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来源:可可英语 编辑:Vicki   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

That's amazing. Well, I love what you're doing. I think everyone here loves what you're doing,

真是太棒了 嗯 我很赞赏你所做的事情 我想大家都很赞赏你所做的事情

but I happen to know an author, activist, and artist who's very excited to meet you.

我刚好认识一位作家 一位活动家和艺术家 她也很激动能够见到你

So, ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the first African American female principal dancer with the prestigious American Ballet Theatre, Misty Copeland.

好的 先生们女士们 有请美国芭蕾舞剧院第一位美国非裔女首席舞者米丝蒂·科普兰

What?! What?! Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Oh! Oh, my God.

真的吗 真的吗 哦 天哪 哦 天哪 哦 天哪

I'm so excited. I thought you were gonna…there was a lot of…, like There was a really long intake from you.

我太激动了 我就知道你会……会很多……你确实深呼吸了很久

Are you okay? Are you okay?

你还好吗 你还好吗

You make me so proud, and that's why I do what I do, you know?

你让我觉得很自豪 这就是我做我所做的事情的原因 你知道吗

It's to make the next generation more than us, and you are proof of that, and you just make me so proud. Ahh.

就是为了让下一代比我们更优秀 你就是优秀的证明 你让我感到非常骄傲 啊~

Well, I love everything you stand for. I love that you're a true artist, and you…you just do so much more.

嗯 我欣赏你所坚持的一切 我欣赏你是一个真正的艺术家 你做了很多

You go so above and beyond. I think everybody…that's why you are such an icon to so many people.

你做得太多了 我想大家……这就是为什么你会成为这么多人的偶像

Thank you.


And I loved you book. I have read it at home.

我喜欢你的书 我在家里读的


It's just amazing, and can I…it's very weird. I'm gonna read you something that I love so much from your own book

写得太棒了 我能不能……会不会有点奇怪 我要给你读一段我非常喜欢的你的书里的内容

because I think this is a sentiment that runs very deeply in both of you.


My hopes are that people will feel empowered to be whatever they want to be, to feel that they have no limits.

我的希望是 人们会感到有能力成为自己想成为的人 感到自己没有限制

Just endless dreams that are reachable. No matter what that dream is…Oh, no, I'm getting choked up. Aah!

只是无尽的可望而不可及的梦想 不管那个梦想是什么……哦 不 我要哽咽了 啊!

No matter what that dream is, you have the power to make it come true with hard work and dedication, despite what you look like or struggle with.

不管你的梦想是什么 不管你外表如何 不管你与之斗争的是什么 你都有能力通过努力工作和奉献来实现它

Oh, my gosh.

哦 我的天哪

And that is…that's like you put that…Oh! I have no words, I have no words.


But I read that to my girls, and it made us talk about it for, like, an hour of just

但我把它读给我的女儿们听 它让我们花了一个小时的时间来讨论

what it is to be represented in everything you see, to be represented in the world.

它在你所看到的一切事物中所代表的意义 在这个世界中所代表的意义

So I want to thank you, and that you're both doing that is incredible.

所以我要感谢你们 你们所做的一切都很伟大

Helping other kids read is one of the most generous and impactful things that anyone can do,


and the fact that you're helping displaced children is so inspirational, so I am donating 50 copies of my book to your book club.

而你帮助流离失所的孩子是如此鼓舞人心 所以我要捐赠50本我的书给你们的读书俱乐部

Rhymers and Readers… (Oh, my gosh, thank you so much!)…to help you to continue your unbelievable mission, and on behalf of myself and Little Big Shots,

《作诗者和读者》……(哦 天哪 太感谢了)……来帮助你继续完成你的伟大的使命 我代表我自己和“小小达人秀”

I'd also like to donate $10,000 to your book club so that you can continue doing all of the incredible work that you're already doing.

同时我还想捐1万美元给你的读书俱乐部 这样你就可以继续做你已经在做的那些伟大的工作了

Oh, my gosh! Thank you so much.

哦 天哪 太感谢了

You know what, Havana, I think someday somebody's gonna write a book about you. That's what I guess.

你知道吗 哈瓦那 我想有一天会有人写一本关于你的书 我想会有的

重点单词   查看全部解释    
incredible [in'kredəbl]


adj. 难以置信的,惊人的

generous ['dʒenərəs]


adj. 慷慨的,宽宏大量的,丰盛的,味浓的

ballet ['bælei]


n. 芭蕾舞

donate ['dəuneit]


vt. 捐赠,转移(电子)
vi. 捐款

misty ['misti]


adj. 有雾的,模糊的,含糊的

prestigious [pres'tidʒiəs]


adj. 享有声望的,声望很高的

sentiment ['sentimənt]


n. 感情,情趣,意见,观点,多愁善感

dedication [.dedi'keiʃən]


n. 奉献,献词,献堂礼


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