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爱的教育(MP3+中英字幕) 第64期:十二月-佛罗伦萨的少年抄写员(2)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Vicki   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


The son knew that it was useless to insist on such a matter with his father, and he did not persist; but this is what he did. He knew that exactly at midnight his father stopped writing, and quitted his workroom to go to his bedroom; he had heard him several times: as soon as the twelve strokes of the clock had sounded, he had heard the sound of a chair drawn back, and the slow step of his father. One night he waited until the latter was in bed, then dressed himself very, very softly, and felt his way to the little workroom, lighted the petroleum lamp again, seated himself at the writing- table, where lay a pile of white wrappers and the list of addresses, and began to write, imitating exactly his father's handwriting. And he wrote with a will, gladly, a little in fear, and the wrappers piled up, and from time to time he dropped the pen to rub his hands, and then began again with increased alacrity, listening and smiling. He wrote a hundred and sixty--one lira! Then he stopped, placed the pen where he had found it, extinguished the light, and went back to bed on tiptoe.



At noon that day his father sat down to the table in a good humor. He had perceived nothing. He performed the work mechanically, measuring it by the hour, and thinking of something else, and only counted the wrappers he had written on the following day. He seated himself at the table in a fine humor, and slapping his son on one shoulder, he said to him:


"Eh, Giulio! Your father is even a better workman than you thought. In two hours I did a good third more work than usual last night. My hand is still nimble, and my eyes still do their duty."


重点单词   查看全部解释    
alacrity [ə'lækrəti]


n. 敏捷;轻快;乐意

counted [kaunt]


vt. 计算;认为 vi. 计数;有价值 n. 计数;计

shoulder ['ʃəuldə]


n. 肩膀,肩部
v. 扛,肩负,承担,(用肩

petroleum [pi'trəuliəm]


n. 石油





