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第1412期:如何对抗职业倦怠, 过劳疲惫?

来源:可可英语 编辑:Villa   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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avoiding burnout

dialogue 1

Jingjing: Mark, _______ will begin in a few days. Are you______?

Mark: Kind of,______. Work has been __, _______, then busy again.

Jingjing: So what? Aren't you ready to _______?

Mark: It'll be a chance to________.

Jingjing: That's what_________, Mark.

Mark: Anyway, _______.

Jingjing: I think that's______. But that also reminds me: I found _ ways people_______.

Mark: Should I be _______?

Jingjing: It's pretty much ________. I got these from ______ online. One of them is _______.

Mark: I had a friend who ________. _________.

Jingjing: We've all known someone like that. For ______, though, with _________, there's still another way we can_______at work.

Mark: Working ________?

Jingjing: You _______. That had to be one of them, right? The article said that was connected to _________.

Mark: Yeah, people_______ their desks. There are too many ______with ____, narrow hallways and ________.

Jingjing: Even if it takes ______ minutes to_________, or where people are ____ freely, it's_______. Most people are _______ after that. Let me share one of the ______ ones before you _______.

Mark: OK. ________.

Jingjing: ________.

dialogue 2

Jingjing: Mark, that looks like_______.

Mark: The walk there and back_______what other three ways people _______.

Jingjing: We talked about _______. A ______—with friends and family—can help to _______ that, in addition to_________.

Mark: No _______ there. What's_______ people get burned out?

Jingjing: People_______ when they________.

Mark: Isn't that _________ problems?

Jingjing: Not quite. Some people _______ their problems, or_______.

Mark: I definitely feel________ when I'm________.

Jingjing: So, it's ______ to remember your ________, and happy ____. Also, make sure you have something to ________ every week.

Mark: What, like a ______ appointment, or_______?

Jingjing: Those things are fine. Meaningful things at work, or _______ to give back to the ______—those _______ to give someone_______.

Mark: _______. OK, so what's______ people burn out?

Jingjing: ______ health. If someone ________, has a ____ diet, or ____ exercise, it's way easier to _______ work and to fall behind.

Mark: We've talked a lot about health; and we_________about it.

Jingjing: I read something else about that. I'm not sure_______.

Mark: ________. I'm ______ to hear new health tips.

Jingjing: Don't have ________in one meal.

Mark: That's _________.

Jingjing: It's easier _______ to have ______. That way, you have ______ and are less likely to feel burned out.

Mark: Oh, that's________. Thanks, Jingjing!

new words and phrases



absorb problems:


drag up stuff from past:

Point taken. 

see eye to eye:

all sixes and sevens:

crystal clear:

重点单词   查看全部解释    
minutes ['minits]


n. 会议记录,(复数)分钟

absorb [əb'sɔ:b]


vt. 吸纳,吸引 ... 的注意,吞并

addition [ə'diʃən]


n. 增加,附加物,加法

fester ['festə]


v. 溃烂,生脓 n. 脓疮,溃烂

crystal ['kristl]


n. 水晶,晶体
adj. 晶体的,透明的





