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洪恩环境英语第三册课文 Lesson 8:Now don't be nervous
时间:2009-12-4 11:51:11  来源:可可英语  作者:echo   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

[00:00.00]Lesson 8   Now don't be nervous.
[00:06.09]I did it.I told him what I wanted.
[00:14.84]Good for you!
[00:18.31]OK.What should I do?
[00:22.86]Pretend this is a camera.Look at the camera.
[00:30.62]Look at your notes,but don't read them.Smile at the camera.OK.Try something.
[00:38.69]All right.Ummm....two men entered a bank stole five million dollars.
[00:47.65]There was a fire on 57th Street last night.
[00:53.50]Good.But look at the camera.Try it again.
[00:59.38]In basketball,the Lakers played the Celtics.The Lakers won.
[01:08.75]The score was 94 to 81.In baseball,the Mets beat the Indians 11 to 3.
[01:18.79]In football,it was the Patriots against the Giants.
[01:25.13]The Giants lost again.The score was 13to 6.For WEFL,I'm Carol Green.
[01:34.38]This is so exciting,Carol.
[01:45.40]I always said that you were someone special.Oh,Rita.
[01:51.36]Now don't be nervous.You look great.I love what you're wearing.
[01:58.20]Thanks.Susan gave it to me.She wore it on her first audition.
[02:04.58]I remember that.
[02:08.42]You must have some good stories to tell.
[02:13.46]Sure.Did you know Deborah Hall had an audition here?
[02:23.05]Yeah.It was awful.She broke her nail right before the show.
[02:29.71]She was very upset.But she did a good job.
[02:35.17]I didn't know that Deborah Hall worked here.
[02:39.84]She didn't work here.She had an audition here.She went to New York instead.
[02:47.00]I think it's time for me to go out there.
[02:50.55]Mike is waiting for you.Good luck.
[02:56.20]OK,Carol.We're almost ready.
[03:05.16]Do you need anything?
[03:10.93]Just a glass of water,please.Sure,Carol.
[03:15.58]Say a few words.
[03:21.51]Hello,my name is Carol Green,and this is"Hellio America".
[03:31.96]Here's your water.
[03:36.61]We're ready.  Ready.
[03:56.72]Hello,I'm Carol Green,and this is"Hello America."
[04:02.78]Today,the President is in Idaho,and here at home
[04:08.24]a new movie theater opened in Stamford.


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