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·您现在的位置: 可可英语 >> 在线广播 >> BBC News >> 2009年5月BBC新闻 >> 正文
时间:2009-5-8 9:00:56  来源:可可英语  作者:qihui   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 
第 1 页:听力练习
第 2 页:参考翻译
第 3 页:词汇学习一
第 4 页:词汇学习二
第 5 页:短语学习
第 6 页:长句结构

1.Addressing a congressional hearing in Washington, Mr. Holbrooke said Pakistan's survival as a moderate democratic state was critical to the national security of the United States.


【结构分析】Addressing现在分词做状语。Mr. Holbrooke said 后是定语从句,省略了引导词。

2.The French leader also called for Europe to set up a centralized exchange to buy gas for distribution to its nations, after Europe suffered a series of gas shortages last year following a dispute between Russia and the key energy transit countries Georgia and Ukraine.



3.The report says Israel's actions breach the agreement that UN premises and those sheltering within them should be immune from attack.


【结构分析】The report says后是宾语从句,补充说的内容。agreement that后是同位语从句,agreement的内容。be immune from免于……

4.Though there's been no independent verification of the alleged mutiny, nor any testimony from the mutineers themselves, the Georgian government has blamed the uprising on Russia, saying it was part of a coup attempt, organized by two former senior Georgian military officials.


【结构分析】整个句子是让步状语从句,尽管……还是……。saying it was part of a coup attempt是现在分词做状语。organized by 是过去分词做后置定语,修饰a coup attempt。

5.The chairman of the United States Federal Reserve Ben Bernanke says the American economy could start to grow again, provided the financial sector continues to recover.

【参考翻译】美联储主席本·伯南克(Ben Bernanke )说,美国经济将再次开始增长,只要金融机构继续恢复。



例句:Given that she was really involved in the case,it was hard for her to clear herselfofacharge.
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