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英语PK台(MP3+文本) 第1224期:追尾剐蹭小事故

来源:可可英语 编辑:Villa   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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dialogue 1

Jingjing: Hey there, are you okay?

Mark: I'm fine. We seem to have ______.

Jingjing: Didn't you see me there? I was ____ and suddenly felt a ____.

Mark: I feltit too, almost before I saw your car ________.

Jingjing: I didn't mean to ____ so quickly. But just as I wasstarting to ______ the lane you were in, a ____ in front of me suddenly ______.

Mark: So, you thought it'd be ——- to ——- your lane change. I get it. Iprobably would've done the ——- in your situation. I might've rememberedto use my ——, though.

Jingjing: I don't remember if I ——-. Now, I've got the ——— on.

Mark: I can see that now.

Jingjing: Anyway, that's a —— car I'm —-. My car's in the —-, but it startsmy turn signal —— whenever I turn the ——-.

Mark: Geez, that's —-. I got —- by automatic —— before I —- to this car here.

Jingjing: You should ——- your hazard lights too. We're ______;and I'd ___ for another car to _____ here too quickly to avoid ____ into usboth.

Mark: Right, I'll do that.

Jingjing: That's better. Now, we'd still better not _____ too long. Doyou think we need to ____?

Mark: I don't think there's enough ____. Anyway, if you and I can decide ____ this, wecould be _____ before any ____ come and tell us to _____.

Jingjing: That _____ me. Well, you were behind me when you ___ me. Iknow I didn't give you _____, though.

Mark: I felt my car ____before it hit yours. I guess the automatic _____ did all itcould to avoid a really _____.

Jingjing: Yeah, I'm glad it wasn't ____ than it is. Anyway, it's just one ofyour ____that's ____, and probably a few ____ that could be _____at the bodyshop. What about your car?

Mark: I gota ____ on mine, and ______.

Jingjing: OK, that'll keep it from _____ at either of our ____ shops.

Mark: I'm glad to hear that. Let's take a few _____ and then move to the ____if weneed to talk more about how to ___ for this.

dialogue 2

Jingjing: OK, that should just about do it. Did you get ———— also?

Mark: I did. My name's Mark, ————. Could you tell me yours?

Jingjing: I'm Jingjing. How about you also take a photo of my ______.

Mark: Goodidea. Here's mine as well. You said that was a _____ car, though. What's your ____like?

Jingjing: It's a ____ car; and we have _____ insurance. Ofcourse, I wouldn't want to drive the ___ up by reporting a ____ accident. What about yours?

Mark: I've just got basic ____ insurance. They'll never ___ it. Besides my deductable is too ______.

Jingjing: Haha. It sound's like we're in the _____.

Mark: It sure looks that way. As soon as I _____of the car, I thought, oh yeah, this is coming ____.

Jingjing: How about we talk ____, then.

Mark: OK, so, since this ____ but really wasn't, I suggest covering _____of your repairs, and _____of mine. Does that sound _____?

Jingjing: Idon't want to ___________?

Mark: Just send the ____ to me. My home address is here on my ____. Get aphoto of that.

Jingjing: Will do. I'm sure we can ____smoothly.

Mark: Right. If it turns out to be a ______, I'll just ____ it to my insurance companyfor them to ___. I bet it'll be pretty easy to ____, though.

Jingjing: Ihope so. Well, it was _____ you—or being run into by you—Mark.

new words andphrases

from dialogue 1

cutting off:

turn signal:

hazard lights:

hold up (or) hold up:

clear out:

from dialogue 2

comprehensive insurance:

liability insurance:


out of pocket:

more than meets the eye (or just) more than meets the eye:

重点单词   查看全部解释    
swerve [swə:v]


vi. 突然转向,转弯,偏离方向
vt. 使突

address [ə'dres]


n. 住址,致词,讲话,谈吐,(处理问题的)技巧

covering ['kʌvəriŋ]


n. 覆盖物,遮避物 adj. 掩护的,掩盖的

signal ['signl]


n. 信号,标志
v. (发信号)通知、表示<

insurance [in'ʃuərəns]


n. 保险,保险费,安全措施

avoid [ə'vɔid]


vt. 避免,逃避

hazard ['hæzəd]


n. 冒险,危险,危害
vt. 冒险,赌运气

liability [.laiə'biliti]


n. 责任,可能性,债务,不利因素,倾向





