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新英语900句之生活篇 Lesson17:Sightseeing观光
时间:2007-10-30 20:20:56  来源:本站原创  作者:alex  测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 


新英语900句之生活篇 Lesson17:Sightseeing观光

241. Have you ever seen the Grand Canyonu?
242. The view is wonderful from up here.
243. Let’s go watch the sunset.
244. It’s hard to get a picture in this light.
245. The crowds spoiled the sceneryv.
246. The paved road up to the mountain ruined the sense of nature.
247. I want to see the desert in western China.
248. He said that the coast was beautiful at sunrise.
249. The train goes through some beautiful country.
250. Winter is the best time to visit because the snow is so beautiful.
251. Where should we go for our vacation this year?
252. I agree that Disney World is a great place for children and they would have a lot of fun, but. . .
253. It’s important for the kids to see such an important American landmarkw.
254. It’s very popular and they only give a limited number of toursx a day.
255. Part of sightseeing is tasting new foods from different places.

1. Grand Canyon  [5grAnd  5kAnj[n]  (美国)  大峡谷
2. scenery             [5si:nEri]           n. 风景,景色
3. landmark            [5lAndmB:k]       n. 界碑, (建筑)明显的目标
4. tour                [tuE]              n. 旅行,旅游,游览


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