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李阳疯狂英语脱口而出MP3实战篇之疯狂挑战篇 第二节:高级口译自测
时间:2007-9-6 23:47:02  来源:本站原创  作者:alex  测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

李阳疯狂英语脱口而出MP3实战篇之疯狂挑战篇 第二节


Premier Zhu’s Press conference

★★★★★★ 六星级•大学英语专业研究生级•同声翻译级•总统级
【Kim’s Note】Premiere Zhu definitely has a gift for communicating! His answers are always direct, to the point and well worded. He doesn’t give long vague answers. If he isn’t prepared to answer or doesn’t want to, he just says so! This no nonsense approach wins him a lot of respect in the international community. He is more than just a role model for English, he is also a role model for good communication skills in general!

Correspondent: Thank you. From Reuters. Premier Zhu, I noticed in your work report you included several   elements『要素;成分』 of Jiang Zemin’s theories, including the Three Represents and Rule by Virtue. Since you’re famous for『以……而出名』 very plain, easy to understand language, can you explain to us what the Three Represents means to the man on the street, and also what Rule by Virtue means, as you plan to practice it.
记者: 我是路透社记者。我们注意到在您的工作报告中,您谈到了江泽民主席的一些理论。比如说, “三个代表”的思想,“以德治国”的理念。(因为您以平实、易懂的语言著称,您能不能解释一下……)〖编者:该记者此处用语有些夸张做作,作为中方译员最好巧妙的省译。〗那么请问对于街上行走的普通人来说,“三个代表思想”对他们意味着什么,而你打算实施的“以德治国理念”对他们又意味着什么?

朱镕基: 我想江泽民主席提出的三个代表的思想,以德治国的理念,都是对马克思主义理论的发展。那么,也不是他一个人的意见,我们中央在这个问题上的意见是完全一致的。当然,你要我在这个地方来阐明这个思想,我想这不是时候,也许我们需要开一次国际研讨会。谢谢!
Zhu Rongji:  The theory of Three Represents and the philosophy of Rule of Virtue put forward『提出』 by President Jiang Zemin is actually the extension『伸展;伸长』 and development of Marxism theory. This is not the work of President Jiang Zemin himself, the entire CCCP committee has agreed on these points. But I don’t think today this is a fitting occasion『场合;时刻』 for me to give you a thorough elaboration『详尽的细节』, perhaps it would need an international seminar『研究会』 for a thorough discussion about the question you’ve raised. Thank you.

Correspondent:  我是亚太金融新闻社(记者), but I won’t risk 『冒险于』speaking Chinese anymore. So I’ll stick to『忠于;坚持』 English. You mentioned earlier that there was going to be a reform『改革;革新』 in taxation system in the countryside, but there would still be a shortfall『不足;差额』 in demand the money that would be available『可用的』 and that this would require a reform of the education system in rural area. So if there is actually less money, how are you going to reform the educational system to give the very poor people who need a chance to have the education that everyone else is getting in urban areas? Thank you.
记者: (我是亚太金融新闻社(记者)。)〖编者:由于此记者已用中文进行了自我介绍,所以此处就不必重复了。〗(请原谅我不敢再讲我的蹩脚中文了,我还是说英文好吧。)〖编者:此句在正式的记者招待会就不必译出来了。〗早些时候您在谈到税收改革的时候指出,改革以后,会有资金的短缺,因此需要对农村的教育进行改革,但是钱少了,怎样才能行农村教育的改革,从而确保农村地区的所有孩子跟城里的孩子一样得到应受的教育呢?谢谢!

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