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ACOSTA: There certainly will be some Wednesday morning quarterbacking. But none of that will take place over on the Republican side of this race. Scott Brown was a very different crowd last night at his victory party.

He was almost giddy, is the way to describe his reaction to the results here, and what he talked about at this event last night was really what he talked about throughout this campaign, how he wasn't running for Ted Kennedy's seat. He was running for the people's seat. And he characterized his victory in those terms in his victory speech last night.


SCOTT BROWN (R), MASSACHUSETTS SENATOR-ELECT: We have the machine scared and scrambling and for them it's just the beginning of an election year filled with many, many surprises, I can tell you that.

They will be challenged again and again across this great land and when there's trouble in Massachusetts, rest assured, there's trouble everywhere, and they know it.


ACOSTA: And who would have thought one year ago today President Obama was inaugurated. He had the sky-high approval ratings, somewhere in the neighborhood of 65 percent, now roughly 49 percent, 51 percent of the country approves of the job that he's doing this morning.

Many of those independent voters, those angry independent voters, some of them now call themselves tea party activists -- they went right to Scott Brown, they got right in the back of that pick-up truck that he drove throughout this campaign and they rode to victory last night here in Massachusetts -- Kyra.

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