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I mean your heads big, but it's not that big.

你的骷髅头是大 但跟人家那个比差远了

Let's take a closer look at Death of a Salesman and how it combines a realistic family drama


with a more expressionist style to show the corrupting influence of the American Dream. Help us out thoughtbubble.

和表现主义风格相结合来展示美国梦的腐败影响的 来看思想泡泡

The play takes place in 24 hours, plus flashbacks.

该剧发生在24小时内 外加一些倒叙

When it opens, Willy Loman has just returned unsuccessful and exhausted from a sales trip.

开场时 威利·洛曼刚从一次失败的商务出差中精疲力尽地回来

His wife Linda wants him to ask his boss Howard if Willy can stop traveling. But Willy is reluctant.

他的妻子琳达让他去问他的老板霍华德威利是否可以不再出差 但威利很不情愿

Later that day, Linda tells her son Biff and Happy that Willy has tried to kill himself.

当天晚些时候 琳达告诉她的儿子比夫和哈皮威利想要自杀

To cheer Willy up, the boys tell him that they're gonna go into business together.

为了让威利振奋起来 比夫和哈皮告诉威利他们要一起做生意

Biff is a dropout and a kleptomaniac and Happy is a womanizer and weakling.

比夫是个辍学生 是个盗窃狂 哈皮则是个好色之徒 是个懦夫

But Willy still believes that both his boys can be successful, which is all that matters to Willy.

但威利仍然相信他的两个儿子都能成功 这对他来说是最重要的事情

There's a flashback to happier days when Biff was a high school football star.

剧中有一段回忆 回忆的是比夫还是高中足球明星时的快乐时光

And then there's a more ambivalent flashback which shows Willy with his mistress.

之后还有一个更加矛盾的倒叙 展示的是威利和他的情妇

Willy also has a vision of his older brother Ben who left Brooklyn first for Africa then Alaska and became rich.

威利还对他的哥哥本抱有幻想 本先是离开布鲁克林去了非洲 然后去了阿拉斯加变得富有起来

Willy has always regretted not joining him.


Willy gets fired from his job. Biff never gets to make his business proposal.

后来威利被解雇了 而比夫一直没有做出他的商业提案

And during what's supposed to be a celebratory dinner, Biff tries to tell his father the truth.

在一个本应是庆祝晚宴的晚宴上 比夫想要告诉父亲真相

And Willy flashes back to the time Biff caught him with his mistress,


a trauma that led Biff to give up on summer school and his hopes of an athletic scholarship.


Biff and Happy leave the restaurant, deserting their father.


Later that night, Biff again tries to confess. But Willy won't hear him. Instead, he has a vision of his brother Ben.

当晚晚些时候 比夫再次试图坦白 但威利听不进去 反倒是想起了自己的哥哥本

Willy is convinced that the best way to support his family is by killing himself, allowing his family to collect the insurance money.

威利认为养活家人最好的办法就是自杀 这样他的家人就可以拿到保险金

We hear him drive away and the final scene finds the family at his funeral,

我们听到他开车离开的声音 最后一幕他的家人在他的葬礼上

with Linda revealing that she has made the final payment on the mortgage.



"We're free and clear." She tells her dead husband: "We're free. We're free…" Thanks thought-bubble

“我们自由了 我们不欠谁钱了” 她告诉她死去的丈夫:“我们自由了 我们自由了” 谢谢思想泡泡

Well, that was tragic and it illustrates Miller's arguments that the common man is act a subject for tragedy in its highest sense as Kings were.

嗯 这是一部悲剧 它阐明了米勒的观点 即普通人和国王一样都是悲剧的主体

With its shifts in time and its emphasis on the tension between illusion and reality, comforting lies, and cold truth,


salesman lays bare the American myth that a good life is a commercially and financially successful one.


Willy is so wedded to this vision that he can't see himself or his family clearly.


And yet, Miller also insists that everyone, even a man is misguided as Willy, is a creature of dignity who deserves our respect.

同时米勒也坚持认为:每个人都有尊严并值得我们尊重 即使是像威利这样误入歧途的男人

The last figure we'll look at today is Lorraine Hansberry.


She was born in Chicago in 1932 middle-class politically active parents.

她于1932年出生于芝加哥的中产阶级家庭 父母都是政治活动家

During her childhood, the family attempted to move to a white neighborhood and were met with violent racism.

在她童年时期她们家试图搬到白人社区 结果遭到了暴力的种族歧视

Introduced to theater in high school and at the University of Wisconsin, Hansberry worked as a journalist and activist before turning to playwriting.

汉斯伯里在高中和在威斯康辛大学时开始接触戏剧 她在转行写剧本之前曾是一名记者和社会活动家

In 1957, she wrote A Raisin in the Sun, loosely inspired by her family and the discrimination that they faced.

1957年她创作了戏剧《日光下的葡萄干》 该剧在很大程度上启源于她的家庭和他们所面临的歧视

Play opened on Broadway in 1959 and as James Baldwin wrote "never before in the entire history

该剧于1959年在百老汇演出 正如詹姆斯·鲍德温所写:“在整个美国戏剧史上

of the American theatre had so much of the truth of black people's lives been seen on the stage."


Hansberry was African-American, so like Williams who was gay and Miller who was Jewish,

汉斯伯里是非裔美国人 所以就像威廉姆斯是同性恋、米勒是犹太人一样

she was able to write about American society from the position of someone who was both inside and outside of it.


Raisin in the Sun is a specific realistic portrait of a multi-generational urban black family


and also a more general consideration of what it means to live in a world that doesn't always want or value you.


Raisin's Walter younger jr, like Blanche DuBois or Willy Loman, is trying to find his way in a world that doesn't necessarily have a place for him.

里面的小沃尔特 就像布兰奇·杜波依斯或威利·洛曼那样 试图在这个不一定有他一席之地的世界里找到自己的方向

Raisin in the Sun, which takes its title from Langston Hughes poem about dreams deferred, centers on the younger family.

《日光下的葡萄干》的题目来源于兰斯顿·休斯的一首关于被推迟的梦的诗 内容主要讲述的是一个年轻的家庭

They live on Chicago's South Side in a roach filled apartment.


They're about to receive an insurance policy payout of ten thousand dollars, enough to substantially improve their lives.

他们将会收到一份一万美元的保险 而这足以大大改善他们的生活

Mama, the grandmother, wants to buy a house in a better neighborhood, while her son Walter wants to invest in a liquor store.

妈妈 即祖母 想在一个更好的社区买一套房子 而她的儿子沃尔特想投资一家贩酒店

And her daughter Benny wants to use the money for medical school.


When Walters wife becomes pregnant and worries that the family can't afford another child, mama buys a house in an all-white neighborhood.

沃尔特斯的妻子怀孕后 妈妈担心家里住不下第二个孩子 于是她在一个全是白人的社区买了一套房子

A homeowner tries to buy her out. but mama holds firm even after Walter loses the rest of his money to a scheming friend.

有一个房主想买她的房子 但即使沃尔特把剩下的钱输给了一个诡计多端的朋友 妈妈仍坚持住下

As the play ends, the youngers are leaving their home. On the way, they hope to a better life.

戏剧结束时孩子们离开了家 路途中他们希望能过上更好的生活

The play won a Drama Critics Circle Award, was turned into a movie for Columbia Pictures, and continues to be widely performed.

该剧获得了“戏剧评论界奖” 后来被改编为哥伦比亚电影公司的电影并持续广泛演出

Just when it seems like Broadway has become the place for serious American drama, New York is gonna open up a few more places not on Broadway.

正当百老汇似乎已经成为美国正剧的舞台时 纽约却打算在百老汇之外开辟其它一些地方

And it is going to call those places, you guessed it, Off Broadway.

那些地方将被称为 你猜对了 “外百老汇”

Join us next time when we explore the rise of off-broadway, off-off-broadway, and off-off-off Broadway.

下集我们将探索“外百老汇”、“外外百老汇”以及 “外外外百老汇”的兴起

Now I'm just kidding, or am I?

我在开玩笑 或者 真的只是玩笑吗?

And the rise of the Black Arts Movement. but until then, off Curtin!

以及黑人艺术运动的兴起 下集见 闭幕!

重点单词   查看全部解释    
circle ['sə:kl]


n. 圈子,圆周,循环
v. 环绕,盘旋,包围

reluctant [ri'lʌktənt]


adj. 不情愿的,勉强的

movement ['mu:vmənt]


n. 活动,运动,移动,[音]乐章

convinced [kən'vinst]


adj. 信服的

illusion [i'lu:ʒən]


n. 幻觉,错觉,错误的信仰(或观念)

violent ['vaiələnt]


adj. 暴力的,猛烈的,极端的

collect [kə'lekt]


v. 收集,聚集
v. 推论

insurance [in'ʃuərəns]


n. 保险,保险费,安全措施

figure ['figə]


n. 图形,数字,形状; 人物,外形,体型

explore [iks'plɔ:]


v. 探险,探测,探究





