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第9单元第1节 can/could 表邀请

来源:可可英语 编辑:ivy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

第9单元第1节 can /could 表邀请


-Daddy, can you come home for supper with us this weekend?
-______, but I might be a little late.
A. I'm busy B. Hard to say C. Of course D. Never mind

-Can you ______ to my house to watch CDs?
-Yes, I'd love to.
A. come B. comes C. coming D. to come

-Can they play basketball with us?
-No, they are not ______. They have to meet friends.
A.busy B. free C. angry D. time

-Could you go to the movies with us tomorrow night?
A. Sure, I'm busy B. Sure, I'd love to
C. Sorry, I'd love to D. I'm sorry I can

-Can you go to the supermarket this weekend?
-______. I have to help my parents with housework.
A. Sure, I'd love to. B. I'm afraid so
C. I'm afraid not D. Sure, I love

-Would you like ______ camping with me?
-I'd like to. But I'm busy ______my homework.
A. to go; to do B. to go; doing C. going; to do D. going; doing




