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来源:可可英语 编辑:Vicki   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

Since the 1940s, there were many attempts to get softball into the Olympic Games, but it took about 50 years before it eventually happened.

从1940年开始 就有很多次尝试把垒球列为奥运会赛事 但最终成功却花了50年

Softball was finally put on to the calendar for the 1996 Olympic Games in Atlanta.


It probably won't surprise you to learn the United States won. They won again in 2000. And again in 2004.

当你了解到美国队最终获胜时一定不会感到惊讶 他们在2000年又一次获胜了 在2004年再一次获胜

Heading to Beijing 2008 and armed with an All-American, Jennie Finch, home run record holder Crystl Bustos and strike-out queen Cat Osterman,

进军2008年北京奥运会 美国队用实力运动员武装自己 美国队代表珍妮芬奇 全垒打纪录保持者布斯托斯三振出局皇后卡特·奥斯特曼

the mighty USA softball team was ready to defend its crown.


The Americans were undefeated in 22 Olympic matches and were looking to extend that record.

美国队在22场比赛中没有被击败过 并准备延续这个记录

Japan, who had previously won a bronze and silver, were desperate to go one better.

日本之前拿过铜牌和银牌 渴望着拿金牌

In order to overcome the mighty United States, they needed someone special, someone awesome. Someone like Yukiko Ueno.

为了抵抗强有力的美国队 他们需要一个特殊的人 一个出色的人 一个像上野雪子那样的人

In 2004, Ueno became the first softball player to pitch a perfect game at the Olympic Games.

在2004年 上野成为了奥运会的垒球项目中第一个获得全胜的运动员

Seven innings - no hits, no walks. Ueno was recognised as the fastest pitcher in the game, throwing fastballs at a terrifying speed of 126kmph.

七局-没有被打中 没有走步 上野是比赛中公认的最快击球手 投出的快球可达到可怕的126公里每小时

126kmph? Hmm. What is that in miles per hour, do you think? I think that's... FAST!

126公里每小时? 你怎么看? 嗯 这是按每小时记公里数啊 我认为那很快

Everyone feared Ueno, but Team USA did not dominate the sport by accident.

每个人都害怕上野 但是美国人主导这项运动也不是没有理由的

They had their own star - the greatest slugger in the history of women's softball.


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Meet Crystl Bustos. The Californian big hitter held the record for the most home runs in Olympic history.

与布里托斯对抗 加利福尼亚的击球员 在奥运会历史中保持着全垒打的最佳记录

The proud winner of two Olympic gold medals, Bustos had reserved a place on her ample arm to mark a third consecutive victory.


Look how fierce she is. Yeah, she reminds me of yo-... Oh, erm, never mind.

看她多么凶猛啊 是的 他让我想起 哦 呃 没什么

The 2008 gold medal match - the final final. Japan versus the United States.

2008金牌角逐——总决赛 日本对美国

The decision to end softball's status as an Olympic sport gave extra meaning to the contest.


The game began with a two-inning stalemate. No score on the board.

比赛一开始就出现了僵持局面 计分板上没有分数

Japan finally got on the scoreboard when Masumi Mishina just made it to home plate.

当马苏米·米希纳全垒打成功时 日本终于在得分板上得分了

In the fourth inning, Eri Yamada doubled the advantage with a home run... ..which sprung Crystl Bustos into action.

在第四局中 山田惠里用一个全垒打使优势变得更加明显 这刺激到了布里托斯采取行动

She did her thing. Boom! And Team USA were back in it.

她做了她该做的事 嘣 美国队又回来了

In the bottom of the sixth, the US had a massive opportunity to run up the score, with bases loaded.

位于底部的第六名 美国队有大量的机会在基底负荷的情况下来追上比分

The pressure was on Super Ueno. A home run would put the Americans 5-2 ahead.

压力都在超级上野身上 一个全垒打让美国队以五比二领先

Not on Ueno's watch. The pendulum swung in the other direction. Megu Hirose made home plate, putting Japan ahead 3-1.

不是上野的表 指针指向其他人了 广濑芽打了一个全垒打 使日本3-1领先

Back to Ueno. If she could shut out the Americans in the final inning, the gold was finally Japan's.

回到上野 如果她能在最终局打败美国人 那么金牌就是日本的

Three outs were all that was required. One. Two. One more out to go. Got her!

三个进球 这就是全部的要求 一个 两个 还有最后一个 打到了

In this clash of titans, Japan had inflicted a first, and final, victory over the United States.

在这场巨神的碰撞中 日本打败了美国队 获得了第一次、最终的胜利

The queens of softball were dethroned. Softball disappeared from the schedule after 2008. Japan still reign supreme.

垒球天后被打败了 垒球自2008年就从奥运会中取消了 日本仍旧有主导优势

重点单词   查看全部解释    
massive ['mæsiv]


adj. 巨大的,大规模的,大量的,大范围的

heading ['hediŋ]


n. 标题,题目,航向

score [skɔ:]


n. 得分,刻痕,二十,乐谱
vt. 记分,刻

pressure ['preʃə]


n. 压力,压强,压迫
v. 施压

contest ['kɔntest,kən'test]


n. 竞赛,比赛
vt. 竞赛,争取

desperate ['despərit]


adj. 绝望的,不顾一切的

clash [klæʃ]


n. 冲突,撞击声,抵触
vt. 冲突,抵触,

defend [di'fend]


v. 防护,辩护,防守

reserved [ri'zə:vd]


adj. 保留的,预订的,冷淡的,缄默的

supreme [sju:'pri:m]


adj. 最高的,至上的,极度的





