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来源:可可英语 编辑:Daisy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

I love to watch science fiction movies but I cringe, I cringe whenever I see a depiction of the aliens.

我喜欢看科幻片 但我会害怕 每次看到外星人的时候都会害怕

First of all, the aliens speak perfect English.

首先 外星人的英语说得非常溜

Did you ever see such jerky looking creatures?


And one head yet. Typical Earth men.

而且只有一个头 典型的地球人

I mean, we have Hollywood special effects so why can't we get better aliens?

我们有好莱坞的特效 那为啥不设计出一些更好的外星人呢?

I would admonish scriptwriters for Hollywood films that have space and alien monsters invading Earth.


Don't give them claws. Claws are for carnivores and you've got to be an omnivore to be an ET.

不要给他们加爪子 爪子是肉食动物的象征 外星人必须得是杂食动物

There just isn't enough energy available in the next trophic level down to maintain big populations and stable populations that can evolve civilization.



Some people have gone so far as to say that, in fact, human type organisms, humanoids will occur on other planets.

有些人想象力有点过头了 他们认为其他星球上会出现人形生物 像人类的生物

So there will be intelligent beings that if we saw them they would be recognizable which, of course, is what Hollywood tells us.

所以存在智能生物 如果我们看到了就能认出他们 当然了 这是好莱坞告诉我们的

If you watch almost any science fiction TV show or movie the intelligent life form is bipedal, a couple of arms, a mouth.

如果你看过科幻片 电视节目或电影 那些只能生物基本都是长有两只脚 几个胳膊 一个嘴

Maybe they only have three fingers and pointy ears and they're green but they're pretty humanoid.

也许他们只有三根手指 尖耳朵 而且是绿色的 但他们很像人类

And so some people say yes, that's actually very likely that humans are a very successful life form here on Earth that we are extremely well adapted to our environment

有些人会说 没错 很有可能人类是地球上非常成功的一种生物 我们完美地适应了地球环境

which ancestrally was occurring on the plains of Africa, but we adapted so exquisitely that we now dominate the world.

我们的祖先诞生于非洲的平原 但我们适应的非常好 所以现在统治了地球

So if this is such a good adaptation here on Earth it would similarly be a good adaptation on another planet and evolution would be likely to take the similar course.

如果在地球上我们的适应性这么好 那其他星球上也可能是相似的情况 进化路线会大同小异

That is the argument that is being made in some corners.


But when we look at aliens in the movies we're basically projecting our own consciousness in aliens.

但我们看看电影里的那些外星人 我们其实是把自己的意识映射在了他们身上

Our fears, our desires are projected and they are a mirror of who we are, not a mirror of who they really are.

我们的恐惧、欲望都体现在他们身上 他们是我们的镜子 而不是真正的他们

For example, if you take a look at a bat or a dog, the dog's brain is mainly interested in smells.

比如 拿蝙蝠或者狗来举例子 狗的大脑主要对气味比较感兴趣

It's swirling in a universe of smells while a bat's brain mainly is concentrated on sonar, on detecting clicks and echoes.

它会在气味的世界里肆意徜徉 而蝙蝠的大脑主要聚焦在声呐上 侦探震动和回声

The same thing with the dolphin brain.


Their consciousness is totally different from our consciousness because they see things differently than us because of their evolutionary history.

它们的思想跟人类截然不同 因为它们看待事物的方式与我们不同 这取决于它们的进化史

For example, when we see a cat and the cat comes up to us and starts to purr next to us we say to ourselves oh, nice cat.

比如 如果有只猫向我们跑来 并且在我们身边打呼噜 我们会说 哦 好可爱的猫猫啊

Cat is being affectionate. No, the cat is not being affectionate.

猫很喜欢我们 但不是这样的 猫并不是喜欢我们

It's simply rubbing its hormones on you and saying I own this human.

它只是在把自己的荷尔蒙蹭到你身上 以此宣示这个人是我的

This human is mine. I'm marking my territory.

这个人是我的 我在标记领地

This human feeds me twice a day. I've trained him.

这个人每天喂我两次 我已经驯化了他

So a cat sees the universe totally different than we do and yet we impose our thinking on an alien.

所以猫看待世界的方式与我们完全不同 但我们却把自己的想法强加给外星人

重点单词   查看全部解释    
typical ['tipikəl]


adj. 典型的,有代表性的,特有的,独特的

extremely [iks'tri:mli]


adv. 极其,非常

planet ['plænit]


n. 行星

environment [in'vaiərənmənt]


n. 环境,外界

intelligent [in'telidʒənt]


adj. 聪明的,智能的

concentrated ['kɔnsentreitid]


adj. 全神贯注的,浓缩的 动词concentrate

adaptation [.ædæp'teiʃən]


n. 改编,改编成的作品,适应

territory ['teritəri]


n. 领土,版图,领域,范围

impose [im'pəuz]


v. 加上,课征,强迫,征收(税款)

evolution [.i:və'lu:ʃən]


n. 进化,发展,演变


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