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London on a shoestring(以极少的资金或不用资金)

London has a reputation for being expensive. It’s true that you can spend a fortune on hotels and wining and dining here(喝酒,吃饭等), it’s equally true that there are plenty of ways to enjoy the world’s greatest capital city without bankrupting yourself.

Bargain hotels(廉价酒店)
For something more than a dorm bed but less than the Ritz(里兹大饭店,以豪华著称), chains such as Travelodge(旅行社), Premier Inn and easyhotel offer great deals. Who cares about bland furnishings when rooms start from just £25? Or try Hotels & Hostels on Lonely Planet’s website for trustworthy reviews and online booking.

Free museums and concerts(免费参观博物馆和欣赏音乐会)
One of the best things about London is its museums and one of the best things about the museums is that they’re nearly all free. The British Museum(不列颠博物馆), National Gallery(国家艺术馆) and Natural History Museum (自然历史博物馆)to name just a few, all cost nada. And if you want to up your culture quotient without upping your expenditure, many churches have free classical concerts at lunchtimes.

Eat at lunchtime(午餐)
Speaking of lunchtime, it’s also the perfect time to try one of those great London restaurants you’ve heard about. All the top places offer set menus with the same food that you’ll fork out a fortune for in the evening - but at reduced prices. To keep costs down at dinnertime while discovering just how multicultural this city is, seek out one of London’s ethnic eateries. Indian and Chinese restaurants usually offer good quality and low prices, though you can also find everything from Afghan and Korean to Hungarian. Or for something more traditional but still cheap, fish and chip shops are still easily found.

Cheap theatre(廉价的剧院)
You’ve been fed and now you want to enjoy London’s famed theatre scene. As long as you’re not particular about what you see, head for the half-price ticket booth in Leicester Square(莱斯特广场). Tickets are sold for the same evening and getting there as soon as it opens (10am) means more choice. The cheapest cinema tickets in town can still be found at the Prince Charles off Leicester Square.

Further information
Rather dash off down Endell Street for some haddock and chips followed by a pint at the Coach & Horses than read online articles about London? Of course you would - here’s the latest Encounter guide to help get your plan together.

Also check out what the good people of our Thorn Tree community have to say about the latest London cash saving tips on food, quick trips and getting around the city.



  里兹---卡尔顿公司的创始人凯撒。里兹被称为世界豪华饭店之父。他于1898年6月与具有“厨师之王,王之厨师”美誉的August Ausgofier----一起创立了巴黎里兹饭店,开创了豪华饭店经营之先河,其豪华的设施、精致而正宗的法餐,以及优雅的上流社会服务方式,将整个欧洲带入到一个新的饭店发展时期。随后于1902年在法国创立了里兹--卡尔顿发展公司,由它负责里兹饭店特许经营权的销售业务,后被美国人购买。




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