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来源:普特 编辑:sunny   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

Fourth, we will actively respond to climate change. We will improve our ability to adapt to it and ameliorate its effects. We will work hard to develop low-carbon technologies; promote application of highly efficient, energy-conserving technologies; develop new and renewable energies; and intensify development of smart power grids. We will accelerate afforestation, increase forest carbon sinks and expand our forests by at least 5.92 million hectares. We need to energetically build an industrial system and consumption pattern with low carbon emissions. We will participate in international cooperation to address climate changes and work for further progress in the global fight against climate change.


We will promote balanced economic development between regions. We will continue to develop the western region on a large scale, comprehensively reinvigorate the old industrial bases in northeast China and elsewhere, energize the development of the central region, and support the eastern region in taking the lead in development. We will conscientiously implement all plans and policies for promoting regional economic and social development. We will accelerate growth of development priority zones. We will focus on formulating and implementing policies for economic and social development in Xinjiang, Tibet, and Tibetan ethnic areas in Sichuan, Yunnan, Gansu and Qinghai provinces. We will increase support for old revolutionary areas, ethnic minority areas, border areas and poverty-stricken areas. When implementing the overall strategy for regional development, we will emphasize exploiting different regions' comparative advantages and making well-targeted efforts to solve major problems arising in the course of development in each region. We will focus on reversing the growing gap in economic and social development between regions, balancing their development better, accelerating the improvement of the public finance system, and snaking access to basic public services more equal.


3. Improving the balance between urban and rural development and strengthening the foundation for the development of agriculture and rural areas


After six consecutive years of increases in grain output and rural incomes, it is vital we sustain our good work in the areas of agriculture, rural areas, and farmers. In accordance with the requirements for balancing urban and rural development, we need to make solving problems faced by agriculture, rural areas, and farmers a top priority in all our work; further strengthen our policies to aid agriculture and benefit farmers; coordinate industrialization, urbanization, and agricultural and rural modernization; and consolidate and build upon the good situation in agriculture and rural areas.


We will promote the steady development of agriculture and a continuous increase in rural incomes. We will keep grain production stable; expand the total area sown with oilseed; increase supplies of important agricultural products in short supply; implement a large-scale effort to increase the production of grain, cotton, oilseed, and sugar; standardize farming practices in horticulture, animal husbandry, and aquaculture; and ensure the security of the "rice bag" (grain supply) and "vegetable basket" (non-staple food supply). We will continue to provide direct subsidies for grain producers, and increase general subsidies for purchasing agricultural supplies and subsidies for purchasing superior crop varieties and agricultural machinery and tools. The central government will allocate 133.5 billion yuan for this purpose, a year-on-year increase of 6.04 billion yuan. We will further raise minimum grain purchase prices. The minimum prices of early indica rice, middle-season and late indica rice and japonica rice will be raised by 0.06 yuan, 0.1 yuan and 0.2 yuan per kilogram respectively, and the minimum price of wheat will be raised by 0.06 yuan per kilogram. We will continue to implement the policy of purchasing and temporarily stockpiling major agricultural products and give farmers more tangible benefits. We will increase fiscal support for major grain-producing, pork-producing, and cattle farming counties. We will vigorously develop the processing industry for agricultural products, promote industrialization in agriculture, support the upgrading and renovation of wholesale markets and markets for farm produce, and promote closer linkage between production and the market. We will help rural residents find jobs or start their own businesses, and increase rural incomes through a variety of channels. We will intensify poverty alleviation and development and work tirelessly to eradicate poverty and backwardness so that rural residents can soon live a prosperous and happy life.


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bask [bæsk]


vi. 取暖,舒适地晒太阳,沐浴于

obtain [əb'tein]


vt. 获得,得到
vi. 通用,流行,存在

security [si'kju:riti]


n. 安全,防护措施,保证,抵押,债券,证券

spectacular [spek'tækjulə]


adj. 壮观的,令人惊叹的
n. 惊人之举,

collect [kə'lekt]


v. 收集,聚集
v. 推论

distinctive [di'stiŋktiv]


adj. 独特的

interference [.intə'fiərəns]


n. 妨碍,干扰
[计算机] 干涉



adj. 悬浮的;暂停的,缓期的(宣判)

vocational [vəu'keiʃənəl]


adj. 职业的

simplify ['simplifai]


v. 简化,使单纯
vt. 简化




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