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新英语900句之生活篇 Lesson16:Marriage 婚姻
时间:2007-10-30 20:20:04  来源:本站原创  作者:alex  测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 


新英语900句之生活篇 Lesson16:Marriage 婚姻

226. We’re been marriedu for fourteen years.
227. Are you still married?
228. They got married last year.
229. We were married in a church.
230. We had a small weddingv.
231. Next week is our twentieth anniversaryw.
232. We invited all our friends to the wedding.
233. It’s nice to be married.
234. My wife is from Chicagox.
235. We don’t want to have kids anytime soon.
236. I cannot imagine spending the rest of my life with any one else.
237. Not many people can say that they’re made it to their golden wedding anniversary.
238. There’s nothing sadder than a bitter divorcey.
239. It was also good that they could easily agree how to fairly divide up the marital propertyz.
240. Nevertheless, I still think it’s heartbreaking{ when a marriage splits up|.
 不过, 我仍认为一段婚姻破裂的时候是很让人心碎的。

1. married                [5mArid]          a. 已婚的,有配偶的
2. wedding              [5wediN]          n. 结婚典礼
3. anniversary         [7Ani5vE:sEri]     n. 结婚周年,结婚周年日
4. Chicago              [Fi5kB:^Eu]        n. 芝加哥(美国城市名)
5. divorce                   [di5vC:s]          n.离婚
6. marital property     [5mAritl    5prCpEti] 婚姻期间所获财产
7. heartbreaking            [5hB:t7breikIN]     a. 令人心碎的,悲痛的
8. split up                  [5split   Qp]        v. 绝交 ;分开


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