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Now josh you've had a really productive lockdown, you worked on your own Youtube channel,

乔什 你隔离这段时间真的很高产 你搞了自己的油管频道
I'm so impressed you managed to be this productive during this period of time.
你这段时间这么高产 这让我印象很深刻
It's weird, i have been so busy. With the Youtube channel and i have been doing a ton of voice over work, a ton.
这很奇怪 我一直都很忙 忙我的油管频道 还搞了很多配音工作 真的很多
I have just been slammed. You do have an incredible voice,
我真的爱上了 你声音真的很棒
You voiced one of the most famous characters in animation, Olaf, the snowman from frozen.
你为动画片中最著名的人物之一 《冰雪奇缘》中的雪人奥拉夫配音
True, true, yeah, i played Olaf in a few films over the years but from there i have really branched out to other things.
是的 是的 这几年我在几部电影中 扮演了奥拉夫 但是从那以后 我真的开始扩展到其他方面
Really, so what kind of things, what sort of characters are you playing?
真的吗 什么东西 你扮演了神秘角色
Just Olaf. I only play Olaf but his voice has been so in demand.
只有奥拉夫 只扮演奥拉夫 但是他的声音需求量很大
I'm sure you already know this but i narrated the celebrated ESPN documentary the last dance as Olaf the snowman.
我知道 你肯定已经知道这个了 我以雪人奥拉夫为著名的ESPN纪录片 最后一舞 配了音
Really? I don't think that's right. Unbelievable, isn't it.
真的吗 我不觉得这是对的 难以置信 不是吗
It is not unbelievable, it just didn't happen. Then how do you explain this? Explain what? Let's go to the clip.
不是难以置信 它根本就没有发生 那你怎么解释这个呢 解释哪个 让我们来看一个片段
Hey, kids, it's me Olaf the snowman and this movie is about how sports with fun, winning is no big deal,
嘿 孩子们 是我 雪人奥拉夫 这个电影讲的是体育的乐趣 赢球没什么大不了的
They start the game with a huddle which is like a big hug between six men or more. Hopefully more.
他们以一次相拥开始比赛 就是六个人或更多人聚在一起 希望是更多
Should i shave my head? Seriously, good idea or bad idea, maybe i should just let it grow, let it grow!
我应该剃头吗 说真的 好主意或坏主意 也许我应该让它成长 让它成长
Oh hey, there is Dennis Rodman. Oh, they are having so much fun.
噢 这不是丹尼斯 罗德曼嘛 他们好开心啊
Basket, he is happy. He is holding it in. Oh, oh, that one didn't go in. He is still having fun though, i think he's okay.
球入网了 他很开心 他在控制 奥 奥 这球没进 我还是玩的很开森 我觉得他没事
They'll hug again after this. What on earth was that?
他们之后还会拥抱的 这是什么玩意儿
That is a documentary about the 1997 Chicago bulls as told by a narrator who understands how precious time is because he is a snowman.
这是一部关于1997年芝加哥公牛队的纪录片 由一位旁白君讲述的 他知道时间有多珍贵 因为他是一个雪人
I think i know what's going on here. It feels like you made that video yourself as a plot to get more work for Olaf.
我觉得我知道发生什么事了 感觉这视频就是你制作的 意图带来更多奥尔夫的作品


A way to get more work for Olaf. Why would i do that, James,

带来更多奥尔夫的作品 我为什么会这么做呢 詹姆斯
Especially when Olaf just finished a film about the severe dust storm that wrecked havoc on the American pray years in the 1930s.
尤其是 奥拉夫刚刚完成一部关于20世纪30年代严重破坏美国祈祷年代的沙尘暴电影
Are you talking about the PBS documentary the Dust Bowl because that was a great documentary.
你说的是PBS纪录片 沙尘暴吗 那个纪录片很棒
What have you done to it? Rolls clip. This doesn't look so bad. That's grass. There's some-- it's sunset, this is nice.
你对它做了什么 播放视频 这看起来还好 这是草 这有一些 这是日落 这个不错
So why do they call it the dust bowl. Oh, there it is. There is the dust.
为什么他们叫它沙尘暴呢 奥 在这里 这是沙尘
I was wrong, this looks pretty bad. That's a lot of dead cows.
我错了 这看起来很糟 这有很多死牛
Ironically it took a snowman to understand the plight of the every man.
讽刺的是 我们需要一个雪人来理解大家的困境
Okay, that was one of the most disrespectful things i've ever seen.
I hear you, let's do three more. Absolutely not. Five minutes. No. Roll the clip.
我听到了 不要 五分钟 不 给我放
Stop rolling clips. Snakes, snakes, snakes, they're everywhere! Oh my god. It's fine, i'm fine.
别放了 蛇 蛇 蛇 到处都是蛇 我天啊 没事的 没事的
I think-- oh my god. What is even is life, oh! We have so little time. Nothing is prop. Honestly, i actually really liked that one. Really?
我觉得 天啊 生命是个什么 奥 我们的时间是那么少 没什么靠得住的 老实讲 我真的喜欢这个 真的吗
No, i think you've been cooped up in your home too long. You're losing it. Josh gad, everybody. We'll be right back.
假的 我想你在家里关得太久了 你找不到感觉了 大家伙 这就是乔什加德 我们马上回来

重点单词   查看全部解释    
prop [prɔp]


n. 支柱,支持者,倚靠人
n. 道具

ironically [ai'rɔnikli]


adv. 讽刺地,说反话地

narrator [næ'reitə]


n. 叙述者,讲解员

channel ['tʃænl]


n. 通道,频道,(消息)渠道,海峡,方法

clip [klip]


n. 夹子,钳,回形针,弹夹
n. 修剪,(羊

absolutely ['æbsəlu:tli]


adv. 绝对地,完全地;独立地

documentary [.dɔkju'mentəri]


adj. 文献的
n. 纪录片

minutes ['minits]


n. 会议记录,(复数)分钟

precious ['preʃəs]


adj. 宝贵的,珍贵的,矫揉造作的

incredible [in'kredəbl]


adj. 难以置信的,惊人的


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