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时间:2009-4-22 17:32:55  来源:可可英语  作者:sunny   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 
第 1 页:课文阅读
第 2 页:参考译文
第 3 页:词汇词组释义
第 4 页:语法讲解

1.There is little doubt that the appearance on the scene of a young woman was a major turning point in Hawking's life.


2.There were many times when these supports were not adequate, and he would turn up in the office with a bandage around his head, having fallen heavily and received a nasty bump.

【结构解析】"with a bandage around his head"是介词短语做状语,修饰“turn up”,"having fallen heavily and received a nasty bump"做原因状语,修饰“turn up in the office with a bandage around his head”。

3.Of course he has had to suffer the humiliations and obstructions facing all those in society who are not able-bodied。

【结构解析】句中“ facing all those in society who are not able-bodied”是定语,修饰前面的“the humiliations and obstructions”。

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