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真实生活英语Unit16:Further Education进修
时间:2007-3-29 17:40:36  来源:本站原创  作者:alex  测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 
第 1 页:英文对话
第 2 页:Vocabulary and Phrases

Part Four: Monologue
Carl’s Note
Americans watch a lot of television. Many people, especially doctors and teachers, think they watch too much. There are at least seven to ten free channels in every city, and cable TV offers up to a hundred stations for around $40 dollars a month. Cable TV stations will often only show one thing: movies, news, sports, entertainment news, financial news, there are even stations that show nothing but cooking shows. If you get a satellite TV, you can get 300-500 TV stations. If you have time, you can watch every college and professional basketball game in the country. The effect on children of this much television is especially troubling. Teachers complain that students neglect their homework and do not read for pleasure anymore, and doctors note that children who watch too much TV are often not physically fit.

Part Five: Vocabulary
--television 电视,电视广播
--educational 教育的
--cable 缆;索;钢索
--satellite dish碟形卫星信号接受器
--news 新闻;消息;报导
--channel 频道,波段
--complain 抱怨,发牢骚,诉说
--neglect 忽视,忽略

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