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时间:2007-10-3 10:56:50  来源:本站原创  作者:alex  测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 


风月俏佳人 (Pretty Woman)
导演:  加里·马歇尔  (Marshall Garry)
主演:  李察德·基尔     (Gere Richard)
 朱丽娅·罗伯茨  (Roberts Julia)
            拉尔夫·贝拉米  (Bellamy Ralph)
出品: 1990美国试金石影片公司


Vivian: Hey sugar, are you looking for a date?
维维安:  嘿,亲爱的,想找个伴吗?
Edward: No! I want to find Beverly Hills, could you give me the directions?
爱德华:  不是的,我想去比华利山,能告诉我怎么走吗?
Vivian: Sure, five bucks.
维维安:  可以,五美元。
事实上,在美国口语中美元用 buck 代替dollar 更为常见。
Edward:  That's ridiculous【荒谬的】!
爱德华: 太荒谬了!
Vivian:  Price just went up to ten.
维维安: 现在是十美元了。
Edward:  Can you charge for the direction?
爱德华: 指路也能收费?
Vivian:  I could do anything I want to, baby, I'm not lost!
维维安: 我会做任何事情,亲爱的,但我可没有迷路!
Edward:  All right, ok? Right, you win, I lose, have changes for twenty?
爱德华: 好了,你赢了,我输了! 二十美元有找吗?
Vivian:  For twenty I will show you personal and show you where stars live.
维维安: 二十美元我会亲自带你去并告诉你明星住在哪里。
Edward:  Oh, that' s all right, I have been to the Stalon's. 
爱德华: 好吧!我刚到史泰龙的家。
Vivian:  Right.         
维维安: 是的。
Edward:  What's your name?
爱德华:  你叫什么名字?
Vivian:  What do you want to be? Vivian, my name is Vivian.
维维安:  你想它是什么?维维安,我的名字叫维维安。
Edward: Vivian?
爱德华:  维维安?
Vivian:  So what hotel are you staying at?
维维安:  那你住在哪个酒店?
Edward: The--er--Regemt Beverly Wilshire.
爱德华:  是……是里根·比华利·利歇酒店。
Vivian: In down the block right the conner.
维维安:  就在下个街区的右拐角处。
Edward: Tell me what kinda, what kinda money you girls make this days? ball-park【估计的数目】.
爱德华:  现在你们做这一行的大概要多少钱?
Vivian:  Can't take less than hundred dollar.
维维安: 不少于一百美元。
kinda 是口语中的一种变音形式,相当于 kind of,在后面我们还会看到其他几种常见的变音形式。
如: wanna (want to),gotta (got to),lotta (lot of),ya(you)等。
Vivian:  Hundred dollar a night?
维维安: 一个晚上吗?
Vivian:  For an hour.
维维安: 一个小时。
Edward: An hour? You make one hundred dollar an hour, you get a safty pin holding the boot up? You getta to be joking.
爱德华: 一个小时? 你一个小时挣一百美元,那你的鞋洞还用别针补起来?你一定是开玩笑。
Vivian: I never joke about money.
维维安:  我从不开钱的玩笑。
Edward: Hundred dollar an hour, was it stiff?
爱德华: 一百美元一个小时,真是太好赚了!
Vivian: No, but it have got potential【有潜力的】!
维维安: 不,但却很有吸引力!
Vivian:  So what do you do?
维维安: 那你是干什么的?
Edward: I buy companies.
爱德华: 收购公司。
Vivian:  What kind of companies?
维维安: 什么样的公司?
Edward: I buy companies that are in financial【经济的】 difficulty.
爱德华:  我买那些有财政困难的公司。
Vivian:  That promise you can afford a bargain.
维维安:  那可以保证你买个便宜货。
Edward:  Well, the company I'm buying this week can be a bargain price but one billion.
爱德华:  我这个星期要买的公司也是个便宜货,但价格是十亿。
Vivian: A billion dollar?
维维安: 十亿美元?
Edward: Yes.
爱德华:  是的。
Vivian: Wow! Nothing was really smart, I haven't got the eleven grade. How far did you go in school?
维维安:  哇!你太聪明了,我还没有读完高二。你读了多少书?
Edward: I went all over.
爱德华:  我一直念完大学。
Vivian: Your folks【俚语:父母】 must be very proud!
维维安:  你父母一定很骄傲!
Vivian: So you actually have billion dollars?
维维安:  你真的有十亿美元吗?
Edward: No, get it some from bank investors. Not easy thing go.
爱德华:  没有,一些是金融投资商的,这可不是件容易的事。
Vivian:  And you don't make anything and you don't build anything.
维维安:  你不生产什么东西也不建造什么东西。
Edward: No.
爱德华:  不。
Vivian:  So what would you do with the company once you buy?
维维安:  你买进公司后怎么做?
Edward: I sell.
爱德华:  卖掉。
Vivian:  Help me do that. You sell them?
维维安:  是吗!你把它们卖掉?
Edward:  Well. I don't sell the whole company. I break it up into pieces and I sold little of it which is worth the whole.
爱德华:  我并不全部卖掉它们,我把它们分成几部分,只卖掉一些能够值全部价钱的那部分。
Vivian:  So, sort of like stealing car and sold them of the parts, right?
维维安:  是不是有点像偷汽车然后拆开卖掉零部件,对吗?
Edward:  Yes, sort of. But legal【合法的】.
爱德华:  有点是这样,但合法。
Vivian:  Don't you just love Prince?
维维安: 你喜欢听“王子”的歌吗?
Edward:  More than life itself.
爱德华: 比他自己还喜欢。
Vivian:  Don't you knock?
维维安: 怎么不敲门?
Edward: Vivian, I have a business proposition for you.
爱德华:  维维安,我想跟你做个交易。
Vivian: What do you want?
维维安:  你想要什么?
Edward:  I'm going to be in town until Sunday like you to spend the week with me.
爱德华:  我将呆在这里直到星期天,我想要你陪我一个星期。
Vivian: Me?
维维安:  我吗?
Edward: Yes, best like to hire you as my employee【职员】. Would you consider spending this week with me?
爱德华:  是的,就象雇佣你为我的职员一样,你愿意考虑陪我一个星期吗?
Vivian: (Laugh)
维维安:  (笑)
Edward:  I'll pay you to be my becking-call.
爱德华:  我会付钱给你,只要你随传随到。
Vivian:  I'd like to be your becking-call girl, but you are a rich good-looking guy. You could get a million girls free.
维维安:  我愿意做你随传随到的女孩,但你是个有钱的帅哥,你可以免费叫到一百万个女孩陪你。
Edward: I want a professional. Don't need any romantic hassles this week.
爱德华:  我想要个专业级的,在这个星期,我不想狗屎般度过。
Vivian:  If you are talking twenty-four hours a day, it's gonna cost ya!
维维安:  你是说一天二十四个小时,这需要很多钱的!
Edward:  Yes, of course. All right here we go. Give me a ball-park figure, how much?
爱德华:  是的,当然。好吧,我们谈谈。你能不能粗略的计算一下,多少钱?
Vivian:  Six for nights, days too, four thousand.
维维安:  六天六夜,四千美元。
Edward:  Six nights say three hundred is eighteen hundred.
爱德华:  六个晚上,一晚三百,那就是一千八百美元。
Vivian: You want days too.
维维安:  白天你也要。
Edward: Two thousand.
爱德华: 两千美元。
Vivian:  Three thousand.
维维安:  三千。
Edward:  Done.
爱德华:  成交。
Vivian: Holy shit!
维维安:  太好了!
Edward:  Vivian Vivian. Is that yes?
爱德华:  维维安,维维安,那行吗?
Vivian: Yes. Yes.
维维安:  好,好。
Edward: I'll be gone rest of the day. I want you to buy some clothes.
爱德华: 我会出去,你去买些衣服。
Vivian: Really sure thing but travelers' check.
维维安:  你不用旅游信用卡吗? 
Edward: We may be going at evening, need something to wear.
爱德华: 我们晚上出去,需要穿一种衣服。
Vivian:  Like what?
维维安:  怎样的?
Edward: Nothing too flashy【艳俗的;花俏的】 or too sexy. Conservative【保守的】, understand?
爱德华: 不要太花俏,太性感。保守点的,知道吗?
Vivian: Boring!
维维安: 乏味!
Edward: Elegant【高贵的】! Any questions?
爱德华: 高贵!还有问题吗?
Vivian: Can I call you Eddie?
维维安: 我可以叫你爱迪吗?
Edward: I will expect the answer.
爱德华: 我会期待的。
Vivian: I would stay for two thousand.
维维安: 我会留下两千美元的。
Edward: I would pay four, I'll see you tonight.
爱德华: 我也会付你四千,今晚见。
Vivian: Baby, I'm going to treat you so nice, you never get to wanna let me go!
维维安: 亲爱的,我会好好伺候你的,你可能会不想让我走了!
Edward: Three thousand six days and Vivan I will let you go.
爱德华: 三千美元六天,到时我会让你走的。
Vivian: But I'm here now. Ha —ha — three thousand dallor!!
维维安: 但我已经在这里了。哎—哈— 三千美元!

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