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The Shift to Domestic Consumption

China’s capital intensive export led growth model has served it very well. But it has also led to the creation of a number of imbalances which the Chinese Government rightly recognises as requiring attention.

The first of these is social inequality. China’s efforts to raise hundreds of millions of its citizens out of poverty rapidly increasing the per capita GDP of its citizens are impressive and commendable. However, the benefits of China’s massive growth have not been shared by all. Economists have noted that the Gini coefficient – a measure of overall income inequality – has increased from around 0.3 in the mid-1980s to 0.47 now. Since the late 1980s, the gap in urban income between the top 10 per cent and the bottom 10 per cent has widened from seven times to more than 20 times. Average per capita income is now more than three times that of rural areas.

Australia warmly welcomes the Chinese Government’s announcement of a range of key targets to tackle this inequality. Among them are: pension schemes to cover all rural residents and 357 million urban residents; an increase in the minimum wage by no less than 13 per cent per year; and in housing, the construction and renovation of 36 million apartments for low-income families. Education spending will remain a priority, while the pharmaceuticals and healthcare system will be broadened to cover more of the population. These policies will help to ease the problems of income inequality in China. But they will also reduce the need for China’s citizens to maintain such a high rate of saving to compensate for inadequacies in the social-welfare system. Efforts to improve China’s system of income redistribution, access to social housing and health care and the wages of China’s lowest-income earners, coupled with the rapid growth in the size of China’s urban middle class, will certainly assist China to make the transition towards a consumption-led model of growth.

Another challenge China faces as a consequence of its phenomenal economic growth has been the environmental cost. China’s emergence as the ‘world factory’ has seen it become a net exporter of energy intensive goods such as steel and aluminium. According to the 2010 Environmental Performance Index compiled by Yale University and Columbia University, China ranks 121st internationally for its performance against environmental policy goals such as climate change, air pollution and water access.

To address these problems, the Chinese Government has announced far-reaching plans: to increase the share of non-fossil fuels in China’s energy mix to 11.4 per cent of primary energy consumption; to cut energy consumption per unit of GDP by 16 per cent; to cut carbon dioxide emission per unit of GDP by 17 per cent; and to reduce water consumption per unit of value-added industrial output by 30 per cent. These policies complement existing efforts by the Chinese Government to increase the contribution to its energy mix of nuclear and gas-fired power generation, which are less carbon-intensive than coal. These will help underpin China’s efforts to transition China towards a more sustainable growth path – and to contribute to the global response to climate change.





