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来源:原版英语 编辑:melody   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

2003年11月,人民教育出版社出版了《李岚清教育访谈录》。2004年金秋时节,不到一年的时间, 便有英译本问世。英译本取名《Education for 1.3 Billion 》(《为了13亿人的教育》),是由我国的外语教学与研究出版社和英国的培生教育出版集团(Pearson Education) 共同出版的。




4.6 “尚方宝剑”和“借东风”


4.6 Applying the 'imperial sword' and seizing the opportunities (1)


Virtually all China's universities have been involved in the overall restructuring and administrative reform. Some have been merged despite the fact that they were around for decades. Some have been renamed after they were merged. Progress, however, has largely been smooth. How do you feel about orchestrating such massive reform?

注1. 这一节的题目非常生动,用了两个典故。第一个典故,译文保留了原文的形象,第二个典故则没有保留。这是为什么?也许我们看到下面就明白了。




Li Lanqing:

The smooth progress of reform can be attributed to the following factors. (2)

First, we have organized studies of government policies to clarify the situation and reach a consensus on what we wanted to accomplish. (3) Deng Xiaoping had put forward many scientific viewpoints on education reform. During a meeting with leaders of the four Jiaotong universities (Beijing, Shanghai, Southwest and Xi'an) (4), Jiang Zemin said, "In our work on education we must tackle two major issues. (5) One is that education must meet the demand of the modernization drive for qualified professionals at all levels and of all types; the other is that managerial quality and efficiency has to be raised across the board in school administration. These two issues may be seen as the two major changes essential to China's work on education." (6)

To effect the "two major changes" in higher education, which is pivotal to education as a whole, reform of the administrative system has to be deepened. (7) A series of principles and policies on education reform are featured in the Program for China's Education Reform and Development issued by the central government, the reports to the 14th and 15th National Congresses of CPC, and the reports on government work delivered by the premiers of the two successive central governments to the National People's Congress. The NPC and its Standing Committee have passed several laws on education. We have organized careful studies of all these principles, policies, documents and laws for the single purpose of reaching a consensus among leaders at all levels. (8) I likened these principles, policies, documents and laws to the "imperial sword" - symbols of supreme authority. (9) We need the "imperial sword" to focus our minds and actions. The situation cries for higher education reform. At a time when the socialist modernization drive is going strong, with the socialist market economy here to stay, and science and technology progressing apace, higher education has to be transformed - both to meet the demands of socioeconomic development and to shoulder the great historical mission of rejuvenating China. (10) Once the situation and tasks come into focus, reaching a consensus becomes simple.

注2. 这句译文值得注意的是attribute一词。英语需要表达“归功于……”之类的意思是,经常用这个词。

注3. 这句原文像个小标题,用分词来译也是可以的。但译文加了东西,比较长,更像一个句子,所以还是用we作主语较好。此外,“抓学习”若只译作organized studies,不够具体,所以译文加了of government policies。 这也不是随便加的,看一看下文就明白了。加在这里,也可以与下文有所呼应。consensus后面加了on what we wanted to accomplish, 也是因为同样的道理。

注4. 这句译文在four Jiaotong universities 后面略作解释,就是照顾外国读者的需要。

注5. 原文以“我们的教育工作”为主语,但在英文里,以we作主语更便于和动词搭配。

注6. 中文的段落比较长,而英文不太喜欢很长的段落。因此,中译英时,常需在适当的地方将一段分为两段,甚至分为更多的段落。

注7. 这句原文无主语,译文没有加we,而是用了被动语态。这也是常见的一种译法。

注8. 这里原文是一句,而译文分成了三句,这样译比较清楚。

注9. 这一句把“尚方宝剑”之所指作了说明,译者更对其含义作了解释。有这句话在这里与本节的题目相呼应,意思就很清楚了,因此题目的译文保留了原文的形象。其实,即使没有这句话,题目这样译,意思也是清楚的。

注10. 原文“随着”后面有三个名词词组,译文若只用with来引导,显得结构过于单调。现在译文先用At a time when引出一个从句,然后再用with,就比较灵活。



Second, we must look forward, waste absolutely no time on unnecessary arguing and hype, and work more in a down-to-earth way. (11) In the beginning, some people had suggested criticizing the drawbacks in higher education prior to reform. (12) I said no and persuaded them to look at things from the perspective of historical materialism, otherwise we could never find the criteria for telling right from wrong. (13) A major reason why the Communist Party of China is a mature party is because we are good at applying dialectical materialism and historical materialism when handling the relationship between inheriting and developing. All achievements, no matter how big, have historical limits, and the "I told you so" attitude gets us nowhere. (14) Today, everyone is saying the reform is correct and rather farsighted. However, many years in the future, if people use their contemporary standards to judge the reform of today, they may see it as some sort of unfathomable "antique". But can you negate the reform and its results today because of that? Therefore, unnecessary arguments can do nothing for the progress of reform but hinder it. (15) We can only proceed from reality, carry out reform to redress existing problems, and do what we can under the circumstances. (16)

重点单词   查看全部解释    
opportunity [.ɔpə'tju:niti]


n. 机会,时机

mature [mə'tjuə]


adj. 成熟的,(保单)到期的,考虑周到的

negate [ni'geit]


v. 否定,否认,打消

unnecessary [ʌn'nesisəri]


adj. 不必要的,多余的

supreme [sju:'pri:m]


adj. 最高的,至上的,极度的

publicity [pʌb'lisiti]


n. 公众的注意,宣传,宣扬,宣传品,广告

hinder ['hində]


adj. 后面的
vt. 阻碍,打扰

overall [əuvə'rɔ:l]


adj. 全部的,全体的,一切在内的

essential [i'senʃəl]


n. 要素,要点
adj. 必要的,重要的,本

decade ['dekeid]


n. 十年


关键字: 庄绎 李岚清




