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来源:可可英语 编辑:Daisy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

Inhale, claw through the fingertips, open the chest.

吸气 指尖抓垫 胸腔打开

Exhale, claw through the fingertips, navel draws up.

呼气 指尖抓垫 肚脐上收

Inhale, last time, drop the belly. Exhale, chin to chest.

吸气 最后一次 腹部下垂 呼气 下巴贴胸部

And now just take it off the railroad tracks a little bit here, bumping the hips a little left to right, finding a soft or generous bend in your elbow.

现在稍微活动一下 臀部左右摆动 肘部稍稍弯曲

Checking in with your hips, your shoulders, just kind of going freestyle a little bit here today.

注意你的臀部 肩膀 有点像自由发挥

And see if you can soften your gaze and start to move with the sound of your breath.

看一下能否让目光柔和一点 然后跟着呼吸一起动起来

You can curl the toes under here, checking with the feet, checking with the neck.

脚趾可以弯曲 注意双脚 转动脖子

Get a little freaky here. Find what feels good.

有点吓人哈 怎么舒服怎么来

And then bring it back to Tabletop Position, nice, neutral spine.

然后回到桌面姿势 脊柱放松 位于中间

And we're going to slowly press the left foot into the ground, curl the right toes under and send the right toes out.

然后左脚轻轻压在地面上 右脚趾弯曲 并且后撤

Right heel, really reaches, extends back.

右脚脚跟 用力向后拉伸

And you're going to work to press into your right pinky toe so that your right ball and socket can really get snugly here.

要用力按压右脚小脚趾 这样你的右球窝才会比较舒服

Right thigh bone, femur, down towards the ground.

右大腿骨 右股骨 指向地面


Then rock front and rock back, rock front and rock back.

然后向前晃 向后晃 向前 向后

And the next time you rock front you're going to drop your elbows exactly where your hands were.

下一次向前晃的时候 要把肘部放低 跟手掌处于同一水平面上

Then interlace the fingertips out in front. So now I'm on my forearms.

然后手指交叉向前 我现在是用前臂支撑着的

Good, you're going to lift the right toes now, bend the right knee, press into your left foot firmly.

很好 现在要抬起右脚趾 弯曲右膝 用力按压左脚

Careful not to collapse into the shoulders here.


And then baby pulses here with the right foot up towards the sky, breathing deep.

然后右脚向上小幅度晃动 深呼吸

Baby pulses. Gaze is straight down, lifting the right knee.

小幅度晃动 目光凝视下方 右膝抬起

Waking up the body so we're building a little bit of heat but nice and low to the ground mindfully here today.

唤醒身体 稍微有点儿强度 不过我们就轻轻贴近地面就好了

Take a deep breath in. Long breath out.

深吸一口气 再缓缓吐出

One more time. Big breath in. Long breath out.

再来一次 深吸一口气 再缓缓吐出

Release, knee comes underneath the hip.

放松 膝盖回到臀部下方

We'll press back up to Tabletop Position.


Press into your right foot, curl your left toes under, and send your left leg out.

右脚压在地面上 左脚趾弯曲 并且后撤

Rock front, rock back. See if you can bring your lower belly in just a bit, hug your low ribs in.

向前晃 向后晃 看你能否将小腹收进去一点 把下腹部的肋骨收进去

So finding that center. Stretching through the fascia of the foot, the Achilles, the calf.

找到中心 拉伸脚部的筋膜 阿基里斯肌腱 小腿

Upper arm bones rotate out.


So creating space between the ears and the shoulders, working to create a whole body awareness.

在耳朵和肩膀之间留出空隙 产生整体的身体意识

Then the next time you rock front, connect to your center.

下次向前晃的时候 与身体中心相连

Draw the low belly in, drop your elbows where the hands were.

小腹内收 把肘部放低 跟手掌处于同一水平面上

Interlace the fingertips, this time opposite thumb on top, the one that feels kind of funky.

手指交叉向前 这次把另外一只手的拇指放在上面 感觉有点奇怪的那一侧

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n. 轨道(track的复数);磁道;轮胎

bend [bend]


v. 弯曲,使弯曲,屈服,屈从
n. 弯曲,弯

release [ri'li:s]


n. 释放,让渡,发行
vt. 释放,让与,准

exhale [eks'heil]


v. 呼气,发出,散发

socket ['sɔkit]


n. 插座,插口,穴孔 vt. 装上或插入插座

thumb [θʌm]


n. 拇指
v. 翻阅,示意要求搭车

rotate [rəu'teit]


v. (使)旋转,轮流
adj. 车轮状的

spine [spain]


n. 脊柱,脊椎,书脊,尖刺

calf [kɑ:f]


n. 小牛,幼崽,愚蠢的年轻人,小牛皮,小腿肚

soften ['sɔfn]


v. (使)变柔和,(使)软化





