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CNN 新闻在线听附重点讲解(2009-4-27)
时间:2009-4-27 8:45:38  来源:可可英语  作者:memeyyr   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 
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This is CNN.com/live. I'm Virginia Cha at the CNN Center in Atlanta with a look at what's happening NOW IN THE NEWS.

The clock is ticking for Chrysler.  The automaker is racing to reach deals with unions, creditors and the Italian automaker Fiat. Chrysler is trying to come up with their restructuring plan by Thursday--the deadline set by the government. News reports say the Treasury Department is directing Chrysler to file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy as early as next week.

A wildfire has burnt more than 30 square miles in South Carolina, near Myrtle beach, the fire has already destroyed nearly 70 homes. About 100 other homes have been damaged. Firefighters tried to hold the fire lines overnight. The blaze has skipped through several neighborhoods but so far has stayed away from the beach areas.

Suicide bombers have targeted Iranian religious pilgrims for a second straight day in Iraq. Two attacks near a shrine have killed at least 60 people, wounded 125 others. The bombers hit two roads leading to one of the holy shrines in Shiite Islam. Worshippers were streaming into the mosque when the bombers detonated their explosive belts.

The Taliban has completely now pulled out of a key district in Pakistan . That's according to government officials there. The Taliban's land grab earlier this week raise international concerns that terrorists could take over the nuclear state. The Taliban had locked up courthouses, battled Pakistani troops sent in to protect residents.

A judge's order has not stopped former Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich from filming promotes for a new reality show. Blagojevich got his hair messed up when he was simulating a parachute jump for a commercial. A judge ruled this week that he would not be able to go to Costa Rica for that show "I am a celebrity, get me out of here."

We'll keep you posted.

Those are the headlines at this hour. Stay with CNN for more on those stories and all the other news of the day.

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