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Here's the tally. 52-47 for the Republican Scott Brown. Yes, I said the Republican in Massachusetts. Not used to hearing that, but it's not just about Massachusetts.

The voters had their say and they chose Scott Brown so what does that really mean? CNN's Jim Acosta live this morning in Boston -- Jim.

Good morning, Kyra. Who would have thought that Massachusetts would be described as a bellwether state? But Democrats might hope what happens in Massachusetts stays in Massachusetts.

That is not going to be the case for Democrats who are looking at a very tough midterm election year as we're going to see more contests like the one here in Massachusetts coming up over the coming months.

And Martha Coakley, it's hard to believe, was up by almost 30 points in this campaign according to some of the local polls here. But slowly but surely over time that lead eroded over a relatively unknown state senator here, Scott Brown.

He emerged victorious last night in what was really a thumping of Martha Coakley. He won by five percentage points. But when you consider the fact that this happened in one of the more liberal states in the country, it was a clear and decisive victory for Scott Brown.

And there is a variety of factors. We talked to voters about why Martha Coakley wasn't doing well. Many voters thought she was just really running a lazy campaign, then it turned into a nasty campaign towards the end.

And there were some moments during this race where some voters said she just seemed out of touch, most notably when she referred to a Red Sox legend here, Curt Schilling, as a Yankees fan. And then last night, true to form, she used a sports metaphor to talk about her loss.

I am heartbroken at the result and I know that you are also. But I know that we will get up together tomorrow and continue this fight even with this result tonight because there will be plenty of Wednesday morning quarterbacking about what happened and what went right, what went wrong.

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