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来源:新东方 编辑:Aimee   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

  A study shows that a lot of children, from the age 7 to 11, spend too much time watching television or playing video games. How do you think this problem influence the children, their families and the society? What measures should be taken to solve it? 研究显示,7岁到11岁的年轻人花费太多时间看电视,玩游戏,这对于孩子,家庭和社会的影响何在?应该如何解决?
  1. idiot box n 电视机 (贬义词汇)
  2. couch-potato = heavy TV viewers n 电视迷
  3. be addicted to = indulge in = abandon oneself to sth v 沉迷于 ……
  4. …… is physically detrimental …… 有害健康(健康角度)
  5. impair the viewers' eyesight v 有害视力(健康角度)
  6. multiply the likelihood of obesity v 增加了肥胖的可能(健康角度)
  7. distance the family relationship = alienate the family relationship v疏远家庭关系
  8. The academic study will be delayed 耽误学习(推荐背诵,反对除了学习外的一起活动)
  9. pornographic or bloody contents n 色情的血腥的内容 (少年犯罪外因)
  10. poison one's innocent mind, arouse one's violent impulse and misguide one's life outlook. v 毒害纯净的心灵,诱发暴力冲动,误导人生观
  11. strengthen the censorship of mass media v 加强传媒审查(政府作为)
  12. organize family activities such as family trip or family meal v 组织家庭活动例如家庭聚餐家庭旅行
  教育类 + 社会类
  In many countries, more and more young people are leaving schools and unable to find jobs after graduation. What problems do you think youth unemployment will cause to the individual and the society? And make some suggestions. 许多的学生离开学校找不到工作,失业对于社会和个人的影响是什么?
  1. job-hunters = job-seekers = job candidate n求职者(三剑客)
  2. university leavers = college graduates = holders of college diplomas. n大学毕业生(三剑客)
  3. youth unemployment n年轻人失业
  4. job-less = out-of-work = unemployed adj失业的 (三剑客)
  5. impose / put much pressure upon a family / nation economically 增加……的经济负担(出国留学;国家免费医疗)
  6. provide driving force for the further development of v 为……提供了驱动力
  7. inject new life into the further development of v为……的发展注入新鲜活力(国家教育买单)
  8. resort to sb for help = turn to sb for help v 求助于……(课堂教育)
  9. family conflict n 家庭矛盾(电视破坏家庭关系)
  10. generate the sense of inferiority = make sb belittle himself n 自卑(分班教育)
  It is generally accepted that families are not as close as they used to be. Give some reasons why this change has happened and suggest how families could be brought closer together. Include any relevant examples from your experience. 家庭关系不紧密的原因和解决策略?
  1. close family relationship = good family relationship = intimate family relationship n 良好的家庭关系
  2. the decomposition of family bonds n 家庭纽带的分解
  3. Alienation among family members is thus inevitable. 家庭成员关系疏远不可避免
  4. fierce competition and heavy work pressure n激烈的竞争和繁重的工作压力
  5. Modern people are too occupied to spare time for the family 人们过于忙碌,无暇顾及家庭。
  6. change in public's notion about the family n人们家庭观念的改变(需要细节例证展开)
  7. establish a reasonable balance between work schedule and the family v 维持家庭和事业的平衡
  8. strengthen the family tie v加强家庭联系
  9. A close family relationship can surely be kept as long as we realize the significant role it plays in our lives and attach great importance to it. 只要认识到家庭关系的重要作用并且重视家庭,我们就可以保持亲密的家庭关系(主题句)
  It is better for students to live away from home while studying at university than live at home with parents. To what extent do you agree or disagree? = Nowadays, sending children to a boarding school is becoming increasingly popular. Why is this case? Do you think it is a positive development? 寄宿学校的原因以及利弊讨论?
  1. save the trouble of commuting between home and school v节省了从学校到家里的往返的麻烦(同理写作远程教育,远程办公)
  2. train one's sense of independence = foster one's sense of independence v培养独立性
  3. cultivate many skills such as tidying up room,doing the laundry v培养各种能力,例如整理房间,做饭。
  4. have more time to dive into various campus activities v参加校园活动:(亮点表达)
  5. It is convenient to draw on various educational resources v利用各种教育资源(课堂教育的优势)
  词汇点评:draw on v 利用……
  6. boarding school = school with accommodation n 寄宿学校
  7. The choice of hostel accommodation, organized by the university, would enable you to mix with a lot of new people v结实新朋友(注意插入语使用)
  8. enlarge one's circle of friends v扩大交友圈:
  9. …… make it easier for you to make new social contacts: v结实好友
  10. University accommodation often provides some form of catering facilities, students do not have to do their own shopping or cooking 学校提供餐饮,学生不必购物,做饭。
  词汇点评:catering facilities n 餐饮
  If a product is good or it meets people's needs, people will buy it, so advertising is unnecessary and no more than an entertainment. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 人们购买商品是因为需要,广告没有作用,仅仅是娱乐,是否认同?
  1. advertisement = advertising n 广告
  2. TV commercial n 电视广告
  3. on no account can we understate the indispensable roles of ads 不能忽视广告的作用(强调倒装)
  4. play the role of educator v扮演教育者的角色
  5. is a significant source of information v是信息的源泉
  6. bring huge convenience to consumers v 给消费者带来便利
  7. serve the function of entertainment n 娱乐的作用
  8. …… exert a subtle influence on ……v 施加了微妙的影响 (推荐背诵,广告必用)
  9. public-service ads = public-interest ads n 公益广告
  10. wise consumers = wise buyers n 理性的消费者
  11. unwise buying = irrational buying n 非理性消费
  12. buy goods without consideration v冲动购物
  13. flowery phrase and empty promises n花哨的宣传语以及空洞的承诺
  14. endanger the consumers' interests v 威胁到消费者的利益
  15. ads produced by super stars. n明星代言的广告

重点单词   查看全部解释    
dependence [di'pendəns]


n. 依赖,信赖,上瘾

rural ['ru:rəl]


adj. 农村的

arouse [ə'rauz]


vt. 唤醒,叫醒,激起
vi. 醒来

emphasis ['emfəsis]


n. 强调,重点

enhance [in'hɑ:ns]


vt. 提高,加强,增加

organized ['ɔ:gənaiz]


v. 组织

competition [kɔmpi'tiʃən]


n. 比赛,竞争,竞赛

dealing ['di:liŋ]


n. 经营方法,行为态度

enact [i'nækt]


vt. 制定法律,扮演

organize ['ɔ:gənaiz]


v. 组织





