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Sophie? 索菲 Sophie? 索菲 Sophie? 索菲 Of course! 当然了 A balcony. Well. 阳台 好吧 What are you doing up there? 你来干什么? I’m gonna go. 我要走了 Why? 为什么

标签: 听电影学英语 时间:2011-05-03 编辑:Amy

How are you? How are you? I’m happy to see you. 你好吗? 你好吗? 真高兴见到你 Beautiful. Beautiful. 真美 真美 Boy! 孩子 We’re here. It’s amazing. 我们到了 太

标签: 听电影学英语 时间:2011-04-29 编辑:Amy

Hey, what’s that smell? What... 嘿 这是什么味? 怎么... Hey, Alfonzo, Alfonzo. No, no, no, no. We said... 嘿 阿方索 阿方索 不不不 我们说过... We said we were g

标签: 听电影学英语 时间:2011-04-28 编辑:Amy

What happened? 怎么了? You don’t like the ending? 你不喜欢这结局? No, the ending’s fine. It’s actually quite moving. 不 结局挺好的 说实话还挺动人的 But what

标签: 听电影学英语 时间:2011-04-27 编辑:Amy

No. 不 and their lovely friend, Sophie. 还有他们的好朋友索菲 My dear Claire, 亲爱的克莱尔 When we are speaking about love, it’s never too late. 说到爱 永远都不

标签: 听电影学英语 时间:2011-04-26 编辑:Amy

I am Lorenzo Bartolini. 我就是洛伦佐·巴托里尼 Sophie. I think this is... 索菲 我觉得这... Do you know a Lorenzo Bartolini? I asked him and... 你认识洛伦佐·巴

标签: 听电影学英语 时间:2011-04-25 编辑:Amy

May I join you? 我能加入吗? Please. 请便 I am sorry, Sophie. 对不起 索菲 I used to lay out under the stars as a kid, in the summertime. 我小时候经常躺着看星星

标签: 听电影学英语 时间:2011-04-22 编辑:Amy

Over the next hill? Or the next? Scour the whole country? 下座山? 还是下下座? 找遍全国? No. No. It ends here. 不 到此为止 There are other Lorenzos not too far

标签: 听电影学英语 时间:2011-04-21 编辑:Amy

Yeah? I’m not surprised. 是吗? 意料之中 It’s been about a year since I’ve seen Patricia. 我都一年没见过帕翠莎了 And you broke up with her? 是你跟她分手的? A

标签: 听电影学英语 时间:2011-04-20 编辑:Amy

Good evening. 晚上好 We’re not done yet. 还没找完呢 Of course we’re not, darling. 当然了 亲爱的 Hello. 你好 [Hello? Hello. 你好 你好 Hi. Is Claire with you?

标签: 听电影学英语 时间:2011-04-19 编辑:Amy