夫一起去散步 这时一个无家可归的男人跌跌撞撞地走过来 柳博夫把自己所有的钱都给了他
even though Varia says there's barely enough to feed the servants.
Anya is impressed by Trophymuff's revolutionary talk of a new world and a new life.
She sneaks down to the river with...

重点单词   查看全部解释    
disappointment [.disə'pɔintmənt]


n. 失望,令人失望的人或事

provincial [prə'vinʃəl]


n. 乡下人,地方人民
adj. 省的,地方的

twist [twist]


v. 拧,捻,搓,扭曲
n. 扭曲,盘旋,捻,

playwright ['pleirait]


n. 剧作家

serf [sə:f]


n. 农奴,奴隶

estate [is'teit]


n. 财产,房地产,状态,遗产

adaptation [.ædæp'teiʃən]


n. 改编,改编成的作品,适应

controversial [.kɔntrə'və:ʃəl]


adj. 引起争论的,有争议的

comedy ['kɔmidi]


n. 喜剧,滑稽,幽默事件

episode ['episəud]


n. 插曲,一段情节,片段,轶事





