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来源:可可英语 编辑:Vicki   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

They're frightened, and also they're disgusted by their own poverty and servitude.

她们害怕 也厌恶了自己的贫穷和奴役

As Solange says, "I want to help you. I want to comfort you, but I know I disgust you.

正如索兰格所说:“我想帮你 我想安慰你 但我知道我让你厌恶

I'm repulsive to you. And I know it because—you disgust me. When slaves love one another, it's not love."

你讨厌我 我知道 因为你也让我恶心 如果相爱的人是奴隶 那就不是爱”

Claire replies, "And me, I'm sick of seeing my image thrown back at me by a mirror, like a bad smell: You're my bad smell."

克莱尔回答说:“我讨厌看到镜子里的自己 就像一股难闻的气味 你就是我身上的一股难闻的气味”

So out of revenge and disgust, and in a not very sane attempt at self-preservation, Claire decides to murder Madame.

因此 出于报复和厌恶 以及一个不太理智的自我保护尝试 克莱尔决定谋杀夫人

Madame returns, and Claire puts sleeping pills into her tea.

夫人回来了 克莱尔把安眠药放进了她的茶里

But before she can drink it, Solange tells her that Monsieur is free, and Madame leaves the tea untouched.

但在夫人喝之前索兰格告诉她Monsieur自由了 夫人并没有碰那杯茶

The maids begin their game again, but this time it's darker, crueler, and even weirder.

女仆们又开始了她们的游戏 但这一次更黑暗、更残酷、甚至更古怪

Claire is playing Madame. She orders Solange to bring her a cup of tea.

克莱尔扮演夫人 她叫索兰格给她端茶

Claire lies down on Madame's bed and drinks the poisoned tea, killing herself. Thanks, ThoughtBubble.

克莱尔躺在夫人的床上 喝了有毒的茶 杀死了自己 谢谢思想泡泡

That was not hygienic.


While Genet based his play on an actual real-life French murder, Genet was obviously not trying to create true crime or realism.

热内在根据一个真实的法国谋杀案来创作剧本时 显然他并不打算创造一桩真实的犯罪或者走现实主义风格

Genet's pal Sartre suggested that adolescent boys should play all the roles as a way to enhance the unreality.

热内的朋友萨特建议应该让青春期的男孩来扮演所有的角色 以此来加强不真实感

But with its gowns, flowers, and sadomasochistic humiliation, it's already pretty unreal.


Our next absurdist is Romanian playwright Eugene Ionesco, author of deceptively simple, sometimes allegorical works like "The Chairs" or "Rhinoceros."

我们的下一位荒谬家是罗马尼亚剧作家欧仁·尤内斯库 他的作品看似简单但有时带有讽喻意味 比如《椅子》和《犀牛》

Ionesco was born in Romania in 1909 and moved between Romania and France several times.

尤内斯库于1909年出生于罗马尼亚 曾多次在罗马尼亚和法国之间搬迁

When Ionesco was almost forty, he decided to learn English by memorizing simple sentences.


Those sentences made their way into an absurdist and sometimes silly work called "The Bald Soprano."


In this play, one nice couple, the Smiths, invite over another nice couple, the Martins.

在这部剧里 一对善良的夫妇史密斯夫妇 邀请另一对善良的夫妇马丁斯夫妇来家里做客

The Martins think they are strangers to each other and then discover they've been married for years.

马丁斯夫妇本以为他们是陌生人 结果发现他们已经结婚多年了

Here's an excerpt: MRS. MARTIN: Bazaar, Balzac, bazooka!

这是一段摘录:马丁太太:集市 巴尔扎克 火箭炮

MR. MARTIN: Bizarre, beaux-arts, brassieres!

马丁先生:奇怪的 艺术 胸罩

MRS. SMITH: a,e,i,o,u, a,e,i,o,u, a,e,i,o,u, i!….

史密斯太太:a,e,i,o,u, a,e,i,o,u, a,e,i,o,u, i

MRS. SMITH: Choo, choo, choo, choo, choo, choo, choo, choo, choo, choo, choo!

史密斯太太:啾啾 啾啾 啾啾 啾啾 啾啾 啾啾 啾啾 啾啾 啾啾 啾啾 啾啾


The director wasn't really sure how to stage it, and initially the play was a flop.

导演并不确定该如何演出这部剧 起初这部剧失败了

But other writers and intellectuals championed it—yay, intellectuals!—and Ionesco kept going.

但是其他的作家和知识分子支持它 耶!知识分子 尤内斯库继续前进

Ionesco was influenced by Dada and the Surrealists, and a lot of his work is about a desire to access some other, better, probably unreachable world.

尤内斯库受到达达主义和超现实主义的影响 他的很多作品都是关于一种渴望 渴望进入另外一个更好的、可能无法到达的世界

He's best known for a cycle of plays centered on a naive everyman figure called Berenger who pops up in different times and situations.

他最为人所知的是一系列围绕一个名叫贝伦格的天真的普通人形象的戏剧 他会出现在不同的时间和场景中

These plays are "The Killer," "Rhinoceros," "Exit the King," and "A Stroll in the Air."


Some of these plays have a more political orientation, but some don't.

其中一些戏剧更具政治倾向 但也有一些没有政治倾向的

Berenger is always struggling with the problem of human endeavor and free will in a seemingly random universe.


Ionesco's plays are written in simple, sometimes even simplistic language.


But that disguises serious preoccupations and serious despair.


Because, y'know, randomness, entropy, death. Ionesco died in France in 1994.

因为 你知道 随机性 熵 死亡 尤内斯库于1994年在法国去世

And this here is your friend and mine, Samuel Beckett.

这位是你我的朋友 塞缪尔·贝克特

Is Beckett the greatest modernist playwright? Yes. I'm sorry, that's just a fact.

贝克特是最伟大的现代主义剧作家吗?是的 不好意思 这是事实

His plays are weird and funny and horrifying and deeply moving.


Just when you think you've got one of his plays nailed, the meanings have a way of sliding out from under you. We're big fans.

当你觉得自己已经看懂了他的一部戏剧时 它又会从你的脑海里溜走 我们都是他的忠实粉丝

Beckett was born in Ireland in 1906.


After university, he moved to France to teach, where he eventually became the research assistant of James Joyce.

大学毕业后他搬去了法国教书 并最终在那里成为了詹姆斯·乔伊斯的研究助理

Beckett wrote poems, novels, and short stories. Also all great.

贝克特写诗、小说和短篇故事 每一部都很伟大

And like Genet, he was at one point stabbed by a pimp.

和热内一样 他也曾被皮条客刺伤过

He also drove Andre the Giant to school on occasion! True story.

他偶尔还会开车送巨人安德雷去学校 这是真的

During World War Two, Beckett was active in the Resistance.

第二次世界大战期间 贝克特积极参与抵抗运动

And after the war, he began his career as a playwright, typically writing in French.

战后他开始了自己的剧作家生涯 通常是用法语来写作

His best-known play is "Waiting for Godot," a bleak tragicomedy from 1948 about two tramps waiting for a man who—spoiler alert—never arrives.

他最著名的戏剧是1948年的《等待戈多》 这是一部凄凉的悲喜剧 讲述的是两个流浪汉等待一个永远不会到来的男人的故事

One critic called it a play in which nothing happens. Twice.

一位评论家称这是一部什么都没有发生的戏剧 说过两次

It's part vaudeville and part philosophy, and honestly…it's pretty awesome.

它的内容部分是歌舞杂耍 部分是哲学 老实说 很棒!

I mean, it's made fun of as a quintessentially weird, modern play for a lot of good reasons… but it is ALSO a good play.

我的意思是 它被嘲笑为一部典型的怪异的现代戏剧是有很多理由的……但它确实是一部好剧

Other notable Beckett plays include "Endgame," "Happy Days," "Krapp's Last Tape," and "Play," because there were no titles left, I guess.

贝克特其他值得注意的戏剧包括《终局》、《快乐的日子》、《克拉普的最后一盘磁带》 还有《玩耍》 我猜是因为没有剧名可用了

Beckett's plays are almost completely empty of action.


The characters are barely there. The dialogue goes in circles.

也几乎没有人物 对话循环往复

Every rule Aristotle ever wrote, Beckett breaks except for unity of place.

亚里士多德所写的每一条规则贝克特都打破了 除了“地点的统一”这一条之外

And as we all know, Aristotle never even wrote that one! Are Beckett's plays realistic? Nooo.

我们都知道亚里士多德甚至没有写过这一条 贝克特的剧本现实吗 并不

So why are his plays so great?

那 为什么说他的戏剧伟大呢?

They are about people trying to live in a world that doesn't make any sense.


And that's, I mean, that's most of us. They are bleak. But they're also very funny and perversely humane.

那是……我是说……那是我们大多数人的状态 他的戏剧很单调 但也很有趣 而且非常人性化

Even in a senseless world, we still have each other.

即使在一个毫无意义的世界 我们仍然拥有彼此

Beckett died in 1989, and, well … Nothing to be done.

贝克特于1989年去世 而且 嗯 ……没有办法的事情

Am I? Me too. No. Not now, not now…there's work yet to be done!

我吗?我也是 不 现在不行 这会儿忙 还有工作要做滴!

Thanks for watching. We'll see you next time when we take a break from all of this

谢谢观看 下集见 下集我们将从对存在的绝望中解脱出来

existential despair and the search for meaning in a seemingly random universe.


Grab your Playbills and start stalking the stage door, because Crash Course Theater is going to Broadway, baby!

请带上你的戏单悄悄走近剧场后门 因为《戏剧速成班》要去百老汇了 宝贝儿们!

Wait. What? Yorick says that existential despair is there, too. Aaargh. Kick the way for me. Caftan, curtsy, cup-o-noodles… Curtain!

等下 啥?约里克说存在主义的绝望也在那里 啊!快!给我开路!长袍、屈膝礼、杯面 闭幕!

重点单词   查看全部解释    
alert [ə'lə:t]


adj. 警觉的,灵敏的
n. 警戒,警报

except [ik'sept]


vt. 除,除外
prep. & conj.

realistic [riə'listik]


adj. 现实的,现实主义的

senseless ['senslis]


adj. 无感觉的,无意识的,不省人事的

stroll [strəul]


n. 闲逛,漫步
v. 闲逛,漫步

orientation [.ɔ:rien'teiʃən]


n. 信仰,趋向,定位,适应,情况介绍

poverty ['pɔvəti]


n. 贫困,贫乏

curtain ['kə:tən]


n. 窗帘,门帘,幕(布)
vt. (用帘)装

vaudeville ['vəudəvil, 'vɔ:-]


n. 杂耍;轻歌舞剧;歌舞杂耍表演

existential [.egzis'tenʃəl]


adj. 有关存在的,根据经验的





